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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Br JAMKS COLE'S SON. 1 0n i Bell (Coaaaicm, Ba uiAMoaj oar. bob tiiai Ualj- Baooabris, too- "lilOKDAY, MAKCH 3d. 'lo emuaorilsere lu Use) Werel. BY VIRTUE OF A WtflT OK Hi-ooutlon, issued our of tho iuprriag.

Court of the lltato of New York, to me directed aud delivered, 1 wlil sell by Publio Auction, at the Numbor 14 Com atreat, (UamiUou Buiidiug in tbe City of Biookiyn, Kings Ceun on the tbtk day March 16vi, at Yi o'clock, at uoon, all tho right, title and lutereet which T. Winnie BLti u-vurd had on tho teutleth duy of April, in ibo year lejat, or at any time thereat ter, iu wiore bands soever tbe same may be, of, in and All tbat certs, In lot, plttce or parcel of land ani prvmlaca, lylug aud being in tbe Third Ward of the aaid City of Hrooklyu, aud laid down and designated aa aud by tlm number V80 (two hundred and thirty-U) an a certain map, Map ol Property of tbe heirs of Teunis Jorolvmon, die in thu City of Brooklyn, Njvmher, 1M2," surveyed by K. K. Page, City Surveyor, and now on file lo tho ofenee of tu KenL-tor of stid (Minty ot King' whioh oatd lot, pines or paroel of land bounded and dsstcribod as follows i HegtuDiug at a point In the northerly side ear lino of SchtJiiuei uoiu siierL which point ie one nuuarod and thuty-Uvu fettt ud eight Ituhea distaut weater-lytroiuthe uorthwesterly eoruer of tttjhei Bwrhoru aud Biierum stree's aud runuiug theuce uoithorly alng lot number 1.8ft, as laid itown on said nap, one buudred and three leet aud six inches thosico rum. log weFtcrly along tbe northerly liua of said lot uutnher 2Mt as laid down on said map, touty-three teet and one inch thenoe ruuning aouthorly along lot number 887, as laid down ou said map, one hundred and two f-et aud ulna incurs to said Achermei hoi stroet and thence running easterly Mi.

t. Jmuisik IIoI'Mb. givel his truly superb charily Concert to-morrow, it will be seen by the advertisement In another column. Tbia will be the moat uuique uud coIomI entertainment tha kind aver given we believe In llrovklvu, aud th peculiar variety of musical talent which la to be dn-playud will taudor it particularly attractive, add to tbeaa I be object of the concert to aid Suuday3chooU-and we feol sure a great success niuat result, Ws Ui.durjtiuiJ that Uio.reliearsul on Saturday was moat aalisfactory, the vast nuinberaof children's voice, so accurately effects rarely anjoyed beforo. iiuuiuu TitBAauHB.

A gentlaman rasidiug In Grand strcot, AVilliamiburgh. not long since, received legacy of from Ka-rrpe. Not wanting to use the money, he was at a loss to know what to do with it. Ha was afraid to put it In the savings bank for fear that instilutieu should fail. He wasn't patriotic eiiouub to put'it into U.

8. Treaaury Notes, aad ha didn't kuow any one that be bulioved bonent enough to lend it to. So to insure perfect safety, he got bis English Botes changed lute gold, placed tbeui in a tin box and buried It deep 1b hia garden. A few morninga aliioe he discovered that it waa gone, and ha baa since beeu nuable to lsurn its whereabouts. New Yohb Thlj place cf ainuneinent waa opened for the urat lime, under tho above name, on Saturday evening, and waa filled with a large audieuce, (among whom we noticed several prominent geullomen of this city, with their fauiilieh) who cauie to bear and see "Uncle Tom Cabin, or the Lights and Shadows of Siuthern Life." The Howard Family, who won such notoriety, noma yeara sines, eustalnud their old parts, to tba evident satisfaction of the audience.

Mr. Gkusluk Uibu, aid of the Managers, on being called before the curtain, made an appropriate Fpuech, promising that everything in the puts er of the management would be done to make this eatablisbuieat one of the moat interesting in the city of New Yoik. One of tbo'e bright pictures of life which occasionally occur even iu Maar timee," will ba the Annual ball of the Young Men Tem perance Social, at Musical Had, Wcdueaday evening, March 6tb. We wish them 8 plea- saut time. OkDainkd.

'Mr. MidulbtuB waa ordained at the Holy Trinity Church yesturj.iy morn ing by Bishop Williams, of Connecticut. The new pastor is to immediately tuke charge of a Society in Couuecticut. Dg Kai.b Avenge M. Ciiuacii 11, A.

Kv. A. 11. Mead lock hia text from 1 11, 23 to 20. tha Lurd Jesus iu the eause night he was betraved took bread and when be bad given thanks, be broke II, and aaid take, eat tbia la my body broken for you Ibis do in remembrance of There were two sacraments.

Baptism and tha Lord'a Supper. The Bonianshad added that of penance and marriage, and declared the bread to be the real body, bonce, blood axid alnowa of Christ, whieh was composed of a little flour, and the words As oc Hi corpus matins," repeated over it by a Priest, changes it, we do not be lieve we believe it emblematical of the body. aa etas said only, "do this in remembrance of me. ine sacrament ot tue i-ord supper was renewing the covenant, as Christians, with Oou, aud suuwing llieiebv tuat we etlll cuer- isb. tbe eame taiiit in Christ, and so intended to eontiuue in hia love anil faith.

The wine end bread was used only by all orthodox Christians as emblematical, and keeping us in mind or our soietnu vows to mm. tie cvusia ered it the duty of every Christian to partake oi iu meir proper preioesious as vuriauaus in a lbri.liuu country. 11. Exrnsaivit Shot. The Ericsson iron plated floating battery, has been armed with two 11-inch ooiumblads, which have been furnish ed with 400 wrought iron hot, each ball cost- iiiR $-17, and weigbiug lsl pounds.

Tliese balls were made by forging square blocks ef iron at the Novelty uuiks, turnB llieiil at Ihu lathe, 'lhecetof the 400 amounts to $18,800, and their total weight ia 74.000 lbs. ast iron snot are liable to break in pieces when fired thick iron plates. These wrought iron sht are for smashing threugli the sides of such secession floating batteries as tbe Merriinac at Norfolk, and liullins a Turtle at New Orleuua. acwntiic Amer ican. Sufferers from Spinal Weakness and Cur vature, General Debility aud Female or Uterine Affections, Vocal and Pulmory Derangements, Dys pepaia aud Uenita, are informed that U.

P. Haff- mino, at. (founder of a new and agreeable treat-mens, baa opeuad aa Institute at 209 Ltvfugrfttti street, for tlie Preveutlou aud Cure of the above Mauuliek, to which hu has devoted tlie study of his life. Oonrultatloo free. Subjects are invited to send far hia gratuitous Essay.

Keferenees given to some of the oidarft physicians of Brooklyn and New York. ioRTBR Tab Stbup, for the cure ot Coughs, Consumption, and atl diseases of Uiu lungs, may be had at the luwrpaper depot, t)U4 Fulton, near Brooklyn. Also, Plaeters pain i tbe back fcc, Also, Tax Ointment for bums scalds, cc. Also, Black Salve for euta, bi-utuu, A. W.

FUSTICK, 68 Pnlton-atteet. Brooklyn, Jan. 'it, 1809. aiS tf The Wxkklt Btab, oonuuuing worioa anecdotes, literature, and all tke news of the weeks Is ptielished at this ofBoo, overy WkONKeiiAV Atriea koob, at o'clock. Pertene wiohlng to send a lares sheet, full of use ful family readmit, to their friends, may obtain tl eloped rnalv fr malllna, at a iLBOia KlOBatvM In ati sijb U4HH.H v.

ttiOBoVB. iM)th of Now York. "juitiwa. in inia T. nn Bilbao Li i.

a ri ami, wne ot Uoiuuliua Ooaiue, aeedll yeMtf. WT Tha relatives aod friends of the family are invited to attend ttie iuuaiai. ou Tu(jh uojn, iiOTii her lata rrsideucu, eorner ol Prk ave uuu auu nyerron mi'i'iit, HAETOw.Jn thiM city, ou Siiturday, March 1, ulsik anna, wile ot Wuilaui J. Bartow, iu the ytwi BAaT )w. in uiiscitv, oil Hatordav.

Mirh 1 AlbuktC, yoaiigtjat sou of William J. aud ICiaim Ma h. In this oity, on Fridar. Fehrutu-v 2. ohm Muuaa, agt GU jeais.

Li tills cilry, Kimwiojc. iu tlm 5atli year ol bis ag. blMO Aia. At Hay KldgJTI i on Frldar. Feb ruary s.1, a i a i a awu su jeais.

POLITICAL. THINGS COUNTr UK PUBLICAN JUs. OLNfJrtAl, C'lMViri Hst's iuu Reuir Montitiy Mrja.lue yi tliia Comoilttce 111 bo held at the CoiuiiilttH Kooiu, No. Court tieet, ou TLksSlJAx AVtNiNO, (itb in at TJrf JIUCK. TMej membair of th nnmmltttvt am ronnna' ta tteud, as boaiueas of lnjuLtitAuiti will bj trkiisu uru.

jty order. 0. ALl'rJEi SVflTK, nh! St BeaeEary prj tern. rPNTH WARD KEPL'BLICAN A3-A. BOUIATION above A U1 MONlULV MaKllNU, ou sltbmaso, 8D al io.

3 B0. BIB bliu, .1 1 A puocrual atteudauc. is requested. s. Oi KUUttiUt, si i Kinua, eeeretar, 8t tho BHOOKLTM ITAR OPFIOB, 4 P.

M. ARRIVAL OF COL WOOD. Col, Wool and Associate of the 14 th Regiment, arrived at the foot of Montague street, at twenty minutes before 4 o'clock this afternoon! in charge of the Common Council and Citiiem' Coinmitteeg. Ue waa welcomed bj a salute of artillery and enthusiastic cheers. tat Leff.Blature ASSEMBLY.

SEOUNB DMPATOfl.l Mr. Coddlngtou lutroduced a bill to regulate nominating couventions and primary clctlous iu New York. Mr. McGana introduced a bill torx'eud tha term ot the olhcers of District aud Police Couiti in New York. Mr.

O'Brien moved to rrfi-r the bill to tbe Ju dietary Cutuniittct1, dcrlariug that tbe bill aa corrupt and uncoustitutioiial. Mr. McaCeod moved to refer the bill to the Committee on Cities. Alter a abarp contest tha resolution of Mr. O'Brien.

Mr. Leamy introduced a bill to extend the term of ortica of constable in New Yark, Mr. Kara Cornel lutrodeccd a bill to amend the act to iororp irafe Tulegraph Compaiies. Mr. Ciidd ing ton lutrodurml a bill for the const ructidu of i a ilron da in V3d, 84th, Canal and oUr streets lu New York.

A number of bills wr re also introduced. Tha Aran ITIoveineuca, Niw YottK, March 3. Tha New York Rveuiug Post says Irhila-delphla Ioqulrar of this morning contains a column and a half of report, in regard to tbe movement of Uie army oa the Upper Putomse, deecribmg tbe arrival of tha troops, their orossiug the river, aad their march upon Billvar aud Oharleetown. This nawa would be highly interesting to our readers but, as the Bseretary of War has forbid den the publication al It, we do not feel at liberty to copy the pari iculars. At tha same time, we repeat our demand that tho restrictions bo made onlform oreq itl, or that thnee who break through them should bo properly reprovud.

york ft tot It rriairket. Ntw knxfc g. ST4KKS Ar itt-OBzar, witb a Lutistu. B4in la SBi.f, tat a 1 par cast.

gitLIai SBUCaUMeiS I 4J at Oi UOaketttaJetl. CataKo ft. I I ftK'tfla IUU 14 Mil. 4 Prntrla du Cluea. Sw I In.

FraUira Cia. A lul.slu 9Uaa 4 Uhicnto W4 VI A Clara. A 1'ilUbuifk VuU U.S.., 'SI, U)i 111. Qui.hciv U. S-1, 'tl, PiaittA.

Hvt I TraawiT K-ls freat. HDtf, Lltk. 4 To.asss Mick. Sej. R.R 14 UUioiin 14 tWO Hnrleni R.

Hadaao til. Ct-sit. iiaarloata N. V. Kru Ra.ilwsu' 4H I LaatHurtiUt 1 SkU Y.

Suta T4 lltf I. I N. Y.gtsaU 1 ifrv IM N. Y. Oiaitrml I JN.

Y. Cami-sal 101 Sit) Mad MB lal bi. 10H I hUiUm tat ISO SHERIFFSHIPS. jn ireasBn rs -i el i'ss- i-mlr NY. SUFKaME CUL'UT.

Theodore Hinsdale, Tiusiee of Bmily II. 0. Ward, agaiust William B. Aokluy aud others. Tufo., Att'y. In pusuauce of a order of this Court, made in the above ontltis-d actlou, bt-ariug data the WUi day of February, lbbZ, 1 will sell by Public Auctiou, at iba Kzcbaugo Balea Kooma, No. IB tourt street, (Hamilton Building, opponie the City Hall.) lu tha City ot Ui ooltiii, on the day of March, lbtiei, at IS o'clock, noon, tho lotion lug dusciibed laud aud premise's i All that certain lot of Ituid, situate, lyiog and being in the Kleveuth (laUdeveulbj Waidol the City ot Brooklyn, bounded aud described as loilowe i Be- itinluK at a poiut ou tbe easterly tide of Duffle! treet, which it distant one hundred twt southerly from tho ooutheetWriy comer of WiUoui(hby and Purauld strt-trtn aud ruuniug tbenco eastasrly parallel with Wiilioughby street one huudrt-d iet aud thre inches, theuce southerly aud uarallel with aOutUuld srrttet tweuty six feet theuce westerly aud agam pai aliu wiiii nioiigiihy street oue nuuan feet and three iuchtse to Ouilldld street atoeaaidt aud theuce noitbeiiy aioug Uumaid street twenty- siA tei to tue place ot uegiuutug. Dated, Brooklyn, February 17, 1SC2. A.NTUONY CAMPBELL, fall tthoriff.

SbPREMB CODUT, KINGS COUNTY. Joat-ph L. Hewlett, Executor, and Elcabeib Hewb-tt, fcxccutrlx, of Jtstph L. Howl, ti, da- otiHsed, aicaiuat Juhu It. tttjue, CharK-s 11.

Akitchel, and No. 1. ti. W. K.

A. OaiMEB, Pi'tfe Att'ys. In pursuance of a Judgmeut order of this Court, mad in the above eutl'lwd action, bearing date the ttighth day oi cuniuary, iaox, i win seu uy rubitc AlicUdd, at the Kxchauuo bales Booms, No. lb Couit street, (Hamilton Buitdlus, opponitt. the City HhII,) In the City of Hrooklyu, ou thu Sixfh it.ip March, laOi, at I afciock, noon, tbe fuUwiug du- scribed latin ana premises i All thai certain lot, pifoe or parcel of land, situate, lying aud being luthe City of Brooklyn, County of Kiiitfs, ud State of New York, bou tided aud deHcriljed aa lot tows, viz Coiumuoiug at a phit ou the southerly side of ticket street, dutant niuo teen tfnt three iuclies easterly from the eusterly Una of Hick Streot and ruuniug theucn t-outhtrly and witli Hicks utruet, aud in part through the oautreof a party wall, oue huudied feet Uiunoe after I and para lei with Backctt street, uineteu fnatlhiee luuhes Iheiiou nortiieriy, paralit-1 with Hicks stroufc, aud iu part through tbe centre ot uarty wall, one huudrwd leet, to tha southerly line of Sfickett street aud thence weutot ly, along the aoutliiiily liuo of Sauktttt street, niaeietm feet throe iuchtv, to the poiut or place of boginuiug.

Dated, tfrookiyn, ehruaiy li, law. ANTHONY F. CAMPBELL, fell SAwHwTnilh Hheiita. TVT Y. SUPREME COUHT.

Edward L. Wils Mary Javis, wldew, aud others. 8. ti. HiQBNlioTAisi, Ati'y.

In purfuanceot a Judgment order of this Court, ide iu ttui nboveeutittid action, beai iuu dattj tho 24th day ol February, 18o2, 1 will sell by Public Auction, at tha fcachange Bales B'joitu, No. 13 Court street, (Hamilton Buildiug, opposite the City HhII.) in the City ot Brooklyn, ou tue lilfA day of MarcJu lSeii, at 1'i o'clock, uooo, Uie followiiiir do- senbtid laud and premises All Uiat tjcruin lut ot land, with iht framed dwoii- Ing Iioumo thbifon, situate lu the Filth Ward of tlie City of Brooklyn, lu said Couuty of Kings, on thu southerly side of Pronpuct street, between Bridge aud Cbarlee tiit, aud known by thu trout num-btir(ou hundred and twenty-eight (ViHj on said Prospect sti eet, whfth said lot of land is aud uoutaius as follows i Uifgluniug ou the southerly I liue of Prospect trit, at a puiut distaut seveutt- four feet eloveu tuche wsaterly from the aouth westerly corner of Prospect aud Cbarle- streets thetioe tunning westerly aluug Proopect street twenty-five feet aod one inch thence southerly aud parallel with Cbarlee street uinety-Miveu foet six incuts thfoce easterly parallel with Prospect street twenty-1 ve feet aud oue inch i ana uieuoo northerly par- allI with Charles strpet niuety-seven feet sia iucb'S to Prospect street, at the pint or place ot begin ning, timug the same premues conveyed to the id ltobert uavis oy waiiain e. iiieuord and wife, bv dod bear iuu even data with the aaid mort gage, which was executed and delivered to secure a portion of tbe puiThaao or ooualderatiun money in saiu aeoa expnttwea. Bated, Brooklyn, February S4ih, Wl. ANTHONY F.

CAMPBELL, fe'2tt taw3wTiitbTlt tihrif. Ne, y. supuemk couur. John Schaible aaainst EioIod H. UaaewovtliT aud euiers.

w. av. TaoBN. 1'IS 'a Alt'y. Iu pursuance of a JtidKiueiit oi der ef Uila Court, made in tbe aba.e eutitled aetlou, boa, lug dat the 11m uaf os reDruary, lees.

1 wui sell bj rublle Auetleu. at tlie Kaoliang" Balea Kooms. o. 13 Court (llamittcu liulldlua. the CUr HhII,) In Uie Cur of BiookiTu.

oa tbe ilA ttav af jsarsn. ioox at is o'cloce, noon, tbe eeiiDfa lean aoa premises I All tbat o.rtam lot, niece or parcel of land, situ aale, lyluaj and beliie; lu the Slitb Ward of tbe Vilf of Brooklyn. County of Knifrs, and Htate of York, bouuded aud describMl as lolfiws, ria. He- glnulusr at a point on the uor'beily aldrt of etreft. duttaul eighty feet wmterly rrom uie ooruu, formed be the lntai.Mtirn of the nortliMily sldo of EUiskatt witli tha westerly side of Vau Hruut stuei tl.M nuttlirly siJe uf Sackott street twenty (2; theme and parallel with Van Bruatatroet seeuty-Bee Vol leet; tbuce eeaterly a parallel atret twenty CJ ft! theaw ewitherly ana parallel wit treat etoweaid feet to Uie uotlh.rly line tbu point or plao.

ot beginning. nrenilse. conveyed to thewldCU. Blake by tbe K.oirs tiouiily. Bated, Brk yn.

i :awVet.T. S.l I au.i feU iwSWAr' BherisT. HOL'yK run aa A DAW" ti a I For sale, pos.eselon alyen immw. dT.tTlr If desiml, a neat TWO-BTORY CurrAUSi JIUL'tfK. perfect order, filled In witb brick, locat ed In oue ot (ne nuest aveuue, wuuiu two minuses walk of Fulton aveuue or Atlantic street railroad, aud within half an horn 's walk of Fulton Ferry.

It has tbe modern linproTementa, ga water. Be Apply to U. 11. Latham, on tbe premises, No. W9 Carlton avenue ar B.

0. Spoouer, kq.t proprietor Brooklyn 8tab, aifjl tl iti of is to EVKN1N0 BTAR orFICR, IX P. at. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS TO-DAY. FROM ALBANY.

Doings of tho Legislature. XXX VI lib rnffrese Ural Seeelon. UOUdK OF RKPKKSKNTATIYE3. vVaibimoton, Murnh 3. Mi Damrs, from (ha Cemmittee on Klntioni, made a rupoit eu the petition af S.

Ferguson Beaofi, akiug to be admit ltd to a scat as a Hepre-sskiiiative from the Sevauth Couuretwioual JJlsUiet of Viigiuia. i ne co'HBBUiee appona 10 uie report a reeomuoo lint Mr lach is uut eutiUd to a seat. The Bubjeot was laid over. ftulo Lctf tslaiure ASaEMULY. Alkamv, Maixht.

Medsrs. PI is It and Anthony prtjeentod paliliens for an Industrial Home lor cast-out wouiu. ILL BXPOETXl) raVORABl.t. To assond tbe Fiatbush Avhdu a Act. To regulate the fees of Register of Deeds, Mew York.

To regulate t-a sila of fruit. provide for the more spajedy payment of volunteers ef the ate In the rervice of tbe United S'atea. To amend tbe Brooklyn City Charter. Mr. Utirlburd reported the aouual appropriation bill anl ved to teKr It to a second Cummittoa of the Whule.

Tha motion wu agn ed to. Thu Commltte-e have added $40,000 as an appro-prtnlhu to Hospitals. Mr. 'ymuur, from the Committee on Way. end Mfaiiti, ret-orttMl a bill abolishing the ettice ef Bti- periuttindf-nt o1' Public luetructioii and dovolviug its out ma upuu ttie at cretary ot Biaie Mr.

Chtirch ported a hill auihorixing the pay- meut of the exjHUiiwa of tt-achun lu tlie Iuiititutes in the several cuuutitvs, oa the warrant of the Bu pel iutendeut of Public luatruclion. Mr. Mddox ruiot tid a molutiou giving tbe Ba- uoitni th same nun biT ot red liooks as voted to taoli member a.d (flij.r of the Atavmbly. AttiT a long dHbate, McMrs. t.ig leu and Aivora oppuslug, and Mo-srs.

McRuller, Maddox and Fer-guion novocatiug the report, an aiutiidaieut was adop'ed giving tte porter one bojk each. Mr. Uu; baid reputed a bill to abolish the since of State Appraisers. Mr. 'layiec avo ootlce of a bill to enlarge the Chain plaiu Canal, so as to allow of the paage ol gun bout 4 ttke the Champlain.

Mi C'Bi ieu gnaa notice oi the following billi To glvo the Bptrvioru of Wew York ttie ap-poiutmnut ef attotidm's at the Hailue Couit aud CourU of Ueunral aud Hpnclal Seaalouj. Tj ameud the bonrdiug bouae keepers Hen law. lo aiuvud ibe law of landlord aud Una tit in the City of New Yoik. To amsud the New York District Court tot. Villa rjuftcu.

To provide for the electiou by the LegisUtnrt of Exaatioars of accounts of tlie Treasurer of the Caual Depart aud Secretaries of the Bank De partment. Mr. bryao gave notice of a bill not to allow the Hndsou Rivet Kail Road te use steam below totii met. The bill to improve tha Central rark wu parsed. SENATE.

Albany, March BILLS IM1CODDOBI. Py ill. Murphy AmntxlLoi; tho Hen law. By Mr. Little Aineudiug the seneral railroad law.

The bill amandine: the Brooklyn Charter relativa to the Hi Uepartnient, Brooklyn, a at! ptwsed. A ciinfutrfut resolution wns ititroduced HOopimg on the pttt of the Legislature tbe propound amnnii-ment to the Cotu-citution prohibit ug the sale ef ia- toxiratiaii neverHirt'S. una over. The cmicuiTfUt refoluiious rferrtnr to the con trsctitig Board all cauhI elaim, toexemiue aud reu'irt. tr called up aud alter dtrbate adoutfd.

Mr. Augel CAiled up tbe rnwlution to refer to tbe Judiciary Committee of both ihe Asseembly and nnatf, the bills relative to premium aotee ifiV' bv Mutual Insurance Compauine. After a loug debtiethe resolution was laid on tha taiie. Iu Committee of the Whole the bills relativa to trial for offocos corcmltttd aaioet Joint stock Aistoclatiouis and for the preservation deer and other gtme were ordered to a third read tog. fires lit IN'evr York New YoBaK, March 3, At about half past Ave o'clock last even tug, a flra broke out lu a small frame build lug, No.

Sberilf atraet. Tha building waa occupied by Harris Kika, as a gunsmith's shop and dwelling. The damage to stock aud furulture amount -d to about d0U. Inured lu the Pacific lus. Co.

for The building is insured Id the Greenwich lus. Co. for $300. Damage about $2oO. The fire origin ted by soma clothes that were hanging up to dry comi ig lu cutset with the stove.

Abmt IX o'clock It nijrht a ti occurred in tha attic of tbe frame tenaut houao iu tbe rear of 120 We 1 10th street. The fire extended to Nos. 118 122 and 124 adjoining alo fram dwelling houses cccii pied by a number of pxir familie, whe lo? all their furniture. The build in at No. 180 Is owntid by Charles Pcbulta and damage to the amount of $'i No.

lie, owned by Charles Hul and is damagi about $300. Nos. aud 125 owned by Mr. Bit lett, are damaged about $500, The origin of the firo cannot be ascertained aa tlie attic where It started was unoccupied. At half past twelve o'clock this morning, afire occurred in the piper banging and window shade etoro of John Draw, 4(1 Carmine etroot, totally dee.

trayiug the stock and fixtures. Loa about $3,000 i insured lor $3,000 lu tin Relief Iusurauce aud for $2,000 iu Now Vurl JlurUeia. Naw I Aihos Q-tittt sales email Pearl $0 Pot $6 3Tf. js'iour Kf4wiits I uuu Darrein saiea e.u'v oar barrels. State and Wtteru dull and declining 8'jinrtlne Bute, tj 4ft (4 i 40 Uxtra Htie 6 0 (a) A 70 Rotiiid sloop Ohio, ft 00 (4 00 Superfine Westawn, 40 1,4 6 tO; Common to Lrood extra wneuirn, so (a ao.

nouuiem dull: sales 6 JO barrels; Mixed to good $6 00 (49 6 80 fancy aud extra, at tto I Caundian drooping sab. 800 bbls Superfiua Ati lav Dv f.xu a SO 9J I JO. Wheat Dull and nomiitally lower isles trl- fllntr. Corn Declining sales 11, 0 0 bushels Mlied Wnatern CO (td 01, cents In store and delivered, Jati Dull, at i 40e for Jersey, northern and Wer'tssi 0. Hef Steady 'sains 100 barrels 1 Country Mess $S(fit)DU.

Prime $4 uu aud ou. stepacked Chicago $19 00 aud 18 1'. Pork Steady snltw '00 bbls Mew, $1B T6 14 00. Prtme $10 00 11 00. Cut Meats utt.

Bncou 8 ready. Diww-'d Hogs Firmer; sales atVf'Vc per pound for Wuettjiu. Lu-d Firm aaies 200 barrels at 7 ZH per barrel. Buttei' Dull I Ohio 11(4 13; State 16 (a) 31c. WhiflkeyCmettled aud firmer sales IftO bar-relie Cotton The market Is firm but qalet at 23e for Middlii Cp audi.

CuhW 1'he market Is very firm sale. bags Rio at at Sagsir aud Mnlanns Dull and unchanged. SHJiiilii'JF N. X. iiUPUKMJi COUKX.

Ebouwer Cauldwell against K. Wwljajjr aad others. towiiRir, rm An y. in parauanco of a judgment onler ot this Court, matte iu the above auttilvd action, bearing date tbe day of February, lbtVi, I will sell by Public Auction, at the Exchange Sales Kooma, No. 13 Court street, (Ilainlltou Uuildiug, opposira tbe City Hull,) in the (jity oi urooaiyn, eu tue hia aay of March, ibid, at 12 o'clock, noon, tbe following- do- ecntxtd laud and prsvoiisos i All that csrUiu boiiao and lot of laod, situate in the First Ward of Uie City of Brooklyn, bouuded and eootalmug as lot lows, that lo to say i Com-meiieit'g at a point on the eas'erly side of Columbia aureet, distant sixtynian fuet eleven inches south-wardir from the souihuaaterly oorut of Columbia and Middaghmreets aud lunulng theDoa south -wartilv aloua tlie easterly aide ot Columbia street eightxin tett eight and ono-balf incite tsheneo east ward ly on a lino parallel witb Middagb street, and throuKh tbe osutro of a party wall, one hundred left six iucbes theuco northwardly ou a line parallel with Columbia street eighteen feet elifht and one-half inches thence wemwardly ou a Hue parallel with iddaifh street, and through theoeutie i ol a patty wall, one humored foet aix iuohes to the point at begto niugv AJatea, moQstiyu, ebrnsry vi, iov.

ANTllUNl V. CAMPBELL. fe2l XawwF4bs i i tiiierUf Oil rtualUNO, UtT AJbL K1NU3 sicca Wd at lis la Otflee al tew etwvesl rates. J. will give hia poisons! attenttoa te Hales or ftuui itsmutt Bvocaa, AuxBiiure, ate.

iieal citato at private tlaie i Loeua Nugoctated on tkud and Mnrteaif- -ilBtllXlJ COS VYAiNCS. UNG ISLAND KAILROAD UuMalODATlOM. AC- OLU TKBUINL8, BOU'l'll FKttHY, BaooaLTK. Traiaa leave at :10 A. for Oreeu port ao Sag Uarbori I 10 t.

ter North blip and A. :10, 4:10 P. lor ll.mipUiad 10:15 A. 4:40, If. ter Jamaica aud Kockavav.

ga lie LO.NU ISLAND KAlHiOAD SfBiMO AaKAHOiaiHT CHANUB UF TKHM1N18 aud KUMNlNii TISiK Un and alter KKIUAV, ltnli May, lael, paaaepfer trnliia wtll arrive and take thmr departure irose the sjowpauy'a New Lie pot at Hunter's Point. feotna ICatt leave James' Ilip Ferry, aim llli4tnmt. New York V.U0 A. for Ureeiipcirt. J.Jll r.

lor Norm billp, aad leturday te Yap. hank. .0 A. and 1.10 P. II.

far Byeaset. A. and 6.00 P. lar Hempateaa. 9.S0 A.

5.00, and 4.00 F. for Jamaica. Leave Hunter's Pomt on ardval of Kerry Moat from James' blip. PaMiitrr li'ien Brooklyn may ereaa either the Fultuu or CatJianne s'erry. Tbe Catbarlue Ferry, at tlie foot Mafu streot, is tbe motit direct It runs every teu minutm aod lauds paaeenirera on tbe New i aide wltbln two minatee1 walk of Ike James' Kill.

Kerry iM tf OEOOEKIE8. Afl 'PK At! TEAS! 1 TEAS! 0 the FIN EST in toto found at th titan of a. BRUSH, NO. 156 FULTON AVtNL'B. IV ThU ue of tlie bewt plitceM iu ttie City to Puruhue Tom.

Wtj have dow on baud uue ot Uio btt aasortiiivuta of Tt'ci iu tliii rity. Tlir art- stoltjctetl with cutis, aud uiopt of Xht-m jmrchiutj pi vTiouti to tbu laXa d-vauta iu liiicii. Wv am ootiliiluut them ara but loisait lit tbl city, wbfrs gtxxl Tttai for Ui ui ito cau be puicLautt J. Ot Uiiti bc dvldeuc! luiott ddily, ol UiustM who have oinda a ai tt at pttMiut Mtltitif a r-kh! artkeat jfOoloDg at ccuU, and a tuijMrlot ai tlclo at 'i uiiU eitbej: ot tbttiaj Ttaa ma avvlu tboau who puiohaw thum 10 ceuU ou a pouud Thoasu wbo wuti tiutir thaa tllier of lb we liavtt tlie article wlitrb will iuit, iu OoIuuk which oauuot ba aui pkUHNt in thacltj. Wa do uot otlnr any Tu at a ItM price than bU ot-ittf, a we uiHkc it a rule ut to wll any that we Oauuot uarantet; to be ul ttbl- lor I amity iuo.

Our tluck aio iurlodne i Young liyaon. Imperial Old Uyiu. Gtujpovftlwr aud auglinb Urrakfaat leaa, all ot which we im m1iii)( at rv-auabln piicn. Wu have alato a Che ice tiulettiou ot at vai totia prion, tbu luadiug one of whi. ia Our 1 avoriU," vblt wu am ttilliutf at the low prion ol ti tfuU.

This 'Sm ol uiud ti.Tor, aud pleawa lu.jsit ol thou who Lave givt-u It a trial it XC44 iu our Salei all of tlie oiht.r (jradti auy poi'Miii piiffer it to CflH) tor wbtcb ih bare beeu itayiug a uuitb prkw. We mv iu? thueitj of our cltlaeoi wbo diilre a aupa rior aitlcle of ft or CuHoei at a reawuabee pi ice, to k1v call. Aim, constantly oo band. Pt-KE PICKS, which we svll froiu the cauistttr- in auy quautitj deeired. SL'iiAKd of all thr; dilf.reut grade.

liUTrt-U, LA HO. POHK. SMOKED sUAiH, tU)Ul Ac, all al a. luw yilcea aa can be affjidod at auy tie Jo tha ity. BAM'L BU18U, ir0 Fulton avauua, uear Baud itrtwt.

Brooklyn, Ftb- Tib, fel tf JnNEST FAMILY GHOCEIIIE4S, AT KA1K sftllCKtl. OHO. T. BUTTOaN, Vi ui.Ton Bnirr, Wxild rt--DeetfuJlv iitf-wm him trieutla and Ihu pub Ik Ihrit i rfCblviiiK ebouM OUOOKKliialt, wiiinb be eelliug at the lowel ptMible pnea, aud wyuld iuvite yuur atteytlou, to cull jud exjtruitie. I aui uow nrcfiviiiK daily, BUTT EH irora the Choirs) Oairit-e nm(r" County, aud ia dow prepared to supply famlliot daily at IIih iowwt tuaikpt prie.

1 would mpectfully atato to tboaa changiug Use it iUeueMsH and oUutra, tbat Uiey can be waited ou at thmr rejuideucve lor their orders, in all parta ot the city, aud will ba piompUy delivuref trae ol eipeuae. The Biarkut ie fluctuatinic aa piktM, and ahall at all tiume aupply cuntouian al the low twit Dl'tUt-a. Oat Muai, Wbaat aud Rye, Graiiaiu aud Hey ir lour, 61c. nil lllUiaXlANSOeN A CO TEAS AND OOFFEKS T3 FULT0N-STEEBT, BROOKLYN, (KaTABLiatin) Great induomenta oiTtjrad to lar are Plea-ec trill, eutiiiine and eompara tor you nasi tab. Our Oounfw ara alwaye freab romated.

aud ol a in portr (juaLity. Iff uooaa at'Dt 10 any part 01 tue euy irea B.00FING- OUHNGI TUB DAVIS CEMBNT R00FIN3 COMPANY are anw epurpd to execute all ordcri In thflr line. The Cmont manufactured by thl Cornpa'iy hai bet wwtwl ou tuore than a thouaaud buidiuB, pub' lie and private, lu the ciry and rmiutry. ou tbe B. Ban ark-, on 8tairiboaU aud Railway car, and hsu in Intatioe provi a itjot tiuce4su.

iu auraullKv, otieapupna. reauunoe to are, and elafltioity ttiat it ueiUier crackri by cold, blister by iuu or wiud, or mult with heat iniikea it equal) il not Hutwrior, to any article of tsbe kind In uae, ei ther iu thu counn or buropa. it: can be ipnliod to tlu, metal, wood or eanvam rixsh, to Buble euda aud walls particularly exposed 10 in" wuaitiBT. Catimciea repaired aod cemented at imall nxnffnse. Ahjoiie heudroda ot our citisetia who have Uiud it ana kuow ue moric, we meotion and ruler to Mr, A.

No. 1 8 Poplar ftiuet John (). Uur- nott ill Hon, 00 roplar itreet Mr. Owen O'Connor, Columbia, corner of Poplar Btreet Mr. Moouct, I-uitoii ptrwt Mr.

OarducT, Vuy Aatt ofJioe Mr. J. W. MorKu. Otlord street Mr.

J. Mc Mullen, V0W. Warren itrnet Mr. K. Mithell, 15 WiltotiKby itreet Mr, I) ay ton.

8U4 Cumberland utruet; Mr. U. W. Helwy, Urand itreet. i.

FHIUlt Tin or Metal alncte coat cent per foot, douttie i 8hingle lii(tle coat 1 14 double 1M CauTaas, (cloth incliidi-d) to Cement iu casks, with iiutnictiouc. (riuk etia it less than 80 tralx) eta. par rallon, For information and turthttr partlouiaie. iuqulre at the urriui, ino. uourt sibkkt, (Opposite City Hall,) Brooklyn.

LUTHliH AM, Agent. OidVrs may he left with ioho Q. Burnett A 6oo, Oil Peplar street Mr. Muuney, VW FulUu strtMt Mr, Btfuuetr, bd Atlantic street Mr. Julius Brown, 271 Clinton street Mr.

J. II. Haven, 816 Fulton avenue W. Paie, Myrtle aveuue, near Franklin G. W.

Klmty, Urand i-rrat, Ifi. 1. Verster A Klbera, Urand street, E. D. Uoorge Jaiiaen, X3 Fourth street, fi.

D. N. U. A liberal diaeouut to iiouat) AwHuts. Job.

bers aud Buildora, if their order are eut to tba rmpanT'p nrnfe. JH7 ftm STATIONERY fe BOOK-BINDING, KOHGE GOULDEN, IMFOKTING Aud Hanuiarturtag i a i i i No, 3 FoLToif BTHrar, Biookitn, PRINTING OFFICII ab BlNDhKY, 74 Fdi-tom Stbkrt, Ntw Yoke. vircuiars, mu-neaus 1'osura x. ourcd at man norice. Mafraslnea, Ac, bound In every ityle, at low price.

Blank Books of every description couatautlv on ibksi, or iuwiv iu wupi. an'siU IT JJUOK-UINDING. BROOKLYN BOOK-BINDERY, RwnouaAeE 1 font a lannaTRv The snbMrilmrs retDecffullv anuouutj. 'Aa 'tba In. habitants of Broolrlyu, Uiat Uey still octunv the O'lbnUblUbed Stand.

92 HIOH-STnKET. All Ktmm or BimiiMa. from the nlalmMt Id tha Music PaBTroLioa, Law Binsijio, Ap. inaukful Fer uut favo. and for thilr nwa-r-n eoDtitmance, we yet solicit further patrtmafs, not dMibting tbat it will be given, and kuowinu tbat It iia rm biaiuvu.

tf JOHN H. MAINE SON iH()OKLYN BLANK-BOUK MANU- FACTORY, HIQH-8TBEET. All Kinds of Blank-Boob made, ild Knled. to erdor. lniiN uirve A nnw VriAJl'U0-IJAl'EK YOU sale.

lViveral hundrod aid ABsnnBuiei ai St si Oihea, Qranga street, iU ear Fultou, i i win ha aerved mrnlar- 1 at tbe Ul d.pot ot li. 'bboubt, 3d oreuue, between 1U Mid lylli Inanmiaui B.euero, Mectlnga, ic. Ukcvikltm Acadbsit or Muio. I. M.

Oottblk Urand Gila Nihl TliU (Monday) Uarch aUI, DonixetU'e Opera ef lietlejr," Plymouth Cmubch. Uiani Choral nd Instrumental Charity Concert, by C. Jerume Hopkins, assisted by a nutubar of eminent artist, on Tuesdsy eVeuiug, March 4. BnuuKUTt AthimjiOii. aielre I'raiieaia, un Tueetlay Ttuing, March 4.

Ruuui.ak MosiMLr Mvkiikui of the lie-publican General Committee, at No. 1 Court struct, on Tuerday evi-uiiiK, Maruli lib, at 7H o'clock, Bkuokltx AiukMAiM. Exhibition of tba LiugbluK by Dr. U. Q.

ColUa, on W'odutuitlay evening, March 6, at 7H o'clock, Siuging- by tba Treuisiue Brothers. Dkooki.tsi AliiKMJlt'M Adjrj by Uor. U. S. Storri, D.

ou Monday oraaiiig, March 10, at o'clock. Subject" The Prob-abla Future of tba Nation." Aksral Mkitinu of tlie Lot Owners of tba tiraauwnod Camatary, on Wednesday sfler-noon, March 111, at 1 o'clwk. llABiiust'i Ahkrica Muskcm. Tba Wonderful Prodigy, (Jooimodora Natt, in Hong's, Dances, Ac. Living HipenpgtatDUS, Living Wliale, and oilier curiosities.

Every afternoon aod tba OrloBtal Fairy l'lay, "Sadak and tUlaarade; or, Tba iVetara of Oblivion." The Opera Tm-JVIght Cntlacliallc. Tha numaront patroni of tba Opera, lu tbia city, will bare an opportunity, this avauing, of attanding tba Acadamy of Alutic, to witness tba paiformanoa of IXiNiZETn'l opara of "Bttltf." Tha groat aaoceae which tbU opera Biet with last season, war-ran tba aBaarlioo that tin house will ba fllleil tO OV.lfl jwilig. MiM leABBLLA IIlftBLBT, wltoae piquant etyle ia wall adapted to iba pe-cullaritiaa of tba charming music, will sustain tba raws of tba heroine, lu whicb aba bat beea received with groat applauae, bath In urope and tha United States. She will ba auittad by Signore Bkiubuli and Suetiii. Mr.

GorTacsAi.K, tba world-ranownad pi-auiat, will introduce sereral Vorrtour, never yat playad in tbia city, which will no doubt ba highly attractive, and add naw laurola to tba fama of (his celebrated American Pianiat. A oorabinution of euch talant and rara Intellectual aniusement, will no doubt ba appreciated by our oitixana and. the Manager will long raawm bar Grand Gala Night," aa one of the moat proStablo ever given In tkia city. A Mothis aJiD Child Bubxbdto Death. Coroner NoKkU bald an iuqueet at Ke.

2t7 Carlton avenue on Saturday, pon the body Of Mra. Eliciaxa Babtow. The diceaaeil, while engaged in the bath-rooat waabiBg har child atood close to the alova Baed In heating the apartnent, whenhar dreaa raaght fire. The flimoa aoon enveloped har paraou, and aa aha waa aloua, bar aervant being; la the cellar out of hearing, aha ran about the houae calling for Bsaiatance, aud Anally weo dowB atairs into the hall-way, where she fill prostrate on tli floor. The aervant by tbia time oanae te bar aid, and tba neighbors flocked In, bat too late to render her any aasiatauce.

Her body waa burned from head to foot in the moat shocking raanoer. She was able, however, to tell her father, Mr. Willia.u Cbolics, bow the acci dent happened, and died in an hour thereafter, The child, a boy abcut two years old, ran uftcr kis mother, awl hie clolbea taking fire from ker's, was shockingly Imrned. Tba poor littl fellow ran about In a blase, aud seeing no help, crouched In a aerner nf an upper room, where lie was found, his clothas burnt off his body. He aarvived hia mother but a abort time.

SxRiuna Mkbaki. Fuahkrtt, residing on Sandfard street, near Willougbby avenue, waa run aver by car No. 19, of the Brooklyn and Newtown Railnud, Saturday evening, near the corner of Da Kalb and Tompkins avannea, and seriouslr, if not faial ly injured, lie waa takes home by officers Uttkh aud HuauBS) of tha Ninth Precinct Police. Pima is Wii.LiAMMBi'Ra it.

Between Sand 4 o'clock yesterday morning, a stable, belong ing to Stephk Ublpkk, on the corner of Mouth Third aud Tenth atreeta, waa doatruyed by lire. Tha Are la supposed to have been of iocaudiary origin. Damage about 5U. Ou Saturday a fire ooeurred la the upper part of the dwelling house af Mr. WlLitiff, No.

199 Kwen street. Solomok Damage, $126 Insured in the Fulton Insurance Com' pauy. Soddbm DaafH. An inqaeat was held on Saturday upon tba body of Mr. Jobs Miiobk, tbe father of ex-Judge Moorb, who died aud.

denly tbe previous evening. It appears that be fell down in front of his residence in Gates avenue, and discovered blood was flew ing from bis mouth, lie waa picked op by his son and a neighbor and conveyed into the house, where be expired in a few minutes af terwards. The cause of death was hemorrhage ef the lungs. The deceased was employed in the Navy Yard, and had fullillad his day's work end proceeded to his resideuoe, where he fell down and expired aa above stated. A verdict in accordance with facts was rendered.

Chdksjh Charitt Foundation. Tbe annual report of this institution was read last evening la tbe Cbwrch of tbe Holv Trinity, By this, it appears there are 46 children ia the Home and 2j elderly persons. The receipts for tbe lust year amounted to nearly lO.GUO, and the expenses of the Society have been such us to leave $900 in tbe Treasury. $800 has been paid en Moating debt, reduciog it to $700 2,000 has beeu paid on the mortgage, reducing that to (7,000. A deceased lady has bv will, (2,700 to tha Society $1,000 to be paid to the Home tbe present year and the balance is to be used as a fund to aid in the establishment aud endowment ef a Home for aged men aud aged married couplee.

The Society is in a very flourishing condition. Am lnrRorrrAHLit BcROLAttr Last sight the coal cmce of Mr. Wk. Papb, on tbe corner Myrtle aud Franklin avenues, waa feloniously euteresL The euterpriaing burglar auc-ceeded In carrying off property of the value of bout twenty centa. TO THE Er.jCKlYN EVErtinQ SUR.

STAR OFUCK, O'CLOCK, P. M. av aa absbioab teLKoaAea oo'a. masa, OfLftl VS'all-atreet, New- York, and Wash biBtoa-etreet, Hrooklyu. FROM FORTBESS MOMBO Arrival of al Wilmington, N.


FuBTainui Momkajb, Uarcb 8.) liaBailiuiuitt, March 3, Tba steamer Exprasi, Capt. Catmsry, lett Old Peiat ytaterday morulng at teu o'vlotk for Jaunt Uiver to receive the t'uWu pt isnners, wbo aeia expected ou Friday. 1 hjy were noi met, bowever, according to apputuluent, aud ha iug renilutd at tbe usual meeting place uutit noon to-diy tbe Oeoige Washington wai fnt up witban ordtrfor the Kx press to return, uuless amettili)g had btjan bt-ard from them. Hho acoordiugiy eame back, ar rivlog at o'clock In the altoruoon. At aliout 9 M.

ytutorday the Tubal steamer Jameitown, which wllb tha Torktewn ts i ationed oil Hug I laud, stMamed down to tha Express with a flag of truoe to aocrtaln tba causa of her appearance iu tbu river en two huoeessire da; She itoj'jtd abreast of tbe EspreM at a few rod' distance aod lowered a boat a llh a Lieutenant on baidto oommuaicate. Ue woe informed ot tue erraudoftbe Express, aud that she was act lug upon lu formation furnished by tfneral wbea beexpla-ned tbat bis comuaudtir bad uo knowledge of any expected primer aod from lug tbe Express, twodai iu succession came down to learn th acoasiou. Ue sxpreased bimlX satisfied aud returning to JamntUwo, she went back to her station. sfhe has beta armed with a gun at her bows aod another at her stern, and baa a soarp irou cut-water projecting some three feet Com her bawi at tbe watttrliue. bb is supposed to be oommanded by Capt.

Baruard. llftTlug been twice dUappoiutod in relation to tba expected prisoners it ia not kuown wben tbey will be stmt Intro tho river, It is uuceitain whuUi- ar Colonel Coroorau w.U be among the number, although It Is quite probable. Auolber iu tor view took place yesterdsy of fa ncy Island, between General WojI aud Central Cobb, lu reference to a general exchange of prison ers We bear via Norfolk that tbj steimer MasLville ai rived at Wilmington, N. yesterday, haviog run tbe blockade at tbat place. A qjAntity of tolegrtpiiic cable hu arrived hme for completion of tbe line acrosi tba Bay.

As soon as tbe sounding can be completed tho line will extended to Cape Chat 1 us. This will be wttuia two or three daja it is iuppOed. f'roiu AVaahtufftODt Washington, March. 8. The Secretary of the Navy tj-day received a lot-tot dated Cairo, Feb.

27, from Fleg-omoer Foote, wboaays I have the honor to forward a etnmu-nicalion from LluL-Comtaaudiug Bryant, the aubstanca of which I have just telegraphed. The captain of the strainer who brings the despatches says that aix mile Jow Nashville there was a battery on a high bluff, which bad mouotod fifteen guns, but a rural of them were thrown into the river btfure tbe Cairo arrived. Uu aiao reports tbat a ftroug L'uioj f.eliug a as manilested iu aud near Nashville, aud that Qjverner I UrrU, aitor raluly eudeavoriug to rally Uio citiaeut and other), liift ou Buuday morulug for Memphis, lie alno statt-s that the gun-boats are tho terror of tho people at Naebvllle and at point on tbe Cumbrlaud sliver, aud that ou hearing of my arrival, suppos-log tlie guu-bata would proceed immediately to Nashville, th.i tnemy rt-treatad piuic-tfUiekeu. Tbe unusually bigu water oi' the iivr, euabliug tbe boat to aiceud the t'lrer, was piovldeutial. The following la tha enclosure in Flag Oliicar Footo's letter xxii villi, 25, 18C.

Flag Officer A. II. Foot, oouunaudiuir Flvtilla Westvm Watertj BiBUnoertafn tliat my letter of the ltd reached you, I repeat that departed from Claikod" vilie for this point by tba request of Brigadier General Smith, cutu mind lug at darkest aud arrived here tbia morning preceded by veu steamboats. coDvpylug an army, comraauded by NeUjn. The troupa lauded with out oppnaiUou.

The btvuks of tba are frue from hostile forces. The railroad And mapeuslon bridges hero are all dtstroyad. Tery reepect fully, your obedient servant A. O. Bbyant, L'eoteuant Commaudlg Memorials are being extensively signed by 1 diem for presentation to tba Postmsster General, asking tbat some nieiiuroa ba adoi-ted, by which tbey can procure tbe piteut rultid atamptd en velopes at Ui same rates ohargdattlie xost oOtcer, They say that privileged venders in the camp, take advantage of their partiality for tbia description of anvalopes and doinaud extortionate price.

Coutrudlciliii. There is satwf authority for stating that tha auuouneemeut In yesterday's Mtaoarn tliat Qau. Uooker's division had crossed the lower Potomac is eatirely false. attlNlATUKtt A.LMANAO 'i HU DAY, MAB. 8.

Sun 83 Sim Moon Setu. .0:10 HitJil WAXliR TUIH DAY. Bandy Hook. 9:31 1 81 I Hell Hat. 11:43 PUlWUAaiNCK UK AJU UKDEIt UB KObWLLL C.

BliAiNARU, aurrofateot thu County ol King ia lutrid.y given, according to law, so all pia'sous bavtutf olaiiua aifaiitnl KOVVARD LANUUKaN, Uto ol tuu City ol Hrooklyu, datMxiised. Uiat thy aia rtuuued uxhibil Uie samo, with the vouchuia thereot, to the sabacribers. tlitj Uxucutoia, at the oltsDtj of Julea Killiet, tio. Id Beaver sUntst, in tin- City of Mew x'ora, ou or before tlie loth day ot May next. Dated, October ayrn, JuKN HAVEN, 0 nt law6M JUL1S Wi-UifiP, rURSUCE OF AN OIUJEK OF ROSWbiUa.

U. BRAiNARU, aurrotiataoi Uie County ot sLiiitfB Notice hereby aiveu, ac- oordiug to law, to all persons having olaiuu atraiiwt LALRAP. VARNUM, late of Uie Cityut tiruoklyu, duceajted, that tbey ate ruirtid to exhibit the same, with tba vouchers tuereof, to tbe ubsaribera, tin-Rxwiuisors. at thmr nwidensce. No.

lit Lasayotb avenue, in tlie City ot Bruoiciya, oa or buiwre tue lith day ol March next. Uatod, September litn, ASA YARN CM, W. VAKNUh, el3 lawflm'Th iCxeuUrf, SALE THREE VLHKT-nLASH JL Brown Stona Uouew, sttnatod in Amity street, ntjar Court, Uouaeje and sCota lull size lull? ta iabad with all modern improvtjmeiittf, to U-RO. S. CAR 81 Smith sL, or at 105 and luT Chambers Y.

Ual9 tf along Behermeihorn street twenty-Uireo feet to tho said point ot beginning. Being a part ol tho same laud and prem si which were gi anted and oouveyed by David B. Bayllsand wtftj to the raid i. icJtee Blatchford, by their deed dsted Ootobor 1, life, and recorded in Kings Couuty Kegiftvr's oBloo, lu Book H. of tlouveyanoea, at page lul, An.

Ue ed, Urookivn, February imi. ANTHONY F. CAmPBILL, (. UrAtS I. el-Iff LEGAL NOriC Jib.

MOKTGAOE ttALE.Wbereaa.DefaulC has been mad in the payment of the prinoipsi sum and mteii'nt, meutioued aud secured lu aud by a certain Indenture of Mortgage, made and taeeuted by Benjamin ill and Nancy, his wife, of thm City of New York, to Junes Wi lab, of tho City of Alb4 ny, New York SUte, bearing date too Uui day of March, lSatt, K1 4 duly recorded in tho efttoo of tho Register of Kings County, in Litw Slid of Mort gaes, prh 44V, on the lllh day Oi April, 180, at 4v minutes at lu o'clock in tbe lorenooo, to soure th( payment of the, rum of $iiMO, on the lOtn day of March. liii, with lutereat; and where, said Mortiraire ootalns a full power of sale, wtvoh was reem ded with said Mortgage, aod whieh said power has become operative ud the amount olaimed to be due hereon at the time ot the first publioatiosi of this notice is the sum of UH8 AOlOtf, to wit ftvHM ot piiunpal and 00-iuU ol interest, and whioh is the whole amount uupaia un saia tuortgago ana whereas, no proceedings at law or in equity have been instituted to recover the same, or auy pari thereof. hair, therefore, wotiee fa hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In e-tid Mortgage, and iu ptirsuanoe ot tho utuie in eucii esjia made and proviaed, Uio said Mortgage wui do loro- closed by a sale ot the premises thei eio deeotibed, at ruolic Auction, at tue unite auetinn noom of ua-tr A Lopttr, Auctioneers, Number 4 Sands itrnet, ia the City of Brooklyn, In said Count? of Kiuga, ou the 'ISoelJth day 0 April, lStiS, at li o'oiock, uooo, of that day, '1 preiuUes described lu raid Mort-irage, aud which will bo sold as aforesaid, aro as folio wp, to wit All tho-e two certain lots, ploros or parcels of land, situate. Muff aud beinr la the Ninth Ward of the City ot Brooklyn aforeaaid, together bwuuded and described as follows 1 Beginning at a poiut on the southerly side of Chauncoy street, disUut one hundred and twtiutv-Hve feet easterly from Uio southeasterly corner of Cheunoey street and fltay-veeaut avenue 1 run 11 hi ir thenoa oastarly aioug Chauueey street twenty flvs fert thence southotly parMliil with tttuyveaaut avenue two nuuartttl loei to Marlon street; theuce westerly aloua; Mar ton street twenty-live fi et; end theuce northerly para' lei with situyveaaiit avenue two huudred foet 10 Uie place of hegt tming tlie etront and aveuuie above mentioned being the fame as livid down on the Commisaiouer'a map tor laying out streets, avenue ana square in tuo City ot Brooklyn. Together wllb all aud singular the right, litis and interest of tit said paxty of tho hut pjtrt (tlie HHid isenjamtu UlilJ 01, in aud to Uia parts of raid stieets lying iu frout of aud adiolnlug iuh above amenr premises 10 in oeuire 01 aattt strouta.

laUd, this Inth day ot January, lHoi JAMLS WKLoH, Mortgaeree. W. J. BaVkw. Att'y.

JalS lawl'iW rpHlS IS TO CEUTLFY. THAT WB whoso name are severally uudersigued, are deslroiu of form law a limited vartnerxhlp and b'trti, That the name or firm under which such partnership is to bo coudueted la William U. Plumb. titcondly, That tho general nature of tho Uuiaeai inteuded to be trauitacbd by tuuh partuerstilp is the maiuufacture. baking aad selling oi bread, wacfcers aud other substanoes inuially manufactured by bakers.

Thirdly, That tho rameaof all Jb general aad special paituers int- restcd in Iba said co-prUirabip am as loiiows 1 WillUm U. Plumb and Louise T. Knee I ud that William U. Plumb is the general partner, and his place of resideuoe Is In tlie City of Brook a that Loubm T. KueeJand la tho speoial partntsr, aod her place of resideuoe is Bay Bide, ia the County of ljueeua.

fourthly, ibat the amount ol the apital wbtctt tbe said special partner has ountrtbutod to tho common stock of tbe said partuership is Fivo Thousaod Dollars. Fifthly, That the period at which tho aaid part nership Is to corn me. nee is the eighteenth day at January, oue thousand eight huudred aud sixty- two, aud the period at which the said partnership is to terminate tb hm dy of May, oue thouaaud eight hundred and stveul)-two. ituees our hands and seats, this seven toeum day of Jauuary, one thouaaud eight hundred and sixty- two W. II.

PLUMU, LOUISK T. KNEKLAND. Arknowlcdired beforu (ieome Bli, Notary Public in and for tbo City and County of New York, umihI iriu. Usual certibcalo 01 Connrv Clerk ot New York annexed. 1aw6wTu CITY COUHT OF BROOKLYN.

Henry Stevenson, Heotlverof tbe propotty of William 11. Nnrris, asraiuat William B. Van Bruat and.Williau H. Norrbw In pursuaooa of the judgment of this Court, In the above action, bearing data February lSO'i, I will sell by Pnblt Auction, at the om mere lal ehauge, Fulton strtet, lu tho City of Brooklyn, on the Sth day 0 March next, at 12 o'oiock, noon, on that day, tbo tollowlug descilbed lauds aod premium 1 All that oertain lot, pleoe or pareei of land, si to. ate on tbe southerly side of Wyunou atreet, between Court and Smith sireet, la t-aid City of Brooklyn, and whicb Is bounded and described as follows 1 Beginning at a iut on the said southerly side of wyokoti atreet, two hundred and sixty imtt westerly from tha werei ly side of 81111th street; ruuning thence southerly ou a line ptrailei with Smith street one huudred bet thenoe running westerly on a liue parallel with Wyckolf'treet fiitean feet theuoo running northerly ou a line parallel with Amiua street oue hundred feet to Wyckoff street 1 ntnulng theace eanterlv aiotiR thu soutberlv side of Wvekotf street filteeo fret to the pohit or placool begiuulng.

Sut.Joct to the liens aud eucumbranco which Uece on oxiiited prior to tho lVth day of ejuue, ltoL uatod, coruarv 11, ittot. UUNttY BTEVBN80N, Becelver, FUlntUf. 0u. G. BuAK-ca, Attorney.

tell 2avSWAP riHE CITVT COUHT OK BROOKLYN. A Oottli.b Vogul agalnat Jena Vogel and mcnoiaa sunn. By vu-tue of a ludanlent made by UaU Csort. lu tbe above entitled action, ou tae itb day of Febra- ary, lboj, the andersigned, tbe If. ceiver duly appointed by this Court, will s.11 at Ptiblio A notion, lu Ibe veatibuleol tbe City rfMll.intheUftyot nvooe-lyn, ou the 4tA day of tlirch, imit, at lso'cock, at Boon, all the riuht, tide aud iutere-t ot johu Vogel lu aud to tbe following daoribrd prraiim ria All those six pieces or parol It of lai.d, aitts-ate, lying aud being iu Ui.

Bigliteeiitb Ward of tke City ol Hrooklyu, in tlie County of Kieips. aud a tew of New York, an i k.iooa dUinguisbed oo a map, eiitillr.l M.ip 'piopsity lu floah-wick, adioioln, the Village ol Williain.Ourau. l-longlng to William A. Barms," d.tsd I BreoWyn. gepT.iuber 1.

lSJ. made by Martin, and filed lu the Kiuir. Coui.ty KeK'l offlc OB the a uunibo Ility-Sve a' are b.u-Xda-follows Soutuoriy by Torrest traet. westerly by Bu.harlcl., nsrtherly by iSTuomh flityfour (3ij, fifry W.

aod forry-ulue f4'ji us laid down said mp, aud easterly by lot number siity-one (01 as laid down on said snap. Bitwlyo, February 9th, ifl'i. fuej 2a3wr'6: afhs'TEU Becetvor. COL'NTx COURT, of Kidko Couutv. Uaniol lv.

Miller against Luhr tiorstmauu and others. lu purHiiaoon of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made tu tho abjvo action, bearing ditto the th day of February, 10 A wtll be sold, uodor the duectiou tlie subscriber, Beferes at Public Amotion, by Footer A laoptir, Auettoiieers, at Uieir Public Auction Room, number 4 dind street, la tho City of Hrooklyu, L. I on the TmmUy-fmrtk dag March, at IS o'clock, uoeu, ot that day. All that eei tain lot, pirce or parrel oi laoa, situates, ItIdk eud being in Uie City of Brooklyn, la tho County ut HiDirs. audSttleofMew York, and bound ed by a iin eomm-nclog at a poiut oo the uoithorly line or tide of Bergen etreet, which said po-nt distant one huudred aod eightyfret easte'ly from tho uortheasterly Surn of B41 tiui treC ad Fifth avenue and runuiug th-uce wrtherly parnisa with Firti avenue feet; thouoo aouta-easterly twenty teet aud elevou luck's, mora or Ims, a pniut distaut two huudred feet easterly from Filth avenue and eighty foet northerly fr tforgen street i tlwnoe southoiiy parlUi with Filth avua eighty tft to Kergeu sterost and theuco westerly along latsrgeil streot tw.tjnty fet to the poiat ef ooai meutjeiueiat.

Dated, Febiuary VHth, 1 aaiitJtT tArttes, fM aw9wFA3 wrve..

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