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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

niiiience it at once, and if the amount was insufficient to complete the building enough could be easily raised by subscription. Hoping that Tho Prcaontatlon of i Honae and Lot tu Uiu lion, Ucorgo Hull, 4c. At a meeting at the Packet' Institute, on Wednesday evening, Doc. 31, of citizens of lirooklyn, pursiitiiit to lh invitation of the Coin- OatTDART. Col Thomas F.

Hunt, Assistant Qlii'lermaster-Geiioral, U.S.A., died at New Orleans on the 22d December. Hn had been stationed at New Orleans for tunny yeurs. During tlie Mexican wur his duties us iarterrnas-t. were arduous, and he discharged them with with this fearful disease In the vicinity of Kew Utrecht acting the part of physician and nurse, when all others had lorsukenlhera, with out lee or ftjwnrd, except that of conscience arising from good ddeds Let us have the pleasure of recording onotliur act justice and i from Washington. It is stated that a hitter unu unrelenting war 1 wiy be made in the Semite to kill the Huure resolution giving Ueh.

Scott his baek pity. A i.ti.i.ber uf.S-ntor have been faruitiied oerteii. information by one ol the sccretaiics against the General. PRIDI VISING, JAM. 2d.

J857. Jinn Appl, tin, of Maine, who hasbeenspenj new Veai's Day, i Mg some tune with Mr, liuchanau, was tX eet Otir people very generally abstained from' bo- Urt Mr. u-ne of Mr yesterday and devoted themselves lo i sure. Of there were a grat many remonious and unceremonious calls made nearly every family in the city kept open house-There Wat lets boisteroue conduct iu the streets than usual, both during the day and night, and this morning than' usual. JIavor UU and Mr.

Powell, Mayor elect, received their friends in1 the Mayoj a ofSce, City Hall. No refreshments it. i i u.e, Highs left ill disgust upon discovering this. It afforded considerable amusement to Ihe knowing ones who were standing iu the ante chamber to See the unwashed prepare themselves lor a feaat before euteiiiig into the presence of the Mayor. They ediplied their mouths ami enter- mm .1.

od with the most becoming gravity, but upon looking around and seeing nothing to eat or drink, they were suddenly disgusted and left. Mayor Hall, after receiving the congratulations of the season, introduced each comer to tho Mayor elect. Several of the ununified" declined going through with thisformiilit.y. Mayor Hall remarked Hint he could iutroduoi them very well asjiehad on a former occasion introduced them to the keeper of the Penitentiary. This was not liked, am) one of this class in the afternoon, while laboring under the erroneous tiutioH thai Mayor ilall was uut uf uflice.

at tempted lo insult him, but he speedily found uut his mistake, but nut until he was iutarceialrd in the 1st District cells. Ex Mayor Lumln-rt attempted on one New Year's day to furuish the crowd with refreshments aud we do not believe another Mayor will attempt it dining the present generation. A large number of our most respectable citizens called lo pay their respects lo tha two Mayors und every thing there passed off very pleeeantly. niKSUMATioy, Martin Folk, of the Chief's Office, aud Officer Mathews, of the Mayor's Office, were each during the day presented with a cuke basket at the Mayor's Office, by the worshippers of Mr. Beech-er'a Church In the evening there were numerous balls and a general illumination of private residences and throughout the city every thing passed ofi' pleasantly.

CNtilNJt COMPANY NO. 17. On New Year's eve cards of invitations were extended by the members of this company to their friends to meet with them at their bouse in Lawrence street. At the stated time 3 12 o'clock) the engine room was tilled quite com- Moi Ubly, and about 10 the company were inviu ed to the meeting room, in which were prepai-ed a magnificent feast. Hon.

Henry A. Muoie was appointed chairman ou the occasion and upon taking the chair stated to the company present that before they would discuss the edibles, Mr, M. M. N. Smith had a little duty lo perform.

Mr. arose amid blushing honors ami culled upon M. Burrill to accept a beauti- I fjl fire cap which was a present from the mem bers under his command. Afier Mr. Burrill had replied Judge Moore rose again und stated that a duty had to be peifoimed by him also, and after a few pertinent remarks iu hie usual witty style, presented Miijor M.

N. Smith with a Belies of resolutions on his retirement from active duty with the Company. Major Smith as well aa Mr. liurrill were each taken bv turpi ise and neither could proceed to muke many remarks, as ihe tears of gratitude rolled from their eyes. Alter the presentation the company present commenced tl eir attack on the leathered tribe and other good things provided.

Ol the resolutions, tln-y are beautiful indeed, got up iu the best style uf Mr. J. P. Lomas, who is cclehrutcd in our city for his 1'ire Depart- I nit-nt work, and we think the exotutiou of I hem is' an art very seldom attained by mutt pelinieu. They are equal to the resolutions presented by No, 3 uf this city lo No.

0 uf New Haven, which was executed by the ulue geiillrliiaii, Of the cup it ia a highly linUhed "Grata cap," made ul a cost uf (32 and ben is an inscription ou silver: rm-FNTtn to WILLIAM lil 1UULL av THE Men. but uf Brooklyn K.nuinc Or. No. 17. The company began Jispeiriiig somewhere mar the small hours of jestei day.

Success to the 1'ire Department. In the case of McCaun, who is sentenced to be bung at, Altuny ou the 28th of January for lb murder uf his ife, a bill of exceptions has been served by the prisoner's council, and is now being settled by Judge Gould, alter which a stay of txecntiou will be granted in order to hear the aigumeiit to set aside the Verdict. Cohklaokations. The grist and saw mill of Messrs. Merry A Gay, at Milan, Ohio, togetlie Meeker i Skinners block factory, wuie Burnt on Wednesday morning.

I. The lornier'a loss is estimated at from lo $13,000 the latter at fiitOO. No insurance. The medical depaitment ol the University of Luuisville was destroyed by tire ou Wednesday morning. The loss iscoveied hy Insurance, aud enough of the apparatus was saved to rnalde the lectures lo be coutinued in the Lw Depart Accipknti On Wednesday last, December 24' li.

Joseph Powell uf this villagd, living on tile Mei lick road, was asaisliug Ins men in lunj-lug a I 'ad of hay, hen Ihe boom, upon hich he was selling, ou Hie top of liie load, broke, and Mr Powell wis thrown to the ground with such forcv, upon Ins head, that he remained insensible for more than a hole day. He is recovering. i the same day, Mr. Johannes Lett, father in- i I I WULTtl JSQJUhLifl KAVllNui IMSTT KJ tion, WU I Ulantio, corner ot Clinton De' tort ore hcrebji. 'lolifled, that interest at the rat', six p.

cent rnnuiu on all sums of S5 to 5 and of fire per s) ut on all sums over 8600, wi! credited to dei tins entitled thereto, on the January, piyabll on the 20th uf January. Inteiest not call fur, will draw interest as a uosit from the lirski if January. rf tl be All deposits itintJf, on or before tho 10th of Ju ary, will draw inte -t at if made uu the fin Jauuary. Lecemb 24th, 18'i6. By or of the Board.

1KA SMITH, i. iCMHino, ceu B. Bayui, Comptroller. lOASOl if TlltSrtKs Ira Smith J. 8.

T. Stranahan, OeorgeA Jams, Thomas Hndmau, Lira eheiih Kniirht K. A Lambert, i J. Whilnev Cowe Jrul (aysa lis 6r John Taylor, David Bufluui, A. P.

Ostrotn, Samuel Osborne, James Van Nctlr.ind, nilliam Poole, J. w. Urecne, Jnmes E.ombworthds 6ri i 1 t. P. Perrin, J.

P. Wallace. Joseph Kelcham. jr, V'harles Christinas A lluntingtun, lhrlcs Stanton Oeo. P.

Titus, Sullivan Bunk open daily from 10 to and on MundaviJ sataiday eveniuirs troui lou d24 3a "0 AST RIVER fA v'INuS HANK NO HflHAti mj hnri fttrn ihwira frnm Mew York. Open every day from 10 A.M. until lf" P. and on Thursday evenings, fiotn 5 to 7 o'cH ty Six per oent interest allowed ou sums fioiu 5 ut 8500, and five per cent on sums above 8300. A moneys deposited on or before tho 10th of Januai will draw interest from the 1st.

Alyr PiSTKR II. TITL'S, President, Uco Chai. A. WHiTNtv, Sec'y. dlH ditojall) (iw I.IXTIUIII, rnonKi.Y ixsriTinn akntal LJ of Lectures, to eoiumence November 0 The following geutlemen are engaged to lecture.

1830. Deoauibur 4, 25, Rev. W. II. Milburn.

mi January 6, Hev. J. S. C. Abbott.

13, Dr. Newoomb. ii, 29, E. S. Yeoman.

6, Cassius Clay. 12, Dr. Charles King. February 19, Mr Park Benjamin. 2rj, 'Jio-cts for the course, admitting a gentleman 1.1,..

ti nu Doors open at 7 o'clock, P. M. Lectures com monce at 7 1 2 P. M. Tickets may be bad of either of the Directors, cu-in attbt lustitute.

tt nl BOLLIX SANDF0RD, I1 Samuel Locxsiicuv, -hut ilLlAo LEWIS, JR, A. A LANK, TII0MAL KOWB. no25 IX Lectare Committee, nh M'l-XIAL LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD The Couisius due 1st January Ie57, on ilisfSdi, Mortnage Bonds of this Company, will bo paid si the City Bank uf Brooklyn, un and after Januar; 2d, lb'57. Brooklyn, 27th Dec. 1836.

d27 2w W. S.S. RUSSELL, Treasurer. BALL SEASON CLINTON HALL -Tilt' Marble Building, 122 Clinton, corner uf Atlso-tio street, can accommodate Dancing Partita suj Soirees lbs Ilall is ibxtv leel witn supper ana Dressing roouis additional and complete. Apply io i J.

A. iiiu.ur-u.., viec.ouerB, ii i l.nttiiic i A. I Atkena-uu Building. d20 Im OFFICE OF TUB BROOKLYN GAS LlliUI Company, Dec. 2 2d, The electon for nine Directors uf the Com pany for the ensuing year will be held at the ouir of the Company, No.

I court atreet, on AIU.NDA Vi the I2ib day ot January next, fiuui the hours of 1 noon to 1 r. ii. V. T. 11 ALL, d22 3a Secretary.

0F FFICE OF REPAIUs AND oLPPLIEi No. 4 City Ilall. All persons having claims against the City of Brooklyn uoutracied for by the CoraaiiJsioner of Kepaiisanl Supplies, will please present them for payment to thisuBice without delay. Jtuvember lStn, 13j0. JOHN M.

PERRY. tf Commissioner uf Repairs und Supplies IN 0TICE -BROOKLYN CENTRAL DISl'EX- tori of the lirooklyn Central Dispensary will be on MONDAY1 EVb' January 5th. at ITJ C.l. 1 tne Lil pensary mums, iu unou avenue, trum iv 9 r. for the purpose of electing Trustees, accord ing to the act ot incorporation.

iv i U31 3tx WM. MACKKY, Seot'y. NOTICE -ALL PERSONS WHOM IT MAY concetn are hereby notified, that the Coinuiis- sioners appointed to aieerUm and determine tho sf -the damage suffered or to bJ suffered by any per-sons, by reason of Ihe taxing of lands for, and the constructing of the Water Worki. I The Nassau Water Company will meet at the lh office of the said Company in Fulton street near the Ilull in Ih. filv nt Mlk 'OCl of February next, at 10 o'clock A.

to hear all persons interested in respect of the land required for, and of the dumsgei laused and to be caused hy, the oonstruetion of the Conduit, Ac for the said Water Works, between Ridge Wood und Baiseley'i Pond, in Queens County. Brooklyn Dec. 29th, 1 8." 6. TUNIS O. BEROKX, john n.

baker, JOHN S. SNUDEKER, d31 6 Cuinmissionerl. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO TUK Legislature uf this State at its next session for Ihe passage of a law authorising the subscriber to construct a dam in and across the mill creek in the town of Fiatlauds, Kingi County, within the limits bounded by her lands. Dated Flatbusb, December 26, 1 S5 d31 lawbw MARGARLT CROOK E. (lADLEY'S NIAGARA SHADES, SO.

229 Henry street, 1st bouse SB of Atlantic street, Brooklyn. At this establishment gentlemen will find all desirable refreshments of superior quality. Cigars of the very choicest brands, and table well supplied with American and European papers. Hot joints daily from 1 to 3 O'clock. Free Lunch ferved up at 101 o'clook, A.

M. ocU a HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. CHARLES Swirr, bat the pleasure to announce tu friends and the citisent of Brooklyn generally that be bai opened the Hotel and Restaurant, on the corner of Court and Montague streets, (formerly kept by Messrs. Hopkins and Toynbee The European plan la adopted, as beat calculated to please and autisfv bis customers. It if intended to be a first class house, for first class custom, and the proprietor hopes by a strict attention to business to merit bis share uf public patronage.

Brooklyn, uv. 7, 185b. no? ti DASt'lXG ACADEMIES. AD0DW0RT1I DANCING ACADEMIES, a INo. 300 Broadway, Ntw York No- 137 Moo-tague place, Brooklyn.

New York Cleieei en Wednesday! and Brooklyn Classes ou Tuesdays an i Fridays, at 3 and 4 p. m- for Ladies aud Children at 8 m. ler Gentlemen. Ladies' Private Class at 2 p. ui.

Pupils can eoiimence at any time daring the season. Practicing Assemblies for Ladies sad Gentlemen every lony aveuii Brooklyn, and every Saturday eveoitg ia New York. yormer pupils nay subscribe for Assemblies I -r VOAL WOOD, stn. WOOD! W00DM -BULL'S HKAU Hushing avenue WW art too JurJ luortioa of Flatbusb aaj Fulton atenues, beiea Nevins and Powers straeta, and alu, cor. uf and ashingtoo avenaee Oak, Vis and wood, and I'ual of all kinds oooxauUy tod for taisj at the lowest, taarket pWs 1 mJ tf WM.

I WALTSRi. uor led I blo dt Lth iav in I fdraj reg UOl ut as lerf Er. left lent I ling ice el s. kin or uk at 'In, trill ef wnm the new Hoard is organize1, they will take the matter into their-serioiis consideration, is I he sincere desire of a Cirizns Soiuiuk. Thr'er Dare Luier roai Xurope.

U. et-'aun Niugarn, from Liverpool ut 8, I'. M. on Satiuibiy, the 2dih arrived at II ilil'nx on Wednesday nt 1 1 30 P. M.

Her dabs me three d.iyi later ihau those received by the Fulton at New York, The Niagara passed the American ships Nehe-mie, Stephen Crowell, and Plutarch going into Liverpool. December 25th, Lat. 62, Long. 28, pise steamship Arabia, bound east. 'Ihe Collins steamship Ericsson.arrived at Liverpool on Friday evening, Dec, 19lli.

The ship Dreadnought arrived at Liverpool als on the 1 Vtli ult, bringing one later news. The sterner Persia arrived iu the Mersey al 7 o'clock ou the morning of the 20th December, The greatest speed that she attained ou her pi t-sage was 239 miles in 21 hours. A steamer had arrived from the wrecked ship Adriatic, aud reported that should the weather keep moderate there was every aign of the ship coming olf without much damage. It Wat still supposed that the Congress uf Paris would re-assemble before the now year, but nothing official bad beeu stated. Count Wa-lewski, it is said, proposes that some compensation should begiveu to ftussia for the loss of Belgrade, and Russia proposes to accept a piece of land between the Kiver Tulpuk and one of its tributaries.

A Paris despatch tayt that Austria ia the on ly power that has not yet named a representative to the Cougiess, but iron Hnbtier will probably represent Austria, aud Baron Bruno, Russia. Transports are being taken up in England for reinforcements to the Indian Expedition against Persia. Eight regimtuls have orders to be iu readiness. Captain Ilartslein, and the officers and crew of the Resolute, are to return home iu a BritUh ship. From want of time, lliey had to decline imitations to dine with the Geographical Society, and other public bodies.

Three thousand persons visited the Resolute after the Q'leen left. The queen scut aiu0lo be distributed among the crew, A great meeting had been held at Burning hum lo proteat against the continuance of tha War Income Tax. Resolutions were pnssed-that the law iu its present lorn) is unjust, oppressive, degrading, and not to -be derated by a fiee people. The movement is spreading toother parts of the country Au editorial in the Moniteur on tile, Neufcha-tel had uttracteduonsidcrable attention. It epeuks iu ush terms respecti ig Switzerland.

The Prince of Prussia, present in Paris, i the bearer of au autograph invi'ation to lhe Emperor Napoleon, to visit Beiliu in the It is said the Emperor Napoleon has accept jd ihe it vituiioii, A deputation of Maldo- Wullachinn ra" Jo, iu Palis, have presented a ldrerfes lo tba tiu peror. iu favor of a union uf the Prinuipilitres Several of the French papers are alvmetiiu; Ihe establishment of government line ofeteant ers. The Constitutions! sa thai the present state of the uoney market is the sole banier The proposes a government subsidy lo the existing steamers, and adds that, governiienl is about to reconsider the quesliou of I Line a qu-stiun that has beei adjourned so often, and which as the luss uf the aieainetf Pacific, the Cly of Philadelphia, and the Lyon-iiais, rencVr l.oie than ever iinlispensible. Madrid ad'ices are to the 15lll of December. TheMadiil Gazette contains iui article appointing M.

dun, Ambassador to the Court of A Berlin ltter states that the Prussian note relative to teufchalel would be read to the Germanic Dili on the 18lh of December. Toe stulerf feeling is reported to be so bad in Hungary hut the Austrian heads of Departments are tomeet in consultation on the subject, Prussia is pukim; great preparations to move agaiusl Switterlaiid. Considerably mora than two urine corn, asat first intended, will be mobilized for iinii-'iliute service, A Paris disfulch says a friendly power (nr.t named) is uulerstood to have suggested that Switzerland liould be required to accede 10 Pi ussiu's detniiid for the release of the Nuf-chulel pi isoneB by a collective note from the powers which signed the protocol of London. This would emble Switzerland lo make an bun oiable The failure Robert Johnson it warehousemen, Liadon, and George Ash worth Co. iiiaiiufacurers, Manchester, is announced.

The liabilities the latter are about 100,000. The fall ol ierat from Persian sources is confirmed. Accoints show Ihe defence to have bee-i bravely sustained. The city was only giving up wlen all hopee of defending it eue-CeS'fully had Psappoared. In England a strong feeling is getting up.

mimical to the war with Persia, arisitir out of this siege. A meeting tad beeu held at Newcastle Upon-Tyne, to deiounce the piratical expedition against Persii; and on Friday night, bills were posted about Loudon, warning soldiera against taking part ii the "piratical invasion of Pr-eia." Sicily is repsrled tranquil. Baron Bentiven-o i a piisomr in the bauds of the royal authorities. Mitiy other persons have been captured, and arrve every day in Palermo. The Pelsia'l news caused all advance in cotton of 116 i 1 8 The business to day is esli-ated at as mmli at 25 OnO bales, of which speculators look The niaikel cloeed wilh an active de-uund.

Breadstuff's quiet and generally unchanged. Provisions also are unaltered. LlBta.tL Tie clerks in the Exchange Bank, New York, contributed fit for the widow of Corn-lius Canton, murdered in 31 avenue Sunday lust. Who comet next, Roeaaav Cn Christmas night, about 10 o'clock aa Mr. Jararf Bond, (brother in law of Mr.

J. Vea.) aa pasiug through New York Avenue Ii this village, he waa met by twovilbaiit who knocked him down, and robbed him of gold. No clue lias Iweii discovered ul the rubers. Mr. B.

is a laboring m.n abd lh loaa brt heavy hiiu. Il is lime uur villagers wra awakeoeJ tha oeretaily of having a sight watck X. 'jiuillee appointed in relation to tile presetltittion of usuituble t-s iniotiial to the lion. George Hall, Mayor, und to John C. C.innn-yer, Esq for their services during the season of the ye low fever.

Cu'eb llarston, was, on motion of the Hon. Cyrus P. Smith, called to the Chair, and H. Ca ly. Esq on motion of Mr.

A. W. Benson, was appointed Secretary. Mr A. Low then, with tomt preliminary;s, read, under instructions of the Committee on their part, the following cotnuiunict tion 31, 1S5S.

Sib -At a mooting of some uf your follow-eiti- wit, held on tiie evening ut the 1 lb October, the ua lersigned were appoiuied a Comiuittee to express to you by a suitable testimonial their sense of the value uf your serr.cas to the oily, especially during ihe prevalence uf yeliow fever, ia the past suiuoior un autumn. In pursuance of the nbjoct of their appointment, suj through the liberality of individuals, whose names are auojomej, m-y nave purcaaseu a nouss '1 lol. of which th. da.d this. It is tho spontaneous gift of a community alive te vaur dHVUlioa tu their inlHresls Ihrouih ra inv vinri rent by your voluntary exposure to peril in their be lt dt' during the late trying crisis.

It is not to be concealed that the fears of many were justly excited by the near approach of an epidemic of the most fatal character; a seourgo, which in fact visited the outskirts of the city, and threatened its very centre and that a wide-spread panic was near being the within its thickly settled borders TurouKhnut this time of trial your care of the sick and dying wherever the pestilence in places near or remote, in the habitations of the rich nil puor alike, bus baen nutoriois. The alarm svUioh would have scattered hundreds of families, was stayed by your manly and christian efforts to track the eril wherever it appeared by personal visitation The hesitating were thus induced to remain at homo and tho hopes of all strengthened by youc wntchfuluess. fidelity and oourage. Werks of self sacrificing have always won the admiration of men. When, in the Providence of God, a country is plunged war, and Ihe patriot steps lorth 10 battle tor her rights, glory an i honor are the reward when the magistrate in the disoharge of his civil duty, exposes bis life for the protection of the public interests, regardless of all thing, else, he is not less deserving of praise I when the oitizeus i hits the sick aud needy, lifts up the down-oast, and reclaims the be irives to the world a neble example; when he seeks thou, out in the places of disease, pestileuee aud deutb, the "good Samaritan" becomes the undaunted apostle These high traits of character enter into the familiar story of your lite; and too citiseniof Brook ly 1 would be faithless i the sentiment that honors unge, to thuir high sense of honest worth, and to the value of true Christian pliiUnlhrouv, did they peiuiit to pass unnoticed and uiiocknowleged, your heroism, your laiihtuliiess your brave benevolence In these d.ivs, when publio men, whether justly or unjustly, are expuscd so much to publio censure, it is a privilege and a pleasure to accord a generous ami hearty praise It is the just mied of those who are williug to undertake iiuportaut trusts und administer theui faithfully- It is au appropriate stimulus to future fi le.ity.

The pestilence Hint walketh in darkness and w.i.-tcth at noun-nay," has disappeared; and tlie undersigned would express the hope that yolr own life, which has beeu so providentially spared, may be preserved for a long career of usefulness and honor. A A. Low, Caleb C. Smith, Cadv, iloStA WeSbTEK, Wm M. Uicharos.

Alsx. Wmitk, A Piaav, W. ilaaaiHAN, R. J. 1'HonNi: ALANSON ThASK, A IISNSIN.

To Hie Honorable UE0UU1J HALL, Mr, Ilall replied, in acc-plaiice It is impossible for ma in adequate Ian guage to express to you the emotions whicu fill uiy breast, ou ibis occasion. Tie ikon of regit I with whic'i ynu have pre sented me, in itself i inunilioent, is valueless in uiy estiuiatiun in comparison with the sentiments you hive expressed in commendation ani appreciation of my to disoinirgo my duties as a magistrate an 1 to accomplish my highest aim as a citueu aud a ill among my fellow men lilu long, with lie excention of a few months of n. distance, has tieen spent in Brooklyn, and I uiy ait icliuicnt to her, und her interott has grown with my growth, andstronglheiiel wilhiny sireng'n. and lean with my hand upon iny hiart declare th it lo promote ner welfare aud advancement, i.nd ad I to tue ippiuess i alleviate the woos of her 0 tizeiis and ol my fellows generally, to the utmost of iny bu nble abiiiiits, has been tne highest aim and thii su of my eirihly am oition bul hivs 1 -oked tn the approval of my conscien and the ippiness which I ive enjoyed in the of others, for my Kiealost and only reward. I bave never anticipated th it my lello citizens would at any time bestow upon me any token uf their regard in appreciation ol my humble efforts iiiu-ta less one so and vuluoable at the una which through their liberality i have now received.

in the season of peril through which, in the mor-cifel proviiiencu of () od we ive passed with compilative safety and exemption, and ti my course duriug itbich you bave particularly refered, I felt impressed wiih a deep sense ufihe great responsibility resting upon me, and of the importatico and value of the precious interests which were in a great measui con led to my cure, and 1 felt called upon to devote my utmost energies and my life itself if Uol so filled, in the tilling up the meaauie uf toy tjentleiuen the terms in which you have spoken of my efforts to discharge those obligations are uf themselro an ample reward, but no words of praise from oiher.i, no tokens of app'eouti iu can equal the sa'isfaction uf my heart in its cohsciousuee of having been prompted an I enabled to go forward in the path of duty, a I tho' that pith might lead into the grave- Uentloman. I think you and those whom you re-proscnt most sincorely for this generous gift, and for the sentiuients towards ma which you have express-el, and I shall treasure the one, and cherish the recollection of the other through the remaining days of my allotted time, and I snail ever look back to this occasion with feelings of proud taiiafaction and fervent gratitude. Mr. Low thereupon handed to Mr. Hall the abstract of title, Ac, to the premises, with the above letter.

Mr. Low, ou behalf of the Committee, then read the following communication to Mr, Cam- meyer OaooKLTsr, January 1st, 1937. Dear Si: At a meeting of thi ci iiai.s of Brooklyn, held on the evening uf the 7th of October, the undersigned ware appointed a Committee to express ti you, by a suitib'e lotion, their sense of the crnt value i vour services to the community dur ing the prevalence uf yellow fever, tha past summer, and autumn in of the oldxt of their appointment thsv have procured an I presented to you berewi'b, several pieces of si.ver plate, uf which they would ask your acceptance Kospejtiuiiy yourt. A A. Low, K.

Orel Smith, Wm Kicisvans, Aid White, AlansoM TaA-a, Howard Caov, Caiei Uaistom, W.e. S. iliaai.MAN, AOTIIB V. BR180X, HosEA WxiSTKB, J. A.

Pahbv TjJohsS. Cammsvee, Esq Mr. Cttiiimeyer, in reply, laid Tamugh the invitation of the Mayor, I cal led urm lo assist nun in the tune ot the yellow I 1 ver. 1 expected uo such rewar I at this. I did what I could for mv fell iws, uid for tail expression from you, ou that acciunt, 1 thank you I have not powsi luexp ea my feelings, but 1 ahall keep these beautiful piecet of plate to my latest dij, and leave 1 Iheia to my children wilh tba highrsl satisfaction.

I Ou motion of ft ti. Van Wageuir, Esq, the pr.eedinga were ordered lo Im pub llalied. a. llnreUj-ou tne meeting a.ijournea. 11 1 1T i Mbdw rtEATU -lIenry ilann was brought to the 6ih District Station House, intoxicated.

last night, aud died in the colli before morning. The toroner has been notified. I Ik Aiitr.iCiS Call, Tim Yi'urd Committed of th American party (especially the 4th, flth, 10th, 13tb nd 1 Ward?) are requested to assemble together and tnuke arrangements lor tba leltlemeBt uf their priming lilla due the Star office, ty, Suuiinarr. i The United Stutei Supreme Court have come to a decision upon tin Important queatlotii presented to the caseof Died Scott, recently argued before that tribunal. Judges Teaey of Mary-land, Daniel, of Virginia' Wayne, of Georgia Catron, of Tennessee, Nelton, of New York and Grier, of Pennsylvania, hold that Cutigrj hat no power over the question of slavery in the Territories and the Missouri com pro mitt 1 unconstitutional, and therefore of no ef feet.

Judges McLean, of aOhio, aud Curtis, uf Maatachutetts, hold that Cungresa haa power orer the question of alavery in the Territories. The decision will lie formally announced in a lew duya by Chief Justice Taney. The tteumship Vigo, hich left Havre on ths 10th nit, ia now in her twenty-eecond day uL We learn by the Fulton that the Her-luann, when ferced to put back, met the Vigo two days out Irom the abuve poitjliut owing, doubtless, to the tempestuous alnte of the Allan tic, ahe haa been unable to reach Xew York ere ii. No fears nre entertained for her safety, na the haa oo board 1,200 loiia coal, sufficient for thirty days, and her commander, Captain fiharpe, it aa officer of tried experience, ilia Vigo ie hourly expeoted. Louie Baiter, tb principal of theSUnwix Ilall tragedy, woe on Wedueaday relea from in live thousand dollars hav.

ing Leeu previouily given in hit beAilf. Patrick McLaughlin aud Juinei Turner wtr included in the order of releuie, but they are held in custody to am wer another cliaroj. The ship New York lays in bout the lame position, Much ol her cargo has been ditcher gd into the wrecking schooners, and may he up in a day or two, All the ipurt, rigging, suilsi Ac, saved front the wreck, wr aold at on Wednesday, by Messrs. Grecuough, Burdett, fc Parker, and brought about $2,000. The moat pleasing incideLt that baa fallen under our eye for ninny a -joy.

in conuictiun with our dealings with Ureal Britain, is ihe visit of Queeu Victoria, to the Artie ship Resolute, which our govern u.eii't tent back to her, in of a Ynnkee Crtaiu and a Yankee crew, tinder circumstance familiar to everybody. Tie newspaper accounts of Uer Majesty's visit, aud tin col dial reception of our countrymen in e-bergd of the vesr e1, are exceedingly ttle thiuf.e like these do a great good international friendships, and keeping alive en.fl frh the ttitentt The KsuuiUrs ol JblMtiehera, Itisreaily amusing ti, the lJuodete made by thejoari.aiuu of Great Britain as to the allaire of this uuutitry, and their ignorant of our There is scarce an English pupr we emu aurots but one or more instances of it oo our, rnn the Great Thunderer," (London Timet) is not au exception. Whether wilfully or i any and every thing, no matter how irrational, ai long as they conceive) it to be to our uiipariige.neiit, is inserted, which only makei them laughed ntou this side of the great pou However thsre appears to be a dawn ol reus hi g'anoiiif lorth in some of their minds Just now. The London limet appears to have just made the discovery that the President of these United States have no power, and cannot exercise over the Legislature of the several Stales llulr action on the stibjct uf thus speaks on the subject But how does Preident Pierce deal with adinjrabie logic-, and with profound Constitutional lore, aud triumphant Wo take it there can hardly be a quesliou ou Hie suhjcel after bis able exposition of the law. It is the private affair of each State that is, or is to be.

Tho Mate alone can alter its own Not all the Mates together that now me oiu lav down the law for any Siate that is to he, eithor on thi sido that line of latitude ur on tha other organization, to effect this pariioao, whether by imuiidute iuiurfcr-enoe with elections, or by turning the balance of thi population, or by procuring nets of Congresi, or by influencing public opinion, is equally uuoemtitutionil, and has equally osea frustiuted ia all ties duvelnpiuents. Ihj Federal Coniititution dopsaot powts nirhin itelf the uieans of Itcrii. Ihe I iw of a ite The very agitation or tbo atteai; to influence the mini sil enlist Mm sympathies iu of the einautipuioi of tha nero, is troa.on.iblo inuoh moro any alieration in the laws of one Suite with a vie to nit too lairs of another, or to im-PUs tie eufjieeuient of tb it The Coiuprmise, and any agitation agmnst the extra li-tion fugitive slaves. taut unanswarably disposed of. In Kanmii, uufirtutiatuly in ad the bit-tle tsld of tnis aiution, there tniglit, for aujrjit the President know, be in ih-t aliitioni then ceit.iny were aiti with a Tiew to alter the kjoral law.

us.ijs Mr Pierce With the former he bad noihing to do. They wure the affair of the Slate Hsolf. ihe latter it was bis diif to regrets in behalf of the as he ilid The result of the Prejidmiul elei-tion ive tha vr. difltof the ahole ifulntiin hi of his policy and bis view of onsntul tonal lw. Uenceio.tii, taen, all is plain sailing.

There cu ht to be dispute. iiiiK, then, without fear tba onsrof uiibouod-d prosperity, 'rrna sua to sea, trom hi to hoavn, with au oWcrowiwr, evorbiiirhteiiini tutura bracing ne states, diffusing new of pence and Si humanity, teaching even the laggard ui.ralilyof tfa uu rld, upending iu eaiupsnud armies, Its Beets eni its ciuiseis. Aaver mi so much vsi spread, ob so brijjht a sea, wiih fair a wind, to so delightful a baveu. Notwithstanding this, however, this journalist apprehends great danger to t'le Uuion arising out of this question. VYs Lave tin fear whatever a this subject, provided iutermeddler will on- if attend luthf.r own business, Thsy van al -y find at home enough to keep them fully employed, aud as uiucli, nut more, than they can perform, te expese and remedy th evils ex Jsting aroucd them! Danger, foisool'i "The vrisl.

may in the father of the Ihnugbl." Irsllinonlivl. Upon reference te ai. cviuiuii, will I luoad the I'articulara of an act which rmlounds to 'he creditor our citizena. It is the piv-mta-tion of a house and lot to the Hon, Geo. Hail, "ibrieej Mayor of and several pieces (A 'aUto J.

C. Camm-yer, lor pa arvi-cet their fellow cil m.s, particuluily those of during tlie prs-valenee uf the Jello fever. It is BO mora thsu tucy deserved 'lhera are others mht als" labored in tl.c goOa! work that wa should like to her of be. substantially Dr. Goodrich is ue tbeia.

11-e daily and nightly for a length, of lime in tlenlanca ic'erul acre attacks 1 I a degree of ability and energy that elicited the approbation of the War Department. We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. P. Lynch, wife of the editor uf the IrUh American She died in this city, ou Tuesday morning, after a brief illness. TflitWKATUita.

The-temperature of the ntrool phere for the last forty-eight hours hat been at lollowt Wednesday at 6 to 8 AM, 23; 9, 29; 10. SO to 1 PM, 28; 2 aud 3, 29; 4 to 7, 28: 8 and 9, 27; lo to l'J. 28. Thursday, 1 to 8 AM 26; 9, 28 10, SO 31; 12 to 3 PM. 32 4, 81: 5, 29 6 to 8, 23; 9 to 11, 27; 12, 2B.

this morning at I lo 4 clock, 2o; 6, ii. Temporal ure in-equilibrio from 10 of Wedueaday to 8 AM of Thursday, at 26 degrees, eleven consecutive hours and eiiuilibriated .4 j. fr0 10 AM to 4 1 at 30 to J2 degrees, seven CO.rsecutive hours and again from 9 PM till af- i. nc n-r lMr40tl0C" eight consecutive hours. The equilibriatiun no tioed in Wednesday's Star as having continued till AM of that day.

continued till 7 I ti'-nn i ta holir4. The wind on Wednesday ranged from to VeaterdayN, unci this morning from the same point. Tue weather on Wednesday was cloudy all day, with snow falling at intervals; ye.lerday was cloudy in the forenoon, dear in the afternoon this morning clear, E. ME1UAM. Brooklyn Heights, Jan.

2, 1857. KtLiEr roa thi Family or the Mi'rdebed Man, Cormuii Cannon Wt have received a communication in relation to a subscription for the family of Cannon, who was murdered on Sunday in Brooklyn; it It aoormpanieU with me smuotai, contributed by the employees in the American hi chance Bank of this city. The contribution it I most generous une, and the suggestion of a subscrip tion is every nay commendable -1 I itmel L. I. Railroad The high wind of last week, which followed the slight fall uf snow on Tuesday, deputised most of the suow on the track of tint read.

east ot sultullt Station. Lp to Saturday last, Domini had been heard from the locomotive, ears, con j.f, orpaisengert It isiuppoted they bad gone 4 away down east Thii end of the -ad has Dot interrupted, but the other, some lay it it bat been imbedded iu 12 ft. snow! Well! if as tome say, it costs more than it comes tn, to operate that end of the road during the winter season, per haps the managers will permit the eastern portion to rest in peace. If there comes another l.tcu ot snow, perhaps they will be compelled to. This Company have given notice that application wiil be made to the Legislature, at its ensutng session, fur certain alterations aud amendiuents to ill charter, to-wit; for authority to purchase additional Ian is required to secure tne road from snows, and to provide tor a uouble tracK, ana lor autuo'ity to ui minis), the amount of stock f'armtr.

TO a i a In this city, on the 31st uf Decern! e-, by the Rev Kelsey, John a llowson to sopuia uowuen. In this ty, on the 30tb uf loe ember, It Max well, ol Mew lurk, to Ua Martin, ol llaltiinore. In New York, M.ilo Pro to Mary Bleek.ri Benj Coulee to Caroline II Hall i AJod Smith lo Louise Maxwell. January 21, Sylvanus Jortnain, Jr, agsd 23 years Uf Notice of funeral in to-inirrov'i paper. Albany nod Troy papers please copy.

In this city, E0, ou the 31st of December, Gillie, Irving, sou uf Saiul and Susan Tbursby. iu ill ia city, on the 31st of December, Mrs Catharine Siewart, aged 70 In ibis city, on the 3 at of Dc-ember, Joseph II, sou uf Ciipt Ueo II a id Jane Barker. In tins city, on the 31st of December, John son of James and Cynthia Ur ght. Iu Sen York, Mrs Ann Franklin, aged 83; Le n-uol, son of Lemuel and Joscphiue Smith Mil len II iley, aged 60 Mary O'Connor, aged 14 Patrick Uilroy, aged 40. BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK, JAXUARY 2 1837 Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum on accounts nut exceeding five hundred dollars, and five per nt per annum uu sums uf greater amount, w.ts credited on lh 1st lust, to such hep jsi tors iu this liana as were by its By-Laws and regulations entitled tu the same payab alter the 19th and when not withdrawn, will draw interests upon the same conditions us deposits Bank open daily from 10 A- to 2 M.

Also, every MONDAY. iiVKMNli, fruu, 6 to 7 o'clock. By order. ja2 2wJ3td 1I0SEA PresiJent. orPREME COURT-KINOS C01JT AVID M.

l'urdy against John Fogal, and others. In pursuance and by virtue of a julginsut of the Supreme Court made in the above entitled action on the 18th day of November 1858, I will foil at publio auction at Montague Hall in the city ol p.nwatlun. he Pbilin 'I Wilkins. auctioneer, on the 2Jd day uf January, 1357, at 12 o'clock at noon of that day. All that certain peice or parcel f.f land situate, lying and being in the City of Erookljn (late town of llushwickl Countv of Kinzs and State cf New York, known and distinguished on a certain map ef property in the town ot uusnwicK.

neionging Samuel Willets, intended to be filed in lie office rf the of Kings County as part of number (39) thirty-nine. Bounded and descr.bed as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point fifty feet southerly Irom the southeasterly cornerof Sandford atreet and Graham avenue, and running thence southerly along tho easterly line of Grakatn avenue (51 ft. 4 in fifty-one feet four inches thence easterly parallel with Sandford street (37 ft.6 in thirty-seven feet six inches; thence nortbetly at rigjt angles with Sandford street (50 ft fifty feet tnoreor less, and thence westerly parallel with Sandford street (29 ft twenty-nine feet more or less te Grv ham avenue t'e point or place uf beginning. Dated Dec. 29th, 1936.

E. T. BROWN, Referee A. M. Bene, FlfTi Atty.

157 Broadway, N. Y. d30 2aw3f NOTICE -APPLICATION WILL BE MADE to the Legislature, at its ensuing sesdon, by tSe Ling Island Railroad Company, for certain alterations and amendments to iu charter, to wit for authority to purchase additional lands requirrl to secure the Mad from and to provide a double track, and for authority te- diminisf the uf stock. dlO ta rpHE UN DEKSIUXED liAVINU BY AH OR JL dor of the Superior of the eity of New fork, dattd December 12th, IS55, been appoiated reteiver uf the propeity and effects oi the late firm of Wil li.i in Cook A Co said firm having been couposed uf Will. am Cook, Stephen Kidder and Harwell Hovey.

All persons having claims against laid frm of William Cook Co, are requested lo presett tha same to the subscriber, at No. 27 Courtlandt reet, in the eity of New York, on or bafore tha flirt day of February, 1357. d'J 4tlutoja20 HARLOW RCY3. TVTOriCK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Af AP i pPeation will be ma-le to the Legiilatunuf the v. v0rlt at the next session for thi pass- to Mar Ain-lie.

hot heirs anJ the right, title, interest endpaper- ly th people ofthe Sute, acquired by escheat, in I tJnj totrertain piece of land with the appurtetanees, Tininthe Fount nib War I of ihe City of Brooklyn, I Cunty of KinisandMnteof tork, (lateSeeona a a L. rV. 1' I tt ajl Matk an LUS 1.1 1 IH if f.U.1 we aa fjti bj dlt, 0f A pi il. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, by .1 i. I Jean liapusw rorirrw, i-iaiia nm others by Levi Darbse, their AtUirney, to Mary itti wu rrded la the Register's 0ffic of Kings Connty, In Liber 3ti2 of eonveyancrs, Pge 115 and for tba wa Wion aat rat.ficatio.

ofthe eoaveyaoca made by tha said deed. Brooklyn, Sot. 19, IS56. a21 law6e Mr, Sumner is expected to leave Boston for here ou Monday next lufoi illation has ln-en received here that Hon. Isaae E.

tliv Siecial Miuiter i the Ui ted States to Bo otk, examined ll.e M.nils in i i 'the Bay Panama, on the 18th Decvinber, In r. i company Willi Consul A. 15. Corwine mid Com- in- i inodoiv llervinn. it will bo rtmsinlicred that instructions direct bin orse's direct Inn- 1 1 negotiate with ihe Government of New Granada lor the cession lo the United States ol municipal control over ceitaili of these islumls as We, I us oVrr the transit route.

Mr. M. docs not conceal the fact that the r- i a. Jj nileo States Govemiiieiit leoks to tha early es tablishinent of a naval depot iu the Bay of Pan Bum. He slso B'lniits the sulift intial accuracy af the Statement made some weeks ago, in relation lo the.

demand he ie to make of the Gov ermueiit at Bogota. Numerous memonubi are Hiring in from New York, Boston, and oiher shipping ports, protesting against Ihe pa.sage of a law compelling all vrssela to adopt liters' universal code uf marine signals. The remonstrants generally uiltint Ihe great value of the code, but protest HLruiiiMt til lUillltllllsiirV Use. It Would SeMIII In i finite as reasonable lo protest against the cimipu'sory inspection of steamboat boilers, the carrying' of lite boats, tc, (to. Iu the U.

S. supreme Court on ishuii Brown, of New York, wae admitted to the bar. Case No. 2. Boniatnin F.

Morning vs Alfreds Gupteiuus et ul. Cause submitted to tho Court on record, und printed urgument by Mr. Washburn for plaintiff. No. 36 William Post et nl.

Cluinantao! the oirgo of the sh Kichun.nt i vs John II Jones et al by Air. O'Cunuer fur appellants, and Mr. Lord for appellees. Adj mi-lied till Friday The following are the first thirty-five causes on tho calendar of the (Joint oi Appeals for the January term eiifUitig I iMvid Leavitt, receiver, lie Kiehard lilatchford aud others 2 Lewis Curtis and others against Ihtvid Leavitt, receiver, io 3 David Leaviit receiver, Ac niraiiist John LoiiiuerUrabaui anduthers. 4 David Holmes and another, oveiseers, against Avery brown, Jr, overseer, 4c.

5 Adam llayncr, receiver, ie, a Kami. ill James and others 6 The nllng) of C.vnio egiinst Cyrus 7 Louisa Wright by her next friend, aguinst reder ckS and others. 8 Keeves against Juhu lluaiphrcy, U'l, and others. 9 iieijauiin Kemp against Harrison Gruff and others, 10 De l' ill Me hells against Charles Vroouinr. 11 Ma-thtr Williams aiuiit The Sun York Central Hail-road 12 Then.

Sedgwick, eecutor, ngiiutt tornilia Ashburner. ii The Mutual Life Insurance Company against Joseph Jenkins 14 Catherine Darby, by her next Irieud, against Patrick Callanbun lo Mutual Lire Insurance Co New York, agt The Uutird of ft'upm visors of the Uit.v and County ut New York 1C James lloj (ierrit Martense. 17 Ulouda Kequa and others aji Natlia.ii oi I) IS The feipe, et el. Sally Chase, at Josliu Kathboue.

Id Hider und auui her agt John if Pond Kussell Cheney an I an' ther Ht Welcome Arnold 21 He Perest Manico ugt The ilupson Hiver Hiver Kail road Co '21 Pichard 11 Llesp ird at Welles Walbridge, ex'r, and anoiher. 2d l'avid Carll and aiiotlur, execu or, 4c, ugt Isaac Bart, executor, audo heis, 24 Sidney Sweet and ainther, saivi vors, agt Arnold Gray 2.i Justus Notion aut The Western riailroad Cuinpany, 'it Nathaniel Hoove and otheis at Hi mm Post and otfars. 27 Jonathan ciepheus ugt Curydon Merriiuan 28 Wiu Kan aim agt The New York and Lrie Kail road IV. ii) Pilaiider Bmnet agl Tne City of oO ThmM Partridge and another ugt Uilbert and others 31 The 1 ire ntiu ut uf the City of nt James Wright and others 32 ua sibley agt Oarrut Waffle. 33 Souathan Havens ugt Julia A Sackelt aud ui oilier, 34 ilernng a-t Kly iioppouk.

i6 John Kobiusun agt Julius Wiley. To Hit Editor of Iht Brooklyn Eeening Star. Beau Snt: Allow me a smull space in the coluinna of your valuable journal, (or the purpose of calling the attention of the incoming Board of Common Council to the present slate of our national arm of sell delence, the uni formed Militia uf the City uf Brooklyn. It is a well known fact, that it is Very difficult to get rcspectulde persons to join any one of the Military Compuiies in lliis ciiy, on account of the expense that iieccssirly follows persons wishing to gel rid of that great Inn of having lo do jury duty, prefer, ou the Score ol ecoim my, to join the Fire Department, sfud why should they prefer Fire duty to that of Military One leasoii is, Jiiey know that our city fat hers are generally au indulgent bo ly. All the) have to do is lo go together an I petition the Ciiiiinoii Council lo be organized into a fire compaby, and invariably it is done, lliey are then located temporary in some building, and with eoiue old liuchiue," they do duty, for a i few months, after which they send in their' pe- i titlon lor a house and lot, ut course their peti-, turn pa-eee, the house is conn noted tor and) tiuiil, and such a palace 1 as lluy Ihcu hate Let an) one of our citizens take the trouble to inspect the exterior and interior of our lCugina llous, and they will lie amazed at Ilia itiagui- licence and splendor uf lllcir construction.

1 Not so with our Military companies, as iu a few Words 1 will show. Wiieu any person persons wishes lo form a tuiliUry company lliey must have ou their toll nut less tha i Unity two men belore their officers can be commissioned lley ure oigai nzec lliey nave lo piucur their uiilloriiis ul their individual expense, liulh ilig being found theiu but their muskets, and coarse lenther belts, by the Slate, on Ihe Cup- lain giving bonds Hi two suielies, in the sum of IWHj, or more. 'Ihe next step lobe taken is to procure a I), lil Kooiu, and hei We Would obtain bill poor aalislaci ion il we (like the hie. companies) slo-kid step into ihe Common Coun-' i Cnaiiib. and pr.

senluur peliliou lor a huusa aud lol, and yel hy should it oul be rallied I Is ll because we are considered beiieatli their notice, if so, wny call on Ilia unlilary iu time ol I i lol or ii.sui reel ion I Why nut call on the Fire Companies for as- sistance lo iiuell 4 moll. Some may snv, luivs we uol a CilV Armory 1 auswei ue have, but let any one step in here of an evening alien one ol the companies are drilling, nud with but la, nty nu ll iu the ranks on a maichyoii would tile floor wuul I give way at every step. httt th, 8(MH, wlid law ut Hi. ebo.e, while to piocur. as-, fo j(, building grown, sistance for Mr.

1 owell. fell upon the Irolen tull uf ground and dislocated Ins collar bone. j( uM in same day. the wife of Mr jlaniel Sniilh nmut mUftf Uljrr r(f, at Jamaica Swulh, fell and broke her leg just rJ1K lo 3tH, 4lM above lha ankle. tins thev h.v.

lo out uf their uw pockets. On Saturday a l.d about 8 years o.d son Now Ul Mr. John I. befell, living In Union Ilall llmt tl8 Military should bav a deeenl Ar-in this village, was severely and dangerously commodate tb. 1 ijorel by filling from the fecund ftory of the of Mcmis.

Ambemia-i i J.rv.s. near the I reinia of Mrs. Il-rgen. Ills door of the out-; I. entrance to.

aid shop by tb. force of the ind. tb. buy from the platform, and be Ml a di.tauee of about feel sinking upon his Lea aud lack. I ttrur.

I jU lo lf uf A uor gr Qtma hf.

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