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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CtRRAT RIDtTTlOW III I BAWLS, II LI 1 and other Dress (i'sxt. a.j. mjM, threataned 'el II Dee. Ird. 185.

Thina-t wero in Uiis ttate. whea li ralloj oa Ml fit I CM IM-IMU anma I 1... Anil of the Prodigal Son, of whom it wa ld he wu dead, and I alive again he wat lost, and is found. With Uod all thhgs are possible. BBkaMBfXawww(wawMt) mmmmmmmmmmmmfmmggfffffS AMUSEMENTS 10-NICllT.

Jtjd," "Vatonttae aad Orson," aad "Magic Vt, i -t NIBLO'S OIBUEH "A Soldi for h.ll.t IHvantaamant of National aad ChamBtrb norma roa Toi.BL-The N. Y. SW coming yory auxiou aiyut tba Auisrieao parly. ItUket a ety great Interest 1 their maUeia, At th tame tiin It hopfor trouUe, and would be )lfotly hWJ ta. raise breexe, IU rmA fooa of Mr.

Fillmore and Xf. Law, "Sum won't quarr.1 at much a it Wpttld them to, snd hone the off. tt to nt a qurrasl betw.ea the gentlemen, and indue the mericau pir to Uke tidea trust all such effort will fail, and that "8m" all! be more ttrongly unitod than ever, preparing thoroughly for the great and Impbrlal eonqutof 18S. "United they ttand Uivi-dad lhy old, but good. Mark Well.

Swo.v. Judgt Davles, 1ectd by the peopl of Kw Y'ork at on of the Justice ol lb Supreme Court, and Judge Ciiwlee appointed by tha (lae.ruor.'havo both beeu sworn into jouowin; frmrki rret ''i'-M fT'' rNVli4 RsminitMiioe of a County w' restore," by J. W. tkr.B;,f Port- AM I 4 OTi wy nd 4t is better In a wo in Infancy, a a to ere a vr biin In manhood." 1 IVn wore th worrit of father who ton, a hipeles projgtl, bd waudered t' ttiia country eud for a Uine, Mr. family th bill tide.

I raid a Impel prodig'. niay uppod bit hn teemed he's 'u1 I eoold cherish pa mure eonsuUlory feeling ,3 tin stressed lu ill following extract V. front in mm letter "1M not understand me few that I have (to hoi hut It only tint faint I. b.l.l..K PnlliAt Ann luettth tlmo.t despairing heart to him, whose crae it almighty at will i to.ersigB.'--. mini, from ineUiurv I auJ 1 truel tlltf-e it" na uuug man, Md a bint to parents, especially ilmae who refuse to be comforted altbt gravttof iafantclilldrea, tka fullowing taj frag'iicut ot c.

alia aiitory of JJ. 1 My fiitt knowledge of him wat toon after liia -arrival, a wretched vagabond, in tliit country. It wu a batuliful aumrotr oveuing. I had tli pluliro, rlMurs whioh I ofieu enjoyad, of being oue of a numorou circle around the tea-j table of tli Mr. aad Mr.

W. bud on tbi aeeaaion aev eral friend (baring their tl hoepitalitK', oniang whom were evral la-, -a Moo Jon. A aervant announced to Mr. that aom on desired to aea him at tho doir, adding that ho refuted to com into tba houae, but had tealod hiimelf or. the alep of tho "'f'liiaiia, apparently mreh axhauited.

Mr. W. immediately left the table, and found tb gr tu bo a young maa in a tailor 'a dreee, wbot la, bnle apearoca Indicated extreme Mvrty ul wretehodneM. Hi raited hit band, and fining hi aye on the fact of Mr. W.

taid, 'If i will believe it' eir, I am the ton of your old friend 0 "Tou tb aon ol l'epHe4 Mr, W. Jt may bo to, but it require rather mor proof ll'tn our awertiun, to tatisly nio that 1 tee in 'thia uiUarabl object tho aou" of old friend torn into tb ha kindly added, 'and wa will look Into tho matter.1 Th or fellow ut fint refuted, tnyin that lio wat not worthy to come under tilch a roof but nt length prevailed upon and When mr. row uble, and entered lb Be' HrlAiiiiw rullAMil hv fl liffllt A U. TOW LB A CO. Columbian JIM nei i K.w York, are Bow otfarina the ltrtett ana oe ssieeiwo -v wu, wo I I 1 1 oily at greatly reduced urtoee, vltt f.

yaids plaid aud tlrips Silks, radoetd from 21,500 yard tick, plaid and 'stri Bllkt, rrota 8. 28,600 jardt xtrnrlch did and strif rllks, frocs el.AOtott.UO. 12,000 yards very heavy eolured llolr Aatlq fiilkt, best iinperted, redueta tVata tu 1,200 Drochs long thaa Is, all wool, lUotd 2.CO0 quai thawl, redaesd frnat 19,00 1 M.OO 1 rmivu ill. 'PUSH A larg assoHBient maouiactursd I roe the bast materials ia market, 33 iier eent last than foraer prices i 50,000 yards French MstIbo, Irst tjaallty bast laaaulauture, only el.uO per yard. A beautiful sleek of Lacet aad embroHerUt, ol our own luinnrtstiim, eqnslly low, 10,000 o.rn Kli) tiLOVBi, best Pari stana factuis, only lis fsr I Columbia Hall, ao23 2m Orandtll.

OHEUIJF SALE. BV VIRTUE OF A WRIT alA. aa.1 ttt thsl Call ft. BjJ SB BJCSI WSVjnty 1V mwm-m 1 lomedireeied and delivered, I will eell wy Pnblie I mi 4 AhncMltA Auction, as the City Hall, in the Clly of Brooklyn, oa Ike 10th any of May, 1855, at 12 eloek, at aooa of that day all the right title nd iuteret which Austin Sbbb max hdooth23J day of Novmbor, 1864, at any tiin thereafter, la whose hand soever ins sntns msv bo, of, ia end to, all that certain lot pieee or parcel of Ian I. with th dwelling house thereon, ituai and beiug in the feveutn now Elvnih Wnidof IbeCityof Brooklya, bounded ay Wleni Beginning at a point oa th westerly tide of Gold street distant one hundred feet rorlherly from the onhwettsrly earner of Wlloughby and Gold tret.

running thence westorlv parallel with Willoughby strist ons hundred feet three Inohe i thnce westerly parallel with Mold street twenty-five feetj thenee eaterly parsllsl with Wnluoghby street on bun-drsd feet and three inches te Gold street i and tkenoe southerly along Gold street twenty-flv feet, sains plscsof begtnnirg) bei lot number 3118 on maw ol property in Brooklyn belonging to tha heirs of Br. iiolus DufCold, deoeesed fluted Brooklyn. Fen-ruary, turveyed by Is.aa T. Ludlam, Vlllsga Suneor. 'J ogether with all and singular, ths tenements, hereditaments and appurtenancei thereunto DelongiDK w.w Bated Brooklyn, Maich til 1855.

I EAULholvRI LOTT, Uw6w To Bhsriff. The Sslo of the above rroperty It uuf.l the 21 day .,1 July, 1855, at the tame time and place. Datod Brooklyn. May 10th, 195o. 0 ENGLEBERT LOTT, myll Uwtd Sheriff.

frT Tho Sale of tho above Property is furthsr posTponed until the 12th day of July, 1855, at the sumo time and place. Bated July 2,1, 1855. ENULEuERT LOTT. Iv3 lawtd hheriff. The Sate of the above Property is further postponed until the 26th day or Jely, 1855, at the same time and place Dated Brooklyn, July lPBj.

-ENGLEBERT LOTT, It! 2 lawtd Sheriff, tvf The Sale of thu above Property if furthor poatooned until tbe 9th day of August, 1855, at the same time nnd place, i Bated, Brooklyn, July 26th ,1853. EKGLEBEKT LOTT, Jy2B lawtl SberifT The Sale of the above Property it further potpopjd aniil il.a 9thday of Ootoour, lb5, at same time and place Bated, Brooklyn, ISaJ. ENGLEBERT LOTT, null) lawtd Sheriff. Llif" The Sale of the above Property i furtbt postpona until the 16th day of Cotobtr 1865, at tb same time and place 1 i Baud, Brooklyn, 9th, 18o5 -r. ENULEBEKX LOTT.

e3IO lawtd tir The Snlo of ths abovs Property it further posip ned until the 23d day of October, 1855, at tha tame tin.e sn1 plaee. Bated, Brooklyn, Octooor 16th, 185o. ENGLEBERT LOTT, eel8 lawtd tiff" The Sale of the above Property it further tJZZ.a nntil ih. 10th dar of December, 1855, at tbe same time and place i 1QCC Datfld, jorooKiTD. vcwoor io- JDIlilUaUAUVaVt-t e24 lawtd Sheriff- TUB AMEKICAW PRIMA DONNA MISS AJNJNA Sl'lJNULA, of Brooklyn, will enake her AT THH BROOKLYN ATHENJSUM, osr THURSDAY EVENING, Decchbsb 13, 1856.

do tt" CLOTHIItiC. EXCELSIOR I CUAS. E. FOLWELL, MsncHANT Tailcs ano No. 100 Fulton-etrett, Hat now on hand a very large and superior stock of goods for the Fall anil Winter trade, consisting of FRKNCIi BEAVERS.

Plaim amd Ribbed, PILOTS to medium qualities of Black Clo ha and Cnssimers, and a very large and varied tssnrtment of farcy Cnssiuiere. Also, a tuperb selection of Silk aad Velvit Vestings that ounuot be urpassid. 0 E. F. respectfully informs his Patrons and the Public, that his aim is to make hit ordered work superior to any in the oity.

Ho does his own cutting aod warrants a perfect fit. No disappointments. ExcRLsioB is his motto N. HAND, A FINE 8TOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, SELL1NU OFF AT GREATLY BEDUC'ED l'RICES. Brooklyn.

Autust II. 1855. ull 4mdA. PL. ROGERS IS A li "CLOTU INU WA UE HOUSE COIL FULTON A NASSAU tOupotile rt Herald Office,) a NEW YORK.

Geittlkmen snd Families visiting New Yorh are nvitei to view the immerse stock of FALL AND WINTER CL0TH1H0, -for Men snd Boys, sf Rooass A tV's Wsre-hoaea, eor. of Fulton and Nassau No stock in ths eity comprises sach a variety at regards stylet. Sites, eolor, quality snd materials, ma4 tbe prises, in oa-teqnenee of the enormous increase in tbe business of the eoncern, hare been reduced below the level of i ,1 I- any enesp awn nw awn. There is ao "bargaining" or 'higgling' at thi Establishment, at ONE TRICE, sad that th lowest, is ever asked or received. each si til ls ii aftiiied ia coyspcvotrs figubss.

ths lowett price at which it wiU be tutd, at that ao advantage is taken of insiperionee. It will be invnriab foaad that the swtJ prices at Roetaa 1 Co are ecany per eent lower thsa errr taken under ths VuWN SISTSM st ether sures. Tb Ware-hones of P. L. Kooaa A Co.

is tn IMMENSE SIX -STORY BCILtflNP. sentralty loeated. ae rrfie Uoro.ghfre. snd its v.s if-sAg HUlJ SHOW kuOMS hse jnMjNniophnutW was) ssesnaot t-t ob4 slsewBore ia Kew York. Ta ft tra of CttLNTRT Iit'ALUlS it alirseti ta grest Taarsiy and esJfemUee cusArytss ia C.TI th PFICH LIaT ssJ rynashe lh rWrif Tie np)y el Fslf nnd Wnatnr 0 FR-OPAT.

asal of -vrry bine rmrm s-rVpcue vbr t-oes sra-wru, i prakasry natils -to. ranee HCn; EM CO, IslIStass, aountr, aoinmuntcatioa against a wng woman Wha bal lately married a man, ui.leaa tba BPieard beh the Hr dressed in a whit tans In her nana. nand, Blleet SHU --i atptntn forth heltwut offenee tinillin in i i V. Guardian. weaioca wini Han ThanninoN run TUB Now "Frscdom," "Lov of Freedom highU vf.rrtedom,' i in orttaoiiatiaa of lh House, to plunder to rob th 170,000 000 iii the Tresury.

Da-ikbou i. -mi-o;" i illum-a knuckles, and II INS all, The ability lo stand up, with abrateu face, ami sieui, wn" 'jn ri i l.i-tl sNoithern 1 obhyiat now iu Wsahiiigtun, trsnslerrsd fiom Albany, and organizing ior piuiiuerm loo. 'jCfpitH 1 1 A .1... -a MUlifflVlia KSV UT oous, vi nuuii, his class turns Instructions about prsauhing IB a saltil atlirtlsmllsttS.

UCII 'IMRMr IV K-' I aa n.t. Urn "it all coiitatin- in a nut ih.lL When you go to prh in 1. I. wit. (1 V.klt Of, til City, vur ueav suai, "i s- to preaeb in the eouirlry, take your bett ter- mon, uuslnenn Nallcaa.

JVa Tna 1I.ilidats.-9, M. TOWLE TO. have received a splendid stock of embroid ered -Colart, blstves, Chemitsttt, Udkft, Laces at avarr deserintion. tozetber With Hosiery, Gvet, die, which they art telling at remarka bly low prices. COLUMBIAN HALL, dS It K- 881 Grand tt Ttooxtt fc CLOTitttta roa inx Sxa'sok.

Tb eool vrealhtr tuggett warmer clothing, and nowhere in thi city can it be uougnt to eater ailvuutaue Ihtu at collier of Fulton aud Nassau streets. Their etoclt of faH and winter apparel I "immense, and. comprise every variety of, style ana site, itieir prices, too, are unquestionably the lowett in th trade, and being aflixed iu plain figure to the article Urert ean be no mistuke or dispute. But one pi-ice is askt'd pr tnkun at this eatablichinent. The boys' dapurtinent is occupied with a large and elegant assortment or by cloltiing.

tne variety is greater than that of auy other etock in town. Here a father may clothe hi son to grent advantage, both ns regards fit and econe- my. Iu the custom department, clothing lor gentlemen and boys is fashionably made, at many par eut under the usual merchant tailor' prices. d8 It jf Orders for the Sale, Letting ind Letting of Houses, The 8uperintcndunce of Work and Contracts for Owners' Account, receive the prompt attention of C. HODDEJT, U0 133 Union tt, Brooklyn.

O. as Referee, Trustee, Assignee, ate, attends to th management and aoltl.ment of R. al and Pereonal Eslatet. Betidence ond Office, 1SS Union tt, Bro4c- lyn. O.

Holuxn give promjit attention to erdert from Laujtordt and Teoenlt of Houaet. Retideuce aud Office, 188 Uuion st, Brooklyn. dl tf O. Holdxk attends lo th Improvement of Property, th Sale aud Letting of Houses. Residence and Office, 138 Union Brooklyn, dltf O.

Holdex effect Loans, Insurance and advance for building ou lots for sale. Resilience aod Office, 133 Uuion Brook lyn. Pi artiagtf, TI 1. An lli.filhnf tllMmlwr. bv the Kev.

T. M. Wellington C. Burnett to Miss Jan daughter of Cha. Cleveland.

In New. York, K.lwnrd W. Jacobs to Miss Elite A. Bogurtj Abrnm Baker to Miss Mary eldest daughter ot Hichord D. Blauvelt, Esa.

Wm. Handy ta Miss Jane Hunter James O. Weston to Mis Harriet Connell i Ira (Jooilnow to Airs. Sarah Wood Andrew Jackson to Rachel S. Morris Wm.

Klkin to Mis Eliia Ann Wood. gtatys. In this city, oti the 7th of Decemrer, Kate Ellen, infant daughter of F. t'ertet and Mary J. Smith, aged 1 year and 21 days.

In New-York, William Ar.drew Abrahsll, tied 65, a native of England, and for tome yean a schoolmaster at Flushing, L. I -Vlartha. wifo of Charlca Field, aged 75 Kachel ltenrfield, aged 72 Mary Ann Hanluattle, wile of Tho J. Shannon Hannah Burr, aged 67 Maria, wife of James Coulter, aged 34 i Alexander Lucas, aped 50 Ann, wife of Joseph Moore, aged 29 James Bell, aged 52 Ma ry Brown, aged 36 Bridget, wife of Nicholas Bel-ton, aged 41. LINE3 TO THE MEMORY OF CATHARINE P.

BOSS, DECEAiED. At last thy sands of life ore ran, And death has called thee home Thy journcyings on earth are done, And tho art silent gone. Kind frionds are gathered round thy bier, To take tbe last farewell, Before you've taken friends so dear To death's cold narrow ceil. Thy children often will they sigh, When nature olaims its rest 1 To know in desth you silent lie, Their friend in life tbe best When gathered at tbe hour of prayer, Thy partner sad and lone. Wilt miss thee in the vacant chair, For thou wilt then be gone.

Bu fare the well, may Angels keep Guard o'er thee, sweet friend, Till time nt ltst shall fall asleep, And death itself shall end. One fond look tsors Man taon'rt goae, Te rest bensath the sou 1 Ws kissed thy brow thee gentlt one, And givs thee to thy Goo. W. BELLA H5H. BROOKLYN AT BEX ATM I.ECTCRKS- KALl'U WALDO K5 wiU deliver the seventh lector, of the coarse, oa TL'ESDAT EVKNIXtJ, Dtc.

11m. Subject "Beauty." tWa opea st 7 o'clock LsCars to eostnvence at 8. A limit number sf tickets will be sold at 25 at, each, and snay be obtained nt Rosa's book-stuto, ll Atlantis street i fcwavsa's book-ttors, 210 Fsltna stfW Mattbew's aaasic Mure, 23 Ceart ttrret, sad st the poos. d3 3t prRSl AXCK OF AN ORDER OF RODMA.t B. lAow, Esq, mrmtm sf the Coanty of Eingat fotic ia hreKj giTm, sceriiiig So I all peram saving eisistt ngsinst Cbaslu Den pine, late nf tbe City af Brooklya, aVcweosd, nasi they sre rtenired to estJ tbe asne, wita escts tswT the setertn-.

st Ke. 1-1 'rant Ml, sn ths dt of 5ew-Vfc, oa or botwo an IJik say sf Jaw aest Dse4 It, Ifol i KA.VCE9 H. tCT. i 44 l.rCa t- Wu. IL Sir t-Uv.

i.i of vsur IsolursoB "Seottiib Song" reeenlly delivered bfor th Young Men' AtaavlsUoa of Jersey Chy, 4 iii eomnioa with Pr. Urttwoiu in -Pottry of America, regarding yi at pie af th very few whose worke aould ot have bs written any other eooutrjr," and pr.d you at a son of Xew Vork, who has left an tn during mark In her anaals w. iuvita tou to pronounce your lecture oa "Skiottiali Song" before the elllaens treonveulent at the Brooklyn In- tlitute, oa Tuesday eveniug. Ilia 18th of De- An sarly reply I requested. Keapeeltuiiy yours, F.dward Copeland, George N.

Holt Jobs L. Spader, E. A. Paul, John Greenwood, Jes C. Smith, J.

Goodrich, Edward T. Wood, Richard Grave, J. W. Hunter, Conklin lirusli, Geo, Uall, -Rodman B. Dawson, Judith B.

Voorheet, John K. Oakley, W. Van Zandt, Itolwrt Baliuouo, Win. IL Halock, D. Tompkins Gray, M.

D. Geotg W. Brown, W. II. Mackie, Donald Mann, Wm.

tiwift, M. W. II. Van Duyne, Win. J.

Bicknell, John J. Currie, J. P. Phillip, Daniel Whler, Hertchel Patker, A. J.

Spooner, J. Stoddard, Sila LuiNmn, Geo. Stoddard, B. Prindlrf Cliarle Foster, Cliarle Burt, 1 Henry Hartcau, And other. SavAt Omen.

N. Y. December 6th, 1855. r.THTirux Your favor ooucbed in rluuer ing term, wa duly rece ved. It affunla me pleasure lo comply with your invitation to pro-nouuncmy discourse oil "Scottish Song," at th time aud place named.

XOUrs a nil grew W. II. C. UosHKa. Tho iriariied Catholic Priest.

m.MiAil PriAAi'a pn. earns un sirsia ve- A II in i. i.i... -i a nuui of Julia Ann Smith auaiuat Rt Rev. John Laughlin, Catholic Bishop of Brook-, i i Ivn, to recover property cisnnea oyueraa -ing belonged to her husband.

The property, it will be rememuereu, eomprise iui, a in Hrooklvn. and valued at 8 10, 000. Chariot Smith, tb hutbad, died in 1851. and in this year conveyed to Archbishop Hughes, of Xew-York, the lota in questions, fur 11.600; but the wile not having joinea in inn conveyance, it is claimed that the same it invalid. The lota are held at present by Kev.

Mr. Laugh-lin, as tenant under Archbishop Huulie. The plaintiff now seeks to recover possession of the property upon the ground, a sha allege, that he was tecretly married to the tid Charles Smith, deceased, lie being at the time of her mar riage, and np to the time of hi death, a Roman Cutholie Priest, and further, she being at the lime of the conveyance of 1 he property, hia lawful wife, and having two children by him, both of wliom are living. Tne defendant, it will be recollected, denies that plaintiff was the wife ol Smith, and claim that the property woe purchased held and conveyed by him in a fiduciary capacity. The only witness called yeterdey, waa Mr Mima Bullock, who direct exan intion wat resumed from tb last day of th trial Th testimony waa hot of any interest to th public, iwimrnnlv confirmatory of what has already been published.

When it closed, th case wt adjourned until Monday, tlie J7tu. f. The County Superintendents. For the Brooklyn Evening Blar Ma. Editoe Much has been aid in your niilmnna reanectinu- the extravagance of our county institutions, and the manner of procuring auppliet of provmont to for tnem, seam to be lik the handle af a inir a one sided affair.

but no word of exto- e- ualion on th other, flow 1 urieny asx-now can tradert sell gonds at reasonauie prices wueu they cannot get cash in return. It is a notorious fact that the uperintendent of the poor no munev for the last three year. It is also a fact that tbe Superviort made large grant in ravorol Uie superintendent, was the nature of those grants? Why tlie n.r,;.nr. w.mld order eav $25,000 to be placed to the credit of the Superiuteodeute of the Poor, payable wnsn mnut woum treatury. 1 ut when wae ifuoney in the treasury 7 thata the rub I Well the tuperintendantt I.

rf ,1.. fn.ltV arew arans oi ciuuv mm i.u.n na.i.M ivliii monev Siller WHO meu. -j would be at hit disposal; those drsltt were transferred to tlie tradera instead of taidi payments for their noods being sleo indefinite at .1 I. h. artl.l to time ol payment, saiu by ths traders for cssh aa best they eould, say 11000 tor at which price plenty are now in the market This Is one reason for high prices, whereas if money waa in the treasury to meet bills, my life for yours, no complaiute would be made of high prices in procuring tup-, pliet for our county buildings if your reform begins in ths right wsy.

Vxritas. Items. There will be a third eervict in the Church of the Holy Trinity to-morrow evening at 7 1 i o'clock, and oa each succeeding Sunday evening uutil further notice. At the evening service the teats sre free. The Provisional Bishop of New Y'ork, will visit Trinity Church, Eael New Y'ork, to-morrow afternoon.

The Rev. H. B. Elliot haa resigned the charge of the New Eogland Congregational Church of this eity. Rev.

H. G. Hinsdale wo installed pastor ol the O. a Presbyteries Church at Oyster Bsy( I on ths SOlh ult The monthly meeting of th New Y'ork and Brooklyn Auxiliary Foreign Miasma Society was held at th Tract House on Mondsy sflsr-boob. Tlis Rev.

Mr. Wood. Secretary of the Americas Board, eomojoniaaleJ tha not reseat intelligence from it Missions. St Psul's Church, Syracsne, Bobly signslized Tlisnksgsviving Dsv. by presenting their Roe tor, tbe Rev.

Wm. B. Ashley, with a cheek for fifteea hundred dllnrs. It is a eooetanUal honor, both to prieet sad peopls. A Mixtsrxa' Ajkvttt Tbs St Joha't (Episcopal) starch of Providence, having enjoyed the psstornl ervieo of the R.

Dr. Croeker for ore thaa fifty years, hsv givea bin a htwral npport br litsv with aa aewatty to hat faatily oa his retiring f. the rv'aistry. Taa Teaaaatn Sarr. Th Parish Priest sf a -1 f.L tawo js fwna ia tn raaf tmm on evening at my residence, few mil Irom the village or Ur uetirea a private When were alone, he told me that he hud come to bid me farewell, and to request tu to execat tomr'trlfling oonuuistlone for him, at lfuro the next morning he ajioald be a dead man." 1 treated hi deelaration at first with indifference.

lie renewed it in the must auleuia manner, eeying lie eould and woulJ H. Aft I hie former fo-quesla, with tome additional ones respecting Ms burial, ikot. lie began to arrange aome papertlit had brought with him, and of whioh he wished me to lake charge to prevent their falling Into the haudt of the people at tho hotel. 1 took thia opportunity to leave the room and consult tme gentlemen who had called on losint ra to tba proper eourte for me to pureur. Uur ciiiiclusiun wss that although there was some caue fur anxiety, yet the circumstnncea did not warrant any attempt at rettrtiutor supervision.

Before ho "left sue I mad a solemn appeal te him reepeeliiig the naluieof the act which vowed hi intention of perpetrating. lie heard me Ihmuuh. and replied that he did hot coma to ask my adviee, but my asistanc, parted fruh him at the, door, not without tome apprehensions, and yet with no ttiMcieully def- i ff 1 A mite leare, anowing, as uis uueanui, biim, at the eame time, cowardly cliaracttr, to Inske me willing to alarm the inmatet of hi boarding houte. or by any direct etfortt to attempt the fruitratiou of hit alleged purpo ses. After an interval of two hour or more, a I waa about to retire for the l.iirht.

a messenger earn in the greateet hatto from the keeper of the public house in desiring me to come instantly and tee who wet dying by poison. I lost no time in obeying the summons, and on my arrival found the houte in the greej. eat confusion. The patsuget leading to apartment were filled with female inmates of the house, extremely terrified, atd the chamber wat crowded with men. It apeared oa inquiry that he had drunk the laudanum from a tumbler, and thn Ruing to hit room, locked the door, undressed bimseif, ind Kid down to die.

The tumbler had accidental- ly attracted attention and led to a discovery of the dreallul act. liii uooroi uie cuaiiiuer was then forced open, and attempts were made to arouse him from the state of partial Insensibility whioh bad already coi enced. These attempt had in pert succeeded, and when 1 entered the room two physicians were standing by hi bedtultf urging him to swallow por-lion which thev hud iireptred. This he wai sternly refusing to do, begging them let him die in peace. When he suw me he exclaimed, with 4 den.oniacdl laugii.

i All, tir, you see I am not tu great a cowma as you took me lor.v I have not onmu to banJy word with yoa I have but one question to ask and I olinrge tou betoro you it, to think of your father end mother, whoso gray hair you are bringing with torrow to tlie grave, and of your God, before whom you are rtshly attempting to hurw your wretched soul. My question in this. will you voluntarily twallo'w thia draught which lf. hat prt- pareu I iiisrepiv was uiataui wiu-m ui. Nol I will not." Very well," taid I.

"If yon will not do jt voluntarily, you must Then turning to the'physiciaut I staled my determination to spare uo pains and hesitate ut no msa sures, however violent, under their direction, byubichhit life, tliouijli ajipareutly useless, might be prolonged, to that his excellent parents might at least be spared the agouV of learning that their rougestson had died by his owu hand. Wo immediately engaged in a seriet efforts of the most severe, nmi unreuiitted description, which he resisted fr hour witli a convulsive strength that astoaisbedus all and in the course of which ho was once left strangled and apparently lifeless. From thia condition, however, was aroused by the most powerful itimulants, and at length our endeavors began tosucoeed. Although with oaths and curses he resisted the efforts ol nature, yet hia stomach Anally ejected tiie dendly agent and toward morniug I left him exhausted and fereriah, with his mouth much lacerated by the violeuce we Ifad been compelled to employ, but out of danger. The next day 1 saw him again.

He wa suffering both 'fruri the effects of the nohon and of the remedies which had been used, but show. ed no eigne ot cnmpuuction. Hit spirit as untamed. He did not thank ua for taving his life, and expressed the wish that we had allowed bim to die. When told that at one time he was thought to be dead, and if the effort to force the medicine down Ilia throat bad been persisted in, another minute, he would never have breathed again, be exclaimed the most hardened manner.

"61 why did yoa not hold on that other minute lie would not promise to abstain from similar attempts iu future, though at a mark of gratitude to bit boot aad hottest for their kind attentions, he assured them that he would never trouble then) in the same way again, lie toon left the place, undertook to teaeh in the city of but without auccees, owing to lilt intemperate habits, end whether yet living I know not If these pages should ever meet bit eye, let him remember that Gel will never refuse to foririva and save the penitent, to whatever die tiiu thev uiev have wandered, and however vile and wretched thoy have become. Rut to return to the sectie of attempted aui aide. Never have I beheld ao horrid and at the am lime so instructive a spectacle. More titan once I stepped out upon the upper piazza of the house that I might breathe the fresh air of midnight, and reassure myself, by looking at the bright moon and the beautiful land rcape, and enjoying again the tilloes of the summer evening, that 1 waa not a visitor in the abodes of despair. Exeoraliona, profane jeata, prayers for death, and messages to the object of his affection, were intermingled in a manner of which ao description eould convey the full ideal When the clock in the neighboring steeple gave out the hour of midnight, he exclaimed with apparent solemnity, "Ureat Uod, before twelv to asorrow 1 shall be in thy pretence In the next breath he ottered a wiltieisra upon what ha called the bunuling practice of tin "Yankee Doctor" and advised them in future to have more efhoient meant at hand lor similar cases.

From Uie whole scene, dreadful aud re-voltinir aa it tu, 1 endeavored to eauaet some good, especially to the mixed company who crowded the chamber during the greater part of that fearful night la reply to my inquiries as to the origin of all bis vice and wretchedness, he assured me that idleness was the first downward step had taken, Thia led him to van on methods of kill-in Lima, such as drinking, rambling, and theatre going, which lead ao maav Vung mea.dowa to the gate of death. 11a wa the child of bope of stB ieuce, and of prayer. Yet idlenees proved hit ruin. Let the young man who read the page remember hi sad confession anad at a moment when be ei peeled aoua to die. Let bim alius idleness, ho would the outer eirclee of a wkirpool.

If dilligenee is to be considered aa one ot the "minor nioralilie of life, it it ao lest true tbtt it saves from some ot the groeter vie. For tb went of it M. wa ruined. With sdvsntags oeh a a tew eigoy, he plonged himself to a depth shirk few ta this world are suffered to reach. This slight Letch caa giv bot faint imprsseioa of its horrors.

Let tbe rnt. too, who Cods it difficult to concerning a sick or deceased cbiid, "Tny will be done," be reminded that God knows ht- snal Herbal inflict thi blow to aava bias from a heavier ooe. Light hi esooper isoa would bsv beta the egoey of his rls if he had died in infancj, te thsl whir wrung their heart daily for aoaay year of hss life. Yet how oftea as aoeh a boreavestea regarded ae too heavy be bora I 1 add bat a Mogleword. If the "Clerrytnaae Profit rate Hoa yet ra 'here ssiasisa so write aaothor sad a vary efferent cfcaoW at hat kis-tarr, A ehapter correspond iag to the pertM Uo Uanota," aad Alpbodol BOWgKY A new Wsv to Fay Old Ueota," and Kioga Gardiner." fcL'KTON'i False rreUnces." and "Villi- kins al Din." WA Tho 'The Little and "Th Beeret" BHOAHWAY-" Mary of Mantua," and My Neighbor Wife." BUCKLEV'd Cl'ltLESQlE OPERA I10LSK- Burlesqu Opera and ec) New anmmarT- The U.

S. 81. after a brief oxeoutivo ses sion, yestarday, sdjourncd. Another day' bgbt in the House, over tn apeaktr. Tb Democrats stick to Mr.

Rtohnrd- ton, whose Tote range from 72 to 74- Air. Campbell, having withdrawn hi name, a number of hi friends voted for Mr. Banks. If the Democrat continue firm, the rest mutt tub-it, or there will no eleotiuo. Hit ttid Ibat the veteran, Oen.

Cass, will not enter the contest for tilt Presidency. Th Viigioia Legislature go into an election for S. Senator to da) The coutet i between Mason and Floyd. Th whole vote for the city and county or New Yark fo.r Judge of the Court of Appeala for the long term i returned by the New York Canvasser for Samuel "3' Seldcn. will compel the Stat Canvasser to giv the certificate of election lo Mr Campbell, Mr Selden loaet lb vote of Dutchess county also, which is returned for Samuel '3' Seidell.

We stated yesterday that a serious fire, had broken "in in Sing Sing prison, which dostroyed the hat, elate and planking shops, whichire attached to the main prison originated in tho hut shop, about half pnst six o'clock in tbe evening, and spread with great rapidity, and toon the entire rtnge of the south wing, a ten story building, and a one ttory b-iilding runuing at right anglet with the south wing, were iu flames, and from Uie combustiblo nature of the materials used in lint making wool, wood, alcohol, io, it was found impossible tocheek It There are a couple of engines kept in the pn ton yard, and these were brought immediately kato requisition, and were worked by the con-viclt nnd the citizens. All the. engines, in the village, also, were on hand, save oue. and the members of that one refused to work unless paid 4 ri therefor. Th convict expected to escape, and their cries of exultation were distinctly heard above.

the noine and coufuaiou consequent ou the oc currence. Nonu of them, however, escaped, al though the pnsoi. is very lull, there using ui males and 1U7 female within the wall at present. At one time it wat foared that the main building would get on fine, but by strenimut eiertiont it was saved; the whole hat shop ana adjoining buildings, however, were burnt the ground. It was morning before the fire stopped, I j.

i serious eaautllies occurred except th falling of a maa from the roof, who wat somewhat braiaed by the fall. I ''Mr Cliarle Watson, th hat coi tractor, is tlie pi iuuipal tufferer by this fire, his loss being over 1 flu, 000. He i insured in the following offices: Kutgers, tS.OOO Bcekmau, 5,000 Lafarge, iEtna, Hamilton, Tacitie oon Fulton. Williamsburnh, 3,000 Mer chants A Traders, 8,000 Lennox, 8,000 Stuy vesant, 1,000. Total, The fire Is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.

Thi it the eighth time these build-inite have been fired. The loss to the State will be over $15,000. One good will result, and that it, bettet build ingt will replace thtin. I 1 Expense ot tho Federal Government. The Saoretary of the Treasury has bis official budget ready, and the footing up of all the want of the government, it Indeed startling.

What with deficiencies for the last year and the needs for the present year, he atkt for SCVERTT SIX MILLIONS AND SKVE HUNDRED AND tioiiTT Tiiocx thousand dollshs. Pretty fair this, for lb democracy who are for ever talking economy, and '-blowing" about the extravi-gance of Whig administrations. Tbe present democratic administration, have constantly increased the expenses, although not a dollar lias been expended for river and harbor improvement, and the fortifications, have been nearly or quite stopped. The Post office department it thort and variout other rooneyt are required to fill up the "chinks' and "tests. Wbeo we consider that in 182S, the expenses of wero less than thirteen millions and now, nearly aeventy -eight luillious, we may be excused for expressing some astonishment at amount To be sure aa tb couutrv hat pre grossed and improved her requirements became greater, but not in mis enomiuua ruvw.

ue will the time come, when we shall have a really teonouiiial and upright adminutralioo, which will ruie wuo e'ii, i I. 1. couutryl Perhap the "Americana UI answer by and by. Em 1ora mystery Tba mrsterr surroi-ndina thi vessel and her crew, still remsios on fathomed. The Eudura hat been warped up to the shore and every part examined but aa bodice focutd.

It b) reported that certain indication point out foul play, tutawhow, but how remains a secret Th re gre ilsoa rem ins silent, lie gives na clue to the transscuoa whauver. Ths wreckers intend tk eWt the veseel sunk, for th -s 1 hwdica. should think if they were at ia the cabin they ware throe a eivorbenrd Bad asset be tost th ftunrnJ or at the Marrow, carried I thithor by th t.d. bav sesa ao ewidessee a tiM ta evtave of aaidr apa tbe seerw, though ho may be goiMy. for ia those dayt, to be pl, OS gn ny.

sseT hswtT- tbe wlsolo tVarfnl trantsetioa. atay be speedily el red np. (Burning tar. SATUB.DAY EVENING, DEC. 8 IBM.

-i -J I UTT The question at to who really ia the Judge, will be submitted at unee to Hit proper iriouuai, ior aetilement V.Y. roues, The examination of Mayor Wood and Justice Welsh before the Legislative Committee hat elicited facta, that may well tart! th community. A system of fraud and corruption ha been exposed, that ere long mutt have brought the judiciary to a bye word and the Police to tb worst kiud of pandarisra We wonder iudeed, Urn I infinite mischief hat -not already accrued. When will it broken onf "great convention of the "American Irish Emigrant Aid Sooiety," list 'fizzled' out The whole thing wee a pour farce, badly played It waa doubtless some new 'dodge' of the Jesuitt among us, which has failed, 'Pat' not being so 'green' at they took hiiu to be. Tux Atlantic avkncb UraovxuanT.

Judge Strong, in a recent decision, has refused to make the injunction perpetual, obtained attlitmotiou of John F. Bridges, to prevent tho city of Brook lyn and the railroad eompaniee from completing til contract at improving Atlantic aveuue by laying the rail track in the centre of the street Our renders iiiual be perfectly fumiliar with' the cats by thia time aud we need moke no eomment only that the though never doubted, it most gratifying. MAsjimit Family Jkdustual Society. By nn adverliaetnent in another' column, it will be teen, that th a tociety will commence a Fair, for the benefit of it funds on Monday morning, to continue during the week. The tociety it most worthy of every possible encouragement The rule is for each one of it beneficiuriea to wpi for hat money they receive.

lixperi iiicu tenches that the "charity of wngee," is by far the best plau, for it excites to energy, and keeps up self respect. commend thi society aud their Fair to all benevolent person. The Young Men' Association, West Troy, hold their aunui.1 election en Tiexl. They nr well provided with tickets, having tour in the field "Uegulnr," "Regular Oppo titioii "Excelsior and "Sam." Troy Whig. When Literary Associations allow politic to enter tliir Halls, they may' write, Ichabod, tn heir walls, for tlieir glory, will soon depaib i Robbbt bt Mr Wright of Canada, waa recently robbed ot all her money aud baggage, betwseu New York aud Albany, by a wed droned ond very polit lady, who had traveled 8omT with Ijer.

Mr. W. oomplalued of a headache, wbeu her friend Ini. mediutely produced tome eulugne, upon applying which, Mia fell asleep, and did net wake up uutil the conductor called for her ticket-Then he found pnrse, ticket and baggage check were gone and her polite and attentive friend gon also. These female highwaymen, are getting to be quite numerous, aud ladie travelling alone, should be careful of any intimacy with ttratgeit of their own, a well as of the other, sex.

Indulcxnces. Hi Grace, James Roosevelt PnyleV, by the grace of God and the favor of. the Apostolic See, Bishop of Newark, S.i., ha issued a circular letter to his diouese, it being near the anniversary, of the declaration by Pio, niuo, of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, wherein is declared a partial indul-gence of over even years, granted by his Holiness "to rucb aa offer prayers according' to bi intention." What that "intention," is, is not made know to outsiders. We all know what the sale of indulgences means, and the absolution of tins, and he cost thereof. But this seem to be omathing nw, which really wltft up our yankee cariosity A teven years indulgence to do something agreeable to the fislursl propensities, does not come every day.

What is it I Fatal Amur. At an exhibition of a panorama, at Dunkirk, a thort time tince, a Russian and Irishman got into a fight about the war. The Kussisn wss getting the better of him when Psts friends interfered to help him. The Yankees present, thought this unfair, so they wsnt in, and there was a tremeudou fight The Russian was killed by a blow on the back of tbe seek br a a toe thrown by an Irishman. Two of the Irishmen, were uot expected to live, aud five othcra are in prison.

So it seems that all th fighting I sot done in me crimes. A Launch. Tho mammoth steamer ma nmniA ia Kjinor of tier owner, will be frcm the ehipyarifof J. Simonann, at Greenpoint near Tenth street Ferry, on at o'clock, A M. She is a meet tnagn ficenV specimen of marine architecture imnrien in her proportions, aud very powerful and fleet Good luck to her.

Tut WiATUta. The highest Umperalur yea terday wa forty six 16 degreea tl I f. H. lowest thirty on SI degrees st 1 P. and this morning nt 5 o'clock twenty seven J7 dress.

Wiad festerdsy ws A.M, SW at 7. at 8. from H. Stand 1 P. and and 5 the remainder of the day.

aad ihia morning with a clear at-Bnosphera. tiovktya Height Saturday, De ISM. C. MssuaH. Ott Cormr.

Tho psrUsa eearirted ia this Oort during tba wosk. wore Ihi atoswiag seo-tosmd to vantat Urate 4 ianr-risoaosent and ia rarioo r-laee. Tho sasea were all of miaro amp-rtaae. V- the itrange guest wuone a'pe-raiice Mr, had described Ui ua. ti.

t. :) 11 ecenij wat a ttnking one. ina lannijr atinetively formed a aemi-oirel arouud the ai--n lor boy who eat ut one tide of the room. Tha tMamp upon tin eentre-table, wbicb wet within tho aeini-cii'de, shone briglitly upon encli inemi i Ler of the irroup. The wiiite dveteet of lb la-1ia, and Uie a'eot of the whole company were ttiangely with the weather- beaton lentuie.

hearing mark of vice at well aoft'ering. and with tho olld and Uttered gartntnt ut the poor out-oao. lie aowartd beneath tho giue, whifh wa bent on him, and eined to eliriuk, gathering hit hardly decent), covering more chwely about at if he woidd etcnp through the wall and bide liinwelf froul jiupeutlon. A few (inettiont, to wliieli ho gnva correot repl'et, together with intUot recognition of Mr. W.

remarking, bow-, err, a tliglit cbang is hr appearance tine lie met her in franco, when ho wet qmta a child, eelnblUhal at first tho incredible fact of hit identity at younger and once promising son of tjT an excellent and dittin- -guiahd clergyman, a native of England. Uit end lilttory partly then given by himself and afterword grndually Uevuloped by (ubtaquent emifeNioat, and for the nioat part eonfirmod by ietur received toon ftfler Irom the Continent, where hit father then Wa, i in, a few words, a i fallowt: v1 He had been placed by hit father, at an early ago, at one of the beet schools in France. Hi idle and ditaolrfte habit, caused, as it wot hoped rather by lh Influence of evil corapauiont with whom he ujhfortunatety became intimate, than by oiivvioo di8)osition of hi own, led to his remotaliloKdinburgk, Mere he wa toon join-1 mI by ine of wim astociatet who had firtt allra him into tba pnlhs of vice. Heine toon AWraced, and benoming involved In debt he wa asliamed lo meet hi father, and preferred tb life a wanderer. During the few yerj OUireoedipg, he betumn, by turut, an inmate of wbola iliip, a toldier in a Britiah regimont quarUrtd in the -north of Scotland, nud a deter-ter, finding bit way throiigli Scotland and the groatar part of Eoelanil, on toot, upporting himself iu part by sign painting and sometime working a common houte painter, lim ing travelled in thia wav, at bo astcrtod; attteea hundred mile, beoam tired of wandering, "oud prented himself to hit father, then in rance or Germany with hit family, tho veriet vagabond," to quote agaio from the letter above referred to, 'on the face of the A aituatioh waa then found for him in South Amoric, which he loet by bad behavior on the voyage.

After a while obtained passage in 5 British thip to Htlifaa, and thence to Boston. 1 To the last place he worked hia pattage as a oommon tailor, and arrived in a ttate oi destitution. Here a trifling cireuiutttnc brought to hi mind Mr hi father' friend, and on in-. having learned In which of the New i England State he lived, he performed tb jour. uey, moatly on foot, and in due time presented himself, si already described, ot B.

Hi whole deportment was at nrt exceedingly bumlle. 11 declined being tent home to hit fHr. declaring li eould never hit face again, nntil he had aouiething botidea word of rniunc to offer a a pledge of reformation. lie aarneetly deeired occupation in obaounty if it wero even labor in mine, nntil be oould regain a character. Hot even the prodigal on wa treated with more kindntea by hit own father, than wat thi poor outcast by ji fatheV friend.

And altho with tie garb of a geutltmeit, r-asnmd vol otilv the manner and conversation of a well educated person, but a aelf-eoinplacent air, altogether nneuitable to hia late character, yet bit ud hutoty, and hi apparently atrong deir to do right interested ut all In hi behalf. For a few montbt hi eonduet, tho' uot uuexoepUona-" ble, waa en the wUole eneuursgine. A eitualioo waa obuined tor biin, aa leacli-. or of the Freneh language. And to long at he adhered to tho eolemn pledge of toul absU-voooe, oot onl from distilled liquor, but from all that can intoxicate, which Mr bed at the very outeet induced him to eubtcrib.

hi prospect were fair. But in an evil boor a well meaning but on-Ukon friend, at bote house he waa vitiuug. offareJ hita gleet of cider. Reeeiving it at each baa for it wa Iwth a temperate and a P.OUO nan, who had offered it the temptation eould oot be reaiated With that draught hia appetite for atimulating drink returned in ita via and dreadful Cider, wine, and ale, became hi frequent beverage. The evil wa made wore by the neceesity of In boarding at a pubhe bout.

Mr aad hia I.uiIt httiBej tbea at hie towa reaideaee, and MrJi a ouo4ue baviog beeouto a arrottant aad hie babiu ae bA that no private iniiy wa Willi hot to receive tuns, there wee ao IW alteroa-ive, a he at tine time had charge oi a French lata in the village of After a few ekt he began to avow iaUa-Vvae of uieide. aod aumeakat -UUticoly dwblared a phial of laudanum, mhirti no eoa-auaiir aril aboot hie fm The eauoe which ho aastgnod tor tkie driniaiKio waa the rvjeoti- ha) add" by hghly re- mVss aVdVat. aJ, it tt boliwod. hooocaUe UaebDMot. Has oataral impetwmity aad charoeter d.ylaveo htt eoJeavor to Urrl'y aa4 oocipel the oa lady aa4 hor frieada to a.Ww kum aa la-.

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