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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tolerated Treasou. WAR NEWS. llraflMp.sCbentiU) tor There are certain men and certain news. 8PECIAL N0TICE8, CONCUKBENT liKSOLUTIOXH To amtviid tli Cuiiatitutioi. to prohibit Hit I a AMU3EMENT8.

JAKNUM AiMElUCAN WUbKUM commit their errors on tho side of caution than from any personal motive to attempt rash acts which would peril and sacrifice all things. The course of Scott will be papcra that assume as much right to talk PEIDAY; JTTIY 19Ui. treason as to blackguard their political op. You had better die then denv your Lord. Von hid better die th.n allow your flag to be insulted.

tn An Mil ninth. To-dlV pouenta. Tbey do not seem to recognize he stands before ua with extended arms, and as- I obligation to uphold and defend the govern. Kir) 01 luiuxirkuiiK uquori tu a Dttrtirgti Ktolv'tti (II Uiu Ai.ii bly voucurj. Tint tli CuuititutioD ot tlili Btata be ameuded follow- Tha aala oftutoxlcatitig liquor a a bawraica ta htrebjr prohibited I aud uo latr tball ba uactKl or bi iu 1 01 on.

alter tha adoutiuD of tbla aniwudiueut. found correct. Advance, but safely, look well on all sides, and do np the matter once TsW fitu has larger Circulation In la aianda that we avoufe her Insulted honor. I meDt cf tu( country. They excuse and de mur, millet, and among Tu-Fayara, In Brooklyn and on Long-bland, than IH any othar Daily Paper published in 1 nuu mi.

uj. ingenuity they can command, and assail the regular government of the country as if it were an outlaw. Nothing but the very re- Col. McNeil, with six hundred men, thia Otty or fMwXorfe. noon, a match comes off between the Mystic, of Yorkville, and the Freesnd Fasy, of Brooklyn.

It will be played on Uroadway and Penn street, Eastern District. It is thought this will be a closely contested mstch. JciT EaterprUe vs. Oothun, Uobokeu. JeiLy as H.ary Kckferd vs.

Jatfen.nHiu, at Hc-boken. THE COURTS. Court or kesalona. Beokb judos; oarbison and jcstiues (TIL-WELL AND 1I0VT. In the Court of Sessions, this morning, the only case which occupied the atteution of the Court was a charge of bastardy, brought against Augustus Hoth, on the complaint of tba Superintendent of the Poor.

A number of witnesses were examined, but the details are unfit for publication. POLICE INTELLIGENCE. whipped one thousand under Gen. Harris, in Galloway yesterday. There was a skirmish with the right wing but thoroughly.

Flax Cotton. The Rhodo Island Society for th- Encouragement of Domestic Industry, has offered the handsome premium of Ave hundred dullars for tbs best fifty pound bale of dix cotton, irrespective of the place of production. Its intended exhibition is to take place Sept. 11th, when the society hold their aunual exhibition, sod the award is to be mads on the third monday of that month. That is the proper way to flax out the fs eannnt midertaks publish exanmunleatioae, mamaDie leniency of the government and the great forbearance of public opinion in the loyal States, aaves them from such a visitation of justice as they deserve.

to author mcb Ml aud tbt LfgUiatuit hall by law prvaorltw Ui uacaaary fiuei aud Miialttaa tor aiiy viulatioQ of this provUlou. Kf-nivrd (iftlie AMLiibl concur). That th- fortv going atutiDdDiviit ba rettiTfd to the l((Ulature to cbotr at the next gfiieril olt-titioa ol tteiutoin, and that Id couloi tuUy to awtlon oua of article thlr-ttwu ol tha Cou4i tut luu, It tw publinhfd lor throa mouths previuui to th tlma of uch alttctlou. STATE OKNEW VORK, In Hknati, MaiL-b lit, ISiil. Tlx foraKlff nwolutiom wet duly paiavd.

11 urdtif of thH Sfiittta. proMRlnn 10 KM lua, on tees by tswponslble address, as esiarantaie of Umir truth at Bull's Run, yesterday. nor to return such ooutributtoaa as wo shall noi 'i'tia MauatriT hu an(raKM). for short tirua, PKUr'. AMfKllriUN, JH-, THK QKEA W1Z AKL) oFTlla, WORIJ) 1 Who hat a-toi)Uhd Crowuod licada, Nobility au Uflutry, with uia Fiat or Uuuiienaim add Nat He will appear TI1I8 aud RVKKY AFTER.

NOt'N and I- VKNIM), iu a arrat varhty ot kit AUTOI nuInu THICfcB aud tKATs, bUb bavt unvtr bfti a.Mu.M Including, hu lt'PK TV1N0 INt'OMntKllKNHlHlLlTY. Hu OFr fcKS AM VIHIIOK $ou who will tie him ao tiUl that he can uotrfh a-a tihuavlf In 1m time than thy take blud him, willi only thin cui.diiioii I Uia lupu rtull not tthrado the.kiu uor liuptda the ciiculatluu ol the blood. To ba aaen at all hour. tha wonderful and exti aordioaiy Al Uliso blBlhlld, Aud th it i a Hlauk Uuiikk an Frothxb. Tliuuifh UimMt cbllUt Kre buiu of paiti ctly BiACK At'ltiCAN fAHhNltf.

tht lr cotuplfxluu pui-a ahiie, thulr hair or woul a bltu a niiow, and htlr ey a deiitUt pink. HIK (IKK AT I.IV1M1 LIVING MAMMoJU G1UZZLY 1th. A SAM-HON, bldta a mt vaiit-ty ut olhtir llviiiK Httara THIRTY LIVlNii MONeTt.K BNAKK8 UKAND AUAKIA UAKl.kN, 4m. Adntiswiou to all, HO oeuta, CuUdiau undttr 10, 5rvtit- HpVH tf Gen. Patterson, at last accounts, was at 'frail ounotvM of." Charlestown.

Open sympathy with treason, public defence of traitors, and persistent denunciation of the government for its endeavors to put down armed treason, these things The Preaidenf Too Fan) and Too law. South. If we can only at the North invent an article which overtops the cotton, thero will be a new ruler among the spinning BETUBN OF THE 28TU REOIMENT. Last evening a meeting of German was held at Weber Evert's Hotel, in should not be tolerated. They are not matters of opinion merely.

Tbey are acts hostile to the government itself, and are as really treasonable as the war movements of Tlia country was amusej, a few days ago, bjr the immense indictment drawn up by jennies. With Great Britain and France JAd. TtttWILLlGER, Clark. BTATK oFNtvW VOKK, In AtWM.HL, April 6,1801 Tba forftfolof reaolutloaa ware duly liy 0iiir of tha Aitiitbly, IUANSUN A. KibLKY.

Clerk. STATE OF NKW VORK, 1 Orriua or tui droit btakv or hraTr, 1 hava oouitmifd tba urecedlua' with tba orluiual 8enator Breckinridga against the President, The Operations or a Canuck Buholaks. A portion of tbe goods fuuud in Hudson avenue, to make arrangements for the reception of the 28th Regiment. Clias. Everts was elected Chairman.

It was pro whom he accused, "in words of learned the traitors in whose behalf they are done. Freedom has its responsibilities and limitations. No man is free to commit murder promoting an increased production of cotton in India and Australia, and Vankee- length and thundering sound," of having, possession oi tne imivi, who were arrested on suspicion bv officer Apulegate, noticed vester- dom returning to flax what will King Cot or treason with impunity; and all aiders and abettors of either crime should have no day hss been idt-milied as the property of posed to appoint a committee to make a small collection (say 25 Jcents) from each with the moat unreasonable rapidity, grasp-eel into his own hands the forces of Napo ton do Nous perrom. toleration from either law or public opiu- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. German citizen.

The meeting adjourned Ou ttla In tlili ottice, and lion by wrtiiy Um wuuu to Iw a correct tiaiitcrlpt tbarnirotn aud of Um whola Of Mich OligllMl. D. K. FLOYD JONES, J.v1t lawtuo4K HrH-rMary of riuta. leon nd Julius Caesar, to overthrow the Mr.

Biiuel of zoo Bchermtrliorn street, and lb police are in possession of information which will probably lead to tha identification of the whole, 'ihevare kuuwu to have The Baltimore Amtrican has the follow Government, and subjugate his own coun AXJO TALUUTI ing account of more bridge-burning in The organs of treason In the loyal States, are few iu number and they are so impo 13 been concerned in a number of burglaries to meet at some place next Thursday evening. It Is expected that the regiment will return about August 11th. try. 1 BANJO TAUGHT I I Maryland which have occurred lately. tent, it is said, that patriotic people can af 'Further acts of Vandalism have been com ford to tolerate and despise them.

This On the other hand, there are not lacking many presses, and hosts of fiery men, who may be true, and yet there may be lack of Charor or Falsi a. A young msn named McKuyan, was arrested yesterday by officer Fox of tba iai precinct ou'tbe com mitted by the 'bridge-burners' on the George's Creek Railroad, a lateral mad connecting with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad here, and attention to tne mischievous influence ot deem that the President has been altogeth BANJO TAUOUTIt I BANJO TAL'UUT I BANJO TAL'UUT I I BANJO TAUUilT 1 1 I BY C11A8. K. D0II30N, CHAS. E.

DOHSON, CHA8. E. UllBSON, CIIAS B. DOBSUN. what is hold to be so impotent.

Thero are running through the mining districtsubout Lo- er too slow in making that immediate, fierce and bloody resistance which this atro a few treasonable creatures in Congress, NOT1CK IS I1KUE11Y UlVfcN, THAT an apiiitcfttion will bn madti to thw ttupruua court of Out Hutrt ot Nww Yurk, at a ipt'dai turiu ihtrntol, to ba Iwld at tha City Uall, in tha City ot Brooklyn, In aud lor the S.cond Judicial blttrlct, ou tha Pint Hon dat ot' AiitfUtit uct, at tba opeu-lug at Uia Court tu Ui lareuoou ol thai day. it a ftoou tlieruaiUr oouunal oau ba utid. lot tha ap poin truant of Are C-ouiiniMluiittra ol E-timata aud AavMvainieot, for Ilia taking aud valuing (lit lm4 ouiurirwd wttbiu tha buundailrw ot fault, particularly njeiitioiifd aud dworibtd iu Mm nrat Motion of au Act of tha Lr-Ki-taturu of tha HtaU ot Nw Yurk, mi titled Au Aot to Aiuitd au Art mt-titltd au Act to lay mit a PiiblM Par and a farad (Jrouud for the Cuy ol Urooklyti, aud to a I lor tba such as Wood of N. Vallandigham of CONTINENTAL GUARDS. Twenty-five good men lor Company under command of Capt.

Ward, late of Company 14th Regiment, are wanted. Apply at the corner of Orange and Fullon sereets. cious rebellion demanded. nacouing ana frostuiug to x'leduiont, being located, with the exception of a few hundred yart, entirely in Maryland. 'They destroyed the bridge crossing the Potomac at Piedmont, and two other tressel Ohio, Breckcnridge and Burnett of Ken- plaint of A.

P. Bush a cigar dealer, doing business In Wall street, who charged him with false pretences in selling sboul oO worth of cinars on commission for him and then pocketing the proceeds. The accused is held for examination. Youthful Dkpravitt. Officers Fox and Bedell of the 2nd precinct, while patrolling about 2 o'clock this morning beard some noise We are inclined to think that events will demonstrate President has been lucky, and Bayard of Delaware.

They seem very impotent for mischief, at first thought, for they have no more power to bridges also, a locomotive of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and several cars. The fact that this road was a "feeder and of no im neither too fast nor too slow. Mr. Lincoln control the action of Congress than to unmake the sun. But tlicv have an influence, ott assuming the Presidency, found himself Uoinuiuwionet map ot Mid city, uamd Mv id.

portance nir facilitating military progress, and that it was on Maryland soil, which Governor ImjI i and to pt-rim and dU'harirw ill mrh inintit called upon to assume the weightiest re nevertheless, and it is full of mischief, The Germans are raising two Companies in the Eastern District for the Fremont Regiment. A meeting of members ol Base Ball sponsibilities which ever yet descended op- John Letcher, of Virginia, promised should not be invaded by his troops, aggravates the is said that their course has already emboldened tlio secession spirit in Washing aud dutim ai are or may be iulicd tit Mich Coui-uuutouara, uttdxr and by rlitua ut amid act. DaUtd, July Mb, 1-xU. JylOim KDWAKP3 W. PIHK K.

in a stable in Aavy street, and supposwu; that burglars were inside, opened the door and entered, when they found three little girls the oldest not over 14 aud two boys, all huddled togother In one corner. They were ill brought before Justice Perry this morning aud re-mainded for further examination. on the Executive of the Nation. A state of WOOD'S MAKIILK IILll.niNO, 6ll Baoauwav, N. Itoeia No- 1.

DllBSoN BIIOKT HANULK BANJO by the Pileaaloa to ba Uia brat iaatruniate aiade. I'ltlCK, Alt). Jy laJIOlUHT 1' I A 8 JAMtS t. I.KNT, Having bueu eiatuUsl by Um Biauutaoturen, SUaiaxt a Moituh BOl.r. AtlKNT ton, and led concealed traitors to come The rebels have also done further iniurv things never contemplated by the Constitu forth and talk treason on the street with TVTOTlOE TO TAVKUX I Clubs, who have members in the Thirteenth by destroying an aqueduct about twenty-seven miles from here, near the tunnel on the XI ot Uw t'llr ot HruoHyu 'i'ha ut'W lorni ol growing impudence.

We trust that more than ecorn will be dealt out to Regiment, Col. Abel Smith, will be held imilicatluu ol licttuae, adititl hy tha Etruw Cimi canal." tion, called lot the ascertainment and evolution of powers, demanding the nicest discriminations and the most profound good this evening to make arrangements to unite such promoters of rebellious disorder. They in the reception of that Regiment. should-bo held to a strict account. The NEW8 OF THE DAY.

The policy of the President, aiiiwionfns can bt had by applying at JOHN .1. WHlTK'tJ, aoruar vrtlflavtuui aud Kiilton UwU 1 IKlMAH MtKI'IIY, WILlaK I' JAHVIH, liH.ll M. LAI UII1.IN, Biy31 tf tJoiuiuirMioiiani. HI-11 WJ1U 1JQVC lliC HUUUUlljr iu BIUIIU UJJ VII lh Hi-wtr fit i iu few and fmillv mtkiHil the aided by his Cabinet, was adopted without rvM. I The grand army is marchine on in Dursuit of the slightest Irresolution, and has been in Charge oy Grand Larcknt.

Henry Stiles of New Brooklyn appeared before Justice Perry yesterdav, and complained that a valuable horse had been stolen from him a few days since and as he understood was now in the possession of a man named Michael Connolly at 61 Oliver street, New York. A search warrant waa issued and placed in the bands of otlii-er Leach of the Ninth precinct, who went over to New York and recovered the horse, and also arrested Connelly on charge of grand larceny and brought him to Brooklyn. am uoiin oi inquiry, now in session in welfare of the nation by defending traitors Baltimore, was called at the written request and talking treason, should be expelled the dying rebels. General McDowell reriorts ANUKKSON, KKAL KSTATE flexibly adhered to. 1 I).

J-Va and and LOAN HKOKKK, Ullicr. K.uu No. without ceremony It is true, the announcement of this poli Mt-cliauW Bank Hmldinitm cornta of ljuit and yesterday from Fairfax Court House. He reports that a great deal of work has been done both at Fairfax Court House and at the Fair Open traitors who come with arms in their hands are not half so embarrassing to Montagu iLrft-U, llrouklru, N. Y.

cy waa received by the South with bitter of Col. Abel Smith of tha Thirteenth Regiment, to have certain rumors against him investigated. It is understood that the Allen court- tha government as those who cumo people of the North, how fax Station and tita number and size of their camps, show they must have been there in groat force. He says: "Their retreat, there-lore, must have a damaging effect upon them. "neutrals," or "eai'einakers," and malig for the eale of the Jimtly cli'hratd Inatruaisnt lor HitMiklyn, ta-ifa tn ililorm hla Irleuda and the pnblli, that ha ki urt uarisl at all tlniee with ft lull awortMieut of all aiana aud stylos, wtiicb toe Is eua-blrd tu orli-r at the LOVVriBT MANfFACTl KriU" PKICia.

J. K. 1.. daerus It quite unuattaaau-jr to relar te the aavrite ot Till 8TODART PIANO, aa It la well known by all Diaat.ra aud dalsra, wall aa by thotiaaude who owu aud have taa-d tliam ior tlw laat iiiarunr of a Miilury, who will Icatuy that tliey arts bt-yond all doubt, one of the btal (II out the very btwtj Piano Koitaaavttr maliulactiuad i tuatly kuuwu aa tlaa swtattfat toned and tha most durable. The manufacturera can with urate potut to every Piano aa au adviTtier lueut, and claiut every owuer a a Int.

ud. Partita di-ali-utu ol purchasing oa time ean be aorsHiiruurtatttd hy addluK aluiule iuha-aeS Also Uttaat who wiah to hire ran alwaya be auUtat ball lu prioa and atyle ol lustiuiuaut. ever, taw in it evidence of that consistency, firmness, and sincerity, which commanded theirentire confidence, and they rose en lmsiionkst ijomkstic Mary ilanlev, a domestic formerly in the employment of a woman named Maria Lynch residing in Atlantic nantly denounce the government tor daring to defend itself against traitors in arras. You nerer hear these creatures denounce inev leit in sum baste that thev did not draw ruraoiial altaiitioii gltsu to Uie Bale aud r.x-eliauate ol Cuy aud OoiiiiUy FroiM.ity. ixiaus Olilalut-d, aud Mou-iy JuviU-d on Kaal se-ciintltia.

HkKlu and Hisida bo ilit aud aold at Mull itfUtiat mai kut rte. AFPItAlBtK OC KKAL KbTATK. Partite will ttnd It to thi-tr advautaK la-tore pur-chaaina ltaii'ornd car nuiniprtived aouin-tr, to ad-viae Willi Um uudtirniatued aa to ita triw value and quality, as bt fmla LiiuaM.ll cumueteiit to kiv a tim-iwtliuate of its ValiM aud wuikuiaiialilo, tiaviua; tiad aert.ral yi anexra.rlf.fice and a thorough kliowltHle; Mt bulldlUK Iu all Ita aVuartaieiita, wtiit-h t-nalutw their pickets, who came into one of our martial adjourned sine die because of an error committed by Gen. Butler in bringing the charges. The Col.

has asked for a dis maut to sustain him. avenue, was arrested yesterday on tha complaint of ber late employer who charged her camps, thinking, (as It occupied the same place, that! it was theirtown." "Much flour. anything that may be done or proposed by the Jcrl. Davis conspirators but, in their The South, not the has sown the dragon's from which sprung up charge from arrest. some forage, tents, camp equippage, were abandoned by them." witn naving stolen various articles ot household wares.

Tbe accused was locked up for examination. view, it is very wicked tor tne government to accept the war they make and take measures to put them down. The traitors who At East pass, Pensaoola, Captain Clinton's Thk Ninth Precinct Station Hoimx. ontirouisrv Mounted liltiea nred on the pursue this policy know very well what him to dalw-l auy fault or unuwrliicllou that Um lo-extierlf iicad htm cauuut dvtMit, aud to ouly kuowu a practical builder. US K.

Ul.1, mi. i No lese than nineteen Persons were conlined auuch of a federal ateauier. July lain, killing Oliiawlte IJItv Hall A NEW TOBK VOLDXTEEK 8TABIIED. Yesterday morning, at Washington, in fracas with three other soldiers on Pennsyl. they do.

Argument with them is almost last nhiht in the three suiall cells of the Ninth several men, including the couiinaiidina orti- farttaa ilwirliia lite aFrviasa of tha nmlndirud. useless, for they mean to uphold treason, precinct Station i louse, a proportion to each the hosts of armed men. The Executive called them to Washington, and it was evident their eager tread was quick enough to escape the mines which treason bad prepared to explode beneath their feet. Quick spirits came to his aid, and took counsel with him how to meet every emergency, vania avenue, Frank Murphy, beloueiuK to I KaMOVAL. IIOKACK WATtliaS, IV AKi'iit, ha rvmovrNl to 4sl Uroadway, btliswu uritud and Hroouie tttntntt wliim ha ajtl Newt cell very suggestive of deaths from suffoca and they do so by such methods as seem to them in their circumstances to be the safest The Secessionists at Nashville.

Illinois. tion during ttie lilgUL cut down the Stars and Stripes and destroyed several bouses belougina- to L'nion men. A Last Resort Jacob Decker, having will blaaae call er addma a hue to hla Office, a hicli will lueet villi uroauut alU-uhou. K. 1.

ANIIKKSON, Merhaiiic's Hank Hmldhifos Corner Court aud Montague stra.ta, Biy' It UronkU a. LANDISOAPE AN1 POKTRAI1 fAlN'I'INll Ht K. O. COAThB, exnausted ins cash and his credit, at Dan. The remains of General Garnet have been Murray in Hamilton avenue, and nnding he and it is now so wonderful as to seem al could get no more gin, thought, at least, he taken ito Fortress Monroe, and conveyed under a ttag of truce to Richmond.

The remains wouiu nave a small, aud so stole a copper mea most miraculous, that the plotted treason of the Twenty-sixth New York regiment, was stabbed in the right side. The wound, though painful, is not dangerous. A screw E.noaeMWliF la not the ltlockade Perfected 1 To the Editor of Ike N. Y. Ttmn There is certainly a "screw loose" in re.

gard to our "great blockade." The country has confidence in tbe Commander-in-Chief of the Army we can "wait a week" to see the problem worked out in Virginia sure, around wbich tbe flavor of the gin stiil rave Ptnojt lur '(, aitd warrttatid wwud iiaid PiaiMM and HMWdtKiiui irtm $Jt to AU atuoj Mitxtcal Mrirchaudiaw. at War Pric. Piuo and Mt-I dMiiin to runt, Irmn $'i upwaidsi. II out lily auy uir-ntM r-uiTtd lor tlve miihi, Alaxandrr OrMitiit (itr ut lnw prif-. nil) 7 IV DEMTISTEY OaMETillNa FOH THE TIMth- Peopli oiujtt ffattak and at.

If tha tiuit nut hiiiu. To Kpeak and eat with comfort. It la necaMtry i have rth. Ttia swtMcrilwr luta HMda preparation- to maH hung, nut tills poor consolation waa taken years was frustrated by a circumspection which had almost the scope of second sight. away from Jacob, and he wks taken to the olation Mouse and locked up.

Pairoiia ol tha rm Arts are hereby lulornied Uial the aubacribcr haa tvuiovnd fruui No. Jr'ourUi Place, to NO. 4a WILLOW rLACK, (lletwseu JoralMniou aud Htate Hrooklra.J where ha would be. pli-awad to rpcvtvo oidi-ra la LA.MIBCAI'IC FA1NI1NU, MA KINK Vll.Wd o) PoK UArill Buwctinciis ot hla work may be eneL at all luuea. kv.

C. COATkB, Aillat, 44 Willow flank In all this he was evidently too fast for An.aolt. Patrick Marlck. who lives at 14 are enclosed in a metallic case. The duties recommended by the Committee of YYavs and Means to be imposed upon sugar, coffee sud tea, will probably be reduced.

The Long Bridge over the Potomac is to be re-constructed, so that it will be more available for military operations. Seven thousand axes have been fcrward- the traitors. While their vaunts had gone Pacific street, foro-nt himself so far. veatardav. and most effective.

It is true that such traitors are not very numerous in tbe loyal states but there are more of them than ought to be here. There are one or two Jeff. Davis organs of this kind among the newspapers of New Hampshire, three or four in Connecticut, three or four in New York, aud a few in the middle and western states. Among the meanest, brassiest, and most malignant are those that come from Connecticut. Their course shows that they were long ago made incapable of patriotism by their party relations with the southern extremists.

Total depra-lntrh-fnc7 aftOriTYC" inri uence, never very great, is lessening every day, and that the old political dynasty to winch they cling can never be restored but tbu caiiuot justify treason nor prevent the mischief that comes from giving it toleration. Mauachuteltt Spy. forth that Washington was at the mercy of as to strike Mary Dnnaeily, fur which Justice ttteruui noed nun aiu this morning. aetwaasn Jorauiluon and atate aU.t Jel Urooklyu. their legions of, pledged conspirators, the President of the Union, simply respected as but the Atlantic Coast is another matter.

Vessels are seized and burned, and towed into Spanish ports. The pirate gets a sup- with. Thk Cask or Ckaio amu ASTHMA AND HKd.NCUliTS, Ves-l-a- aak lor Ollww'a Pulmonary Walnra. 'I he) null into ll.n I. I ii." a "Mai.

ruln-f. quest into the cause of the death of tb pioneers in cutting new roads, if neces look for the California steamer, with a million of treasure. by his could but depend upon the sary. Thomas rarely sried talisman of the National faith. iiangerty, ol Jersey.

From the evidence The cavalry sent with' General Mc IIOTUEKS, IK YOUB C11ILDKKN 1X aW) trutibUtd WllllCrOUU. trivmtmaat ll.w-r'. ajipeareu mat a row occurred on r.ridav laai Dowell's column will be employed principal the wuta ol' tlw tluiesH aud auw uiten thu piojwui tion IIR WIM, INflKKT I PPFB OR LOWKR St. IU Or' IKfclil, lO Tui iw will bu tiiadu ou a nbUuliU tumUtiai. Iu aaj ic WIU aaafUl laili.t) uA sBuTrk ilik.

Mfrv i an npfortiinlty acldi an with, for m- eunutf a nrwai b. not i oual. Tl. d.jitrii()ut ol PlKoi CLAod WORK, mi I tvt-rf ImbiitIi oi icnUI Art horetulor pracild thu om. will rMM-ira Uia liMl nu aau rk4Kn- i ATTTIUM IbsMal.

C. A. MA VI Tfi M.mUKua Piwa, coruj-r oMlenry rtruu Hiouklyu. tne viciuitv of and Thirteenth street, he ly in holding positions in the rear of our Truly it a talisman of power, and a spell more rapid and potent can never be eoujured wito.i Its exercise has been ween two men Cone of them namri .1, Pulmonary Waiera a u.f- You will bt Uuttiklu, for Um tuiviCD. Mavuuikutured HtH ii.toii itoih, loci troops, -i i The threo-montbs' troops are to be mus glory which prefigures its final triumph.

The large ports on our coast are blockaded, but there are, perhaps, forty others, where vessels can go in and out with perfect impunity. For instance, Galveston, Brazos, and others, in Texas Darien, Newport, Pliatka, St. Marks, in Florids. There are good harbors, also, on the coasts of North and South Carolina, but little known, but very convenient juat now for privateers. Look for a moment at the Craig) of the Brooklyn Fourteenth Kegiment New York volunteers, and soldiers of tbe First New Jersey and other raiments.

be deceased, with others, tried to prevent any serious results: but tbe crowd followed "loiha tered out of the service aud paid off at the rendezvous in tne several States whence tbey "Washington therefore, in its elements of JOtt COUGHS, C0L1S, SOKH Throat, HonunM, Ulivr'i Pulniuar) Wkfon. kIviiik the niorit prii natbtartitju. frMhtt, A nub pttr boi. To ba ha4 ot druggistta. tT came.

nv. i Field and Water ts porta. We take great interest in the sporting news, and we would be glad If tot Secretaries of Uie Aasoeia-tlotie and Clubs would seud ua notices aud reports ol Col. Fletcher Webster's Massachusetts reai- corner of twelfth and tbe avenue, and there tha deceased went behind Cr.iu- ami I W. BOVVK1W, DENTIST, Ia6 UL- TON AVfeaNLK, itrouaiyu, UitwrU aMU id ImjUi ou allvnr or rubbtir.

iti tf.ild. aim nUiiu. ment will piouably leave for tba seat of war EXCURSIONS. maav evening next. It will tie received in toe matches to be pla)ed by their Clubs, lulormia' bim with his fist or a bottle, and fell in from of him i (some say that his hat fell, and he defence, having patriotic impulse foiled its teaithy "and confident foes, exacting mwUa, nut satisfied with confirming a safety which seems jiJcrly Providential, would hazard all things.

The papers which represent such spirit hare been constantly applying the spur, in order to promote hazard list or ioli evxAMias nr Tins post. ion of trotting, scull boat races, yachtiog. ball aud N. Y. with unusual honors.

The flag which was tired at on the Star of the West will be pre 1 EG L'LAK Tons. IaQ HANKS. sented to the Colonel, and a speech made by cricket, will be duly acknowledged. BASE BALL. Mr.

James T. Brady. Tbe occasion will be Aba rvoril atwrnuur Jamkh A. Dlmom-, Hu rMiiMHd ifajutiiruip toih n-iiing Bank, aud will ruo daily duriog Uw awuou, ViUUya ex- oue of much public interest. t.K.pu to pica, ii up otuers, tual Uralg.

pulled In in in front j) be not up and ran, and when a short distance from Craig the latter tired, the ball taking; near the spine, and glancing from one of the piojeclions, pasarU round in front, where it was found. Dr. Miller, assisted by the surgeon of the First New Jersey Kegiment, held a posi mortem exemination if the body on Sunday, and the result was their Tom. .1,741 .1,2111 J.ito .1,071 Vuu af partial wtt, iilvHr, Rold, par toutM ailliiK froio tMicssuU to $1 pi cot Umth a-iracUng, tb wuU. tuhl lv IT I.S GEITING TU BE PKETTY wll mitlri.tajod or a.

that tba BLrilNtS-l a sOfc-N i'lill auiiot dona by dwptity. at au a lar)0 acalt), wiUmmH Loss oi Public CoUaUdeuoo snd nioney. Tlifl ntariady iicii ol biuiutM at Ui Of-KiCfc OF THK BtiCKlHKK diw to a ititct prrrauual atUtutiun to luh pat laat, aud oua LNI r'OKM Lim Of PKJcbd, to which may iw added 4 eo i saltan dtvtiw to kiuoug Uia tirrt to adopt ail ival iniproveinsjiitis without rt-aortiukt to tha ahtil.uw Empire City hritaeon Florida J. AUger Ocean Q-ihsu Fnlladt-iptiia hoan'-ke Hiar of the mth. Atlantic Alabama Augusta Baltic Bienville CoatxAcoslcot.

UiBot U. Webster The New York Life Insurance Company bas ous and aggressive sallies, .1 310 .1,608 ,.2,030 .1,076 .1,036 Choosiso an Umpikk. An Umpire should a model player, and to be that, it is requi just contributed to tbe funds of tbe Ltiin)ttJEaxt RiTcr. 7But it is an element of great value, that Army Sanitary Commission, in additioa to LravingSurth Itvr. Brlng ittrtAt, frlu A liiriM-tti D'SilA M.

site that he should know all tba points of lbe those who have trusted the great faith of 1,000 previously given by the same company. TtmUi Mli-Aut, 7: to A 7t.0 A rVckilip, 7:40 A-H. Kultou terry, Brooklyn, 7:60 A.M. game, so as to enable bim to decide witb jus agreement tual tne wound Was the cause si 1 ne example or tne company in maxnig luia death. The examination deveioned a tana- tii found it true to its destinies, will not be deserted by the people when very handsome contribution to a most worthy tice to nil.

In choosing an Umpire, the Clubs worm alive in the corpse, which, when taken Besides these there are from three to fire hnndred clipper barks, brigs and schooners, laid up to dry and rot. Why cannot the Great Republic have an Ocean Militia or National Coast Guard on the sea as well as KtHrwhrppnta of all kiDdi aim Linpi. Raff. Ac. object wiU undoubtedly be followed by other companies.

out waa thought to be thirteen feet in lenifib. TL. they look for personal support. Trust se Colonel Goodwin has received a letter from should always select one who is known totbem both, aud one iu whom tbey place contidence and respect, and abide by his decisions, no matter how biased they may seem, but quietly take me veruictoiine jury was. "that 1 nomas Hagiterty came to his death Sundav.

the 14h will bu furniMlitd on board at ivAonLile nttri, by Mr. tiki LL, long mud Iavurbly known a tltu popular steward ol thu bot, A CO II L-LlON HAND will btsoo board to lurnlrb anisic tor at 11 A. from the effects of a niatol cures trust, and It Is not probable that the world affords the examples of two men who are irioro implicitly contidud in and relied (muiim-iu triclu ootuntoa aaiuoH advrtiMirs, who pubiiadi oiirj iMt ol pnctM io Ut pstpera, umi tasbr 4t Um o(H(v. 1 aiu iiiaeitniK Kith or Partll Ukld OK TKKTH and WITHOUT CLAHP8, pi uu F11X1NO IKKTTI WJiU (jOLli, 1 UU A Si' PKAHL fr'UaUMtid, oil tU. Call and a oiy aio.Hu.

Ua. T. KKY, 1211 FLXiOM Bltihl.l', 'ptiHiT ft a. Nim Trtrrr, mlil vi it BOOTS AND SHOESTI the President, who that he will accept the President's Life Guard regiment whenever there is another call lor mure troops to be umi daiiea. Thk ta nrw of tha loo.t delightful axcuiioua out tbe place assigned sod play the game through, shot, entering near tbe spinal bone and coming out iu front which shot came from a pistol in tbe hands or Joseph Craig, a mem Iter of the New York (Brooklyn) Fourteenth Keiri- mustereu into service.

upon in their grent departments than arc and taking no notice of what bas passed until after the game is over, then if of sufficient '1 he Massachusetts Sixth regiment isex- President Lincoln and General Scott. on the land. Need we be surprised to wake up some morning and read in the 'limn, that the Sumter or Star of the West (under a piratical name, has captured a steamer from Aspinwall, with a million of treasure on board A morning paper publishes a list of vessels seized and captured, but does not mention two large steamers, the Jamestown and menr, on tritlav. July 12. 18fil.

batwaan tha oi new IlTK, anorJlit a butt vmw of th ocean, and alao ol tha GowrunibUt Foitificatlom in the hatrbor. FAKK FOR THE KXCI R8I0N, 60 CENTS. Tbu boat ean be ci.ait-id lor t-Vrtniug excur- in Apply to C. UX lEHil SO.Nd, No. Hi W-t Ptrfvv, or tin Optnln on homd.

jy 12 1m ei t.dto arrive at Mew York to-morrow, on ts wy home, and will fas welcomed bv the tJ ELL1NG OFF I importance, ssk an explanation of his decision. Iie Congress of Uio Nation," made up of hours of 3 and 4 1 AI. the Representatives of the people has given It is very insulting and annoying to tbe Umpire to have sis decision doubted. The other alANY KINDS or Sons of Massachusetts. Tbe New Yotk Seventh regiment, it is understood, will parade on the occasion and it is intended to make lie Lieutenant Colonel Bowman ami tlianihar its' unequivocal testimonials, in approval dav whiles natch waa in progress, tba bats officer of the Pennsylvania volunteers captur- IaMSlXtUUXIUHi.

of all their acts and in aid of future mea reception worthy of tbe regiment which lost the first blood iu tbe war with rebellion. the lorktown, now titled out at privateers, or commissioned in the Navy of Jeff. Davis. Yours, Lookout. TJ UrlLS TAUGHT HOW TO eu on tne rototnac had been at large on parole in Richmond but on Alonday of last week they were sua in put in confinement in a to man strack a bound ball into the right held, wbich enabled him to pass the second baseand nearly reach the third, when the ball was sures, the.

exterior wiir goos The Grand Jury at Baltimore have resent A LEiAKN. For those dfslrllig Private In- ed Marshal Kaue fur trexaon also 1). W. Owens ai ruction In KnhjJish Literature, by a (Jlaiatinal Teadier, ailureita Zsau," Bua 4 llroukl Pual bacco warehouse on Mala street, near the Kockets. where about liftv against these servants of the people by the tbrown in, arriving just before his foot touched and oumus tlie "French l.ady" and Bume others.

BOOTS AND SHOES, AT TBS GREAT SACK1FICB. J'i TO BJ Pra Caul. BBLOW FOHMER PKiliKS I Men's Boots, at i 00 Ueu'a Shoes 0 to 66 oentx. Boya Shoes 'A to 60 Lsdies' Heel 60 to 7B Ladles' Shoes. ao ts SO Ulllldren'sShoes 10 to aft denouncers of too fast and too slow.

i vui uui army are connneu. C'ongreaa Yesterday. In the Senate yesterday, tbe amendment reported by the Military Committee were considered. The amendments relating to the uineu. lenus, siiwfmi.

uoae llileudtid lul a professional lite. referrd. Success and pluaruri' ia our ttudiaa cmu ouly be attalurd by a convct kuowMgaol nrat principles. JylS awtlMatTli tbe base. His side immedistely hollowed Not out." One of the other side appealed to tbe Umpire, who gave his decision Not By remnant of virulent democrats, in Congress and out of it, every step taken bv Explosion a ax Infernax Machiki Hualoeas Plotlcea.

lcsttirdiiy morning a hearilv-loaded cart araseiu t.A' I Fobtkb's Tab Smtrp, for the cure ol TUE YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, out," when player, who was standing near, Omaha. Conaumntinn. .11 At .1.. I SlKthl, addressed the Umpire and told him be was Near Fulton-A venue. va.u..

a. wi.ue tlio push- coming up Coentiea slip, run over a small era or of tbe KepubUcan party would long package, wbich immediately exploded, before this have captured Richmond, hung niaking a report as loud as a small cannon, all the pirates and rid the land of tbe trai- 'ficki 1g up the he11 of lbe may be had at Uia newspaper depot, if Fulton, mistaken: that from tbe place where he was This Inrtttuta has been founded to tueet the felt nlmg of vacancies at tne west roint Acsd-emy was finally settled by striking out all relating to the subiect. On further consideration it was agreed that the officers on the retired list should receive tbe pay proper, but no extra allowances. Another amendment wus offered by Air. Powell of Kentucky, to the effect that no part of the Army or Navy trail i oi uiauuia; laniuies iu tne eastern pai ot the city.

It ollura libera facilities tor the culture ol near Brooklyn. Alao, Plasters lor pain In the back, 4w. Alao, Tar Ointment for burns standing, he distinctly saw that the batsman did not touch the base before the ball was at was found to be made of one nlate of sheet tonV aeelds, 6a. Also, Black Salve for euta, bruises, tu. iron aud two plates of tin.

These were base. Tbu Umpire replied that from bis posi Other Kinds Proportioualely Low. Now Is your time to BUY, while SUCH BARGAINS are being oifeied at the Original Store of J. O. WHITEUOl'SK, Nos.

SB1 and 8S Fulton St. (Near Tillary street.) W. FOSTER, 66 Fulton-street. youue; ladit In all Uie branches of an anglian and Claaeical Kducation. It relies for success oo the experaiuce, the tact, aud the patient aud thorough drilllne; of Its teachers.

It has net up a high ataudj ard ot intallttctiial and Chriatlau attainments Those viililiig eirculara, may get thm of J. Uaven- Republics am said to be ungrateful, and their treatment 0 leaders at all times held together by a band of tin in throe places were placed nipples on which were Brooklyn, Jan. ST, 18M. ajg tf tion, be could not see whether tbe batsman touched the base or not, but from what he snoum oe useu 10 Buiuugaie or uoiu as pruvin-ceSp any states lately one of the L'niteu States or in auy way to interfere with African Slavery. Air.

Sherinao replied that it was ill no part the object to subjugate the Suites or alulish might go far to shew that they were unrea percussion caps, so that a pressure at any point would cause them to explode. he machine was about the size of a small plate Tan VVekklt Stab, containing stories, saw, he thought he did. The player told him that he did not touch tbe base before the arri sonable. Siill we do not believe that all tbe port, cor. uxlord-elreet aud ultoii-avcniie or al tbe School Building.

A. BLKKO WKS, OCW tf Prlnrinal. 1 anecdotes, literature, and all tba nevs of tbe week, fire in his rear by editors will ever depose and of about two inches in thickness. It val of tbe ball. Tbe Umpire then asked the la published at thia office, every Wsuusdai Ami N.

This Shoe Establishment has connection with any othur in this city. IT J. O. WHITGHOUBB. CO-PARTNERSHIPS.

THE LAW. batsman whether be touched the base before uie rresiucnt or reduce Scott in his old aooH, at o'clock. was filled with powder, but noslugsor balls Were found. The occarrance cieated a Slavery. It was only to subjugate rebellious citizens.

Tbe Coimnitte of Conference on tbe bill to authorize the employment of vul-unteers reported, and the bill was passed. Air. Sherman's amendment was then agreed to and the Military bill was passed. In the Persons wishina; to send a large sheet, hill of use the ball was received. The batsman replied days to the condition of Belisatius.

rr great deal of excitemeut in the vicinity. iai lamuy to their friends, obtain evasively, and stated that tbe Umpire's decis a.uu education oi tins nation was intend bether the shell was accidentlv diooDed. rtmiH IS TO CERTIFY, THAT WE, I JL whoa namea mwenUf ura enveloped madr for tnalllnr. at aanta. Mouse, Air.

nastiburn, ol Illinois, reuorted placed there on purpose, for experiment bv ion must be respected. The Umpire said that he could not say whether he touched tbe base ed to make Uie great body of the people proof against Irrationalities. It in thought here at the North that the body of the poo. some evil designed person, is matter for conjecture. 1 ribune.

MAHRIAGES. before the ball was thrown in, but he was in CPOONER TABEll, ATTOUNliVS AMD UOUNBKLLt)R-AT-LAW, No. 04a FniiTOMlTRHirr, Ai.Ditt J. Bpooma, I Brooklyn. Fsank W.

Tasu, fe'i tf Commissioner of Deeds. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, ATTOHNKT AND OUUN8KLLOK, atsuuANitia' Bank Builiiinu, Montague street, corner of Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. tlisniroiiB of toriiiiUK a Lim ttnd Partunmhip aud Fnut That the uauid or lii iu uuder which aaltl Ixirtn.T'liip la to be eouducted la KtOLA tV PLtMB.

Hvcoiid That the frtmeral nature of Hie bunliiaaa intended to traiuacU-d bt ui-h Mrtjii Miiu. is MluroKD In this cltv. en formed that he did not, and bis decisiou was pm i luiuiiigem as well as patriotic, and Long lalautl i tenia. the 18th of July, at the Psrk Presbyterian Cliurcll, by the Kev. Iheo.

L. Cuylar, Joaa Mn.t.ira te Out," Tbe opposite party immediately called out "foul," "cheat," ale. insulting iney cannot be readily made to distrust Maav only daua-hter 01 John Mumtord. Captain Sam Wliitiint has arrived at hi. a bill, which was passed, to remit fines and penalties in certain cases incurred bv a tie reason of the closing of southern ports." Mr.

Pendleton, from Ohio, brought in a bill to provide tor the paving of the Ohio volunteers at the time they arrived at the rendezvous, and not from the time they were sworn in which was twelve days afterwards. An amendment was made to pay the militia of other States similarly situated. The bill passed. Air. Colfax, of Indiana, proposed a bill which was passed, that all letters addressed.

Drenaid all of this city. tnose who have thus far acred wisely and onnsullalo in the Ujliaiuaa and delivered there and abusing the Umpire. rlKRUKN bkbgkn in this city, on Thursday, the lMh of July, by tlie Kev. James Eels. D.

tha in uu I net tire ai.d linking and aale of llintsd, (Jra kma. and other articleti imiially mauutactud by Baker. Third That Uia Duraoi of all tlie general and special iuterfuM iu the aaid coimrtuorvhip no iollovTB JaniBB A. KtHiiia, William Plumb and Louitie Knoolaud that Hih taid an eiuquent oration on the 4th of July. well.

i Thrni HHJ. 1 i Tllims J. BKauin, ot Flatbusb, to Miss ASeABKT Fur the convenience of readera ilp.irin.r to a nine tne movements The course pursued by A man, would have been to quietly ask an explanation, and thus settled the matter amicably and befitting a u. UKRoan, or this city. In Nhit York, Jamas McNieae to Mlae Frauds trace the cuuise of our representative Hun.

E-H. Smith iu the present extraordinary eesioD, we may slate that there is uo other mra.lan.1 Octsvla Psake Richard Horner, to Rachel, yoiiDfrest daughter of James Hyde, n. Alexan gentleman. (nwITS-AM WALT own uonsdint,) 1 a28 It El. SANDERSON, ATTOKNETf 4 COUNSKLI.UK AT LAW, Notast Puai.10, and CoMmsaiONKB or Dbbds, Olflce I No.

9 UUURT-8TRKKT, "1" BrnnHvii. WANTS. to tbe soldiers should whenever practicable be or weli-lore and personal prejudice. They understand the distemper of party politic. Their men of justice and judgment must be able to stand between extremes as unmoved der ittlmar te Emily, ymitigpst daunhttir of the late t'ongress by tbe name of SmiUi Long Jstand mas.

JaniHsi A. Hfqua Ih a general iaituor, aud liin pi now ol rfftideacfl ii In New York that Um aaid Willmm U. Plumb in a general partner, and hla place of residence ia fa New York; that the aaid Lou int. V. Kiieelaiid in a pee iai partner, aud her place o( residence it at, ia the County of Queens, in tha Joapsnii Lt.

jotteph ueorire 11. ield to Marv. Okuanizko. We are informed that a Club baa been organized under the name of tbe Ellsworth Unee Ball Club," and that they uaujfuier ut uie iai oiuuey al. IjiyitiKSTOII.

Posr Ok t-'IflT. A PPfllM-rUL-Mu I' vja Jit. uah and lias received tha uiirniinf.iiant sent to any poiui without charge, air. Hickman, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee of Judiciary.innuired whether Mr.Alay.of Alary-land, was or had been holding criminal intercourse with the rebels. As the evidence tending to prove Air.

May's guilt was based upon newspaper articles only, the Committee haveelected the following officers President, Master at East lljnmriin Mr .1 as a General should stand in the fire of miea although apprehensive of conspirai and desertion in his own K. Dult'y Vice-President, J. Uhyme Trea SITUATION WANTED BY A GEN tleman, in a Bank or InsuranceCompany, who Thurston At Brooklyn, oo Fridav mnrninr. bus been appointed Post Master at Ama-gansclt. 'lbe l'ust Alaater at the Nnrino-a i i.

ia thoroughly acquainted with the duties, and will give unquestionable testimonials of honestv aud ca surer, Mackay Secretary, P. Glassy Captain P. M. (juinlan. It was organized on tbe the lUth FannalcK U.

Tudsston, in the bud year of his age. tW The relatives aud friends of the family are respectfully luvited to attend hla funeral, on Hun. The end crowns the work, and we trust we shall see in the glorious result that the iiuuiuiai, uob lnis neon removed, tne present incumbent, Air. farnons, being a strung advncule of the KeDublican causa ami a paclty. Address Bank," at Brooklyn Stab of-lice.

niylM tlx lTtb, under very favorable auspices, and no staie oi new lora. Fourth That the iaid Louitie Koeeland, tha upHtial partner, lian toutributed live tliouriaud Uoi lat a as the capita! to tlie comiuou atouk ol the -id pMitntrrHhip, Filth That the period at which the Raid partner-rthip ia to commence is the third day oi 'June, one tboiifand eight hundred aud idxty tho ptf at which the naid partnership to Uirminattj In the Hrt day of May, one thouHaud eight hundred aud tievtjuty-tffo. LOUISE T. KNKELAND, L. S.J JAMKH A.

KKgl I L. H.j WILLIAM H. PLUMB, IL. B-l Pat-f-l, Nrw York, IH6I, 6w recommenuea mat no action be taken on tbe part of the House. Mr.

May, bv permission of the House, endeavored to make an explanation, wherein be said that he had stood faithfully by tbe Unittd States, and he means to stand by it. He coedemned the wav in which his constituents had bein trmitnd "mnaenec of tie people i. fully justified. porver of Kreemont in 1N6U. doubt with the name of one so dear to tbe pat day, the 21st Instant, at halt-past two o'clock P.

at Ms residence. No. 64 Prospect street. Hanks. In this city, on Thumdav.

tha 1h rf lias been said to be ORGANIST. A SITUATION IS wanted by an experienced Orgaulut, (resident plant of riots of '61, it will thrive, and perhaps in A.NOTHKB WOOLKM FliTnnv Tl. July. Dr. Azsl Hanks, In the 74th year of hi.

siow It ta nut .1 time, become the champion of the city of hi1 piant mat ICaV1.NO A CioVKKNMKNr CoslTuatn- ut luia cny.j in a l-roieawinl unurcu. Address Hinoslm HTARnrtieit. mvIM tfi Soott Iu thia city, alaaaiAN Osauam, wife of James Scott, aired 3o years. MuLcab. Iu this city, Ann, wile of Owen Mc- had been arrested in the dead hour of night and imprisoned in forts.

On this ai-i-nnm J. Brook I and stand forth upon the ball ground iiidliiere Wuolen Cuimuuiv'a nnw iliiurUin. was set on lira ami OILS. itear, agea i years, lu Near York, Anu Coolan. asedSB Ann.

l.l. fiwwii last Friday nlht. It commenced in the ready to meet any body in their line, as did tbe noUesnd illustrious young Colonel K. Ellsworth, If we are allowed, we would sug fore be took bis seat in the Houes, he had under consideration whether he should enter upon bis duties as a representative. He de-feuded Marshall Kane, but did not justify bis dispatch to Air.

Johnson. The bill fur ln. pn.nniK twiii. a in uiv rauiuiy Spreaa tlirOUgQ nhli, be woven. He-publican leaders should ai.r oula he 'en able to resist tbe gushes and tides pulsiveuess.

of Popular Thc who have the ruf the government whlh i life of public libartv Ms 1 ne liberty fur ow of John Atkinson, sen. i Liasie, ouly daughter of Francis J. and Mary Antoiuette Arthur, aged IB James H. Blasdell, Sen aged d3 Mrs. Ann Donuelly, aged 37 Thomas Power, aged 85.

gest that they select a uniform of tbe three national colors. Success to it CLOTHING. UNDERSIGNED HAS RESUM-JL ed tbe personal supervtslon of his business, at the old staud, lis FULTON 8TKKKT, oioails Sands, where he intends at all tiniea to keep a huge assortment of e-oods apperrainiug to ail tbe brauch' esot'the CLOTiiiNU TBAUK. uy7 gaalLKL 8. POWEUt, THE KEKOSENE OIL BV KE-cent Improvement, have rendered tbe Oil an tlrely free from odor.

CHAFPEL POOL, Waoleials AsrenU of N. Y. Kerosene OU 64 Fulton-street, Brooklyn. On hand an aseortmsnt of Improved Buriiem, Aim Ulobea, inks and OaUaatss. iavmpa altered and rauausd, aoSo tf lue enure upper eiury, anu was nut Subdued until the third and fourth stories were destroyed.

The company have a large Government coutract, and have been ruuning extra hours a tew weeks. Insured The tire was probably iucsndiaiy. i creasing the standing Army to 21 000 men was tbeu taken up on a motion from Mr. Blair, a substitute was adopted converting these regiments Into volunteer forces. ANDLORD AND TENANT AGREE- kATOHKB TO Bt PLATSD.

Mystic vs. Fkki and East. Tbis after- M-i aissis, wiu summary proceed Inn. or ai. at we sta vdh, atreoaiya gala.

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