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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROOK EVENING A It t)ry Goods, Auction Sales. Auction Sales. Auction Sales. Ready Made Clothing. SUPERIOR 1MGUEKHEOTYPES, AT HARRISON HILL'S GALLERY, GENERAL SCOTT A TEACH MAN.

A correspondent furnishes us witli the following uutheulio anoodoU of Gen. Scott. It relates to a period of his history when mutorials are not superabundant: In the winter of 1838, S9, Gen. Scott Wns summoned to tire War Department at Washington, and Was there lold he must proceed 16 the frontier lines on the Niagara River, and put a stop to the interference of. American c'tizeiu with the Canadian Government, and asked how long before fie could bo ady.

His nnswtr in half an hour. His arrival in Buffalo was iti the aflurnoon, where lie took chtirga of the mMitta and volunteer companies1 whi had been ordered in from the' nc.ghbouring together with what Jew Government troops wore stationed in the barracks at that place, and ordered them down to the village of illaek lUick, two and a half miles, whe tlwv arrived nhout 12 o'clock Spring and Summer Dry Goods! HITCHCOCK A LEADR EATER, TVo. 347 Broadway, New-York, A VI? hi store oue of the linest asaortiuenta iu the 11 City of RANGY AND STAPLE DRY OOOPS, aitilnblo for every seamen cf tha Year, and every rli mote, and would especially invUe altentiun to ihcir and elcgnnt stoc't ol tPKlNO AM) SUMMER DRESS GOODS, which they have just purchvird for cash, for Dearly half price, and are enabled to oiler at V1CRY GREAT IIARGAINS! Their slock inWudceenry vnriely of Silko, Shawls, Del, linos. ireae Uelnnes, Challies, 1'r nlcd Hui linsand Lawns, Hi rcgea, Silk Tissee, Grenadires, Caliches, roplina, routard Silks, MOURNING GOODS OP EVER KIND. A foil and complete assortment always on hand, in chiding llhick Itomb.iKines, Alpacas, Challies, Can on Crapes, UeLuire, otc, which parties inter esled will find dcairnhle.

FANCY GOODS OP VARIOUS KINDS. As plain and rmLroidered Pocket-handkeichiefs, Cravats, Glovos, Collars, Mits, Trimming Laces, A SPLENDID STOCK OF RIBBONS, bought very low for, which the ladies will find dcsiruule ami cheap, and wii cn mntinets will id it their interest lo enainl'to before completing thc pur chases. HOUSEWIFE AND FAMILY GOODS, as Linens, Table Diunaks, Nankins, Towels, Towel inn, Ciavh, Shirtings and Sheetings, Muslins, rich embroidered LACE and MUSLIN WINDOW DRAPERIES, in gieat insly, and ol ei cry quality and price. GKN'I LUMEN'S FURNISHINGS. A very Inrge Ciiiiiplete ii ortnieiii as Kid Silk, tnd Thread GloViis i Silk and Summer Cra.

Vil-i Silk and Linen eke, handkerchief Silk, Cotton. and Merino Undershii. and llrawersj Socks, al prices much lower than the same can be found al the GENTLKMUN'S FURNISHING STORES. I'lfSte ill and examine, and if not found di siruble and reasonable, vou will not be desired to purchase. Ciuhtby Mefchants will find il lo iheir interest to look through our stock, as they can here select any article Ihey wish, in any quantity they desire, and at prices which they will find It on object lo n.uchatoat, is inn't of our good; are purchsfed al auction, and are the best full JO per cent below theordinury jobbing rales.

I'EUMS INVARIABLY CASH-AND ONLY OnB PaiCB. 1 je2l 3in is Furnishing Goods. The tirrat KauiUy Hosiery liepot, AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 272 FULTON ST. 0PPO6ITJ1 TtLLARV, BROOKLYN.

LTEIltD from No. it'll. J. C. COTTRELL invites familial to ill and inspect his expensive apsi rtinrnt now coinoleied Summer wear, and one of the large! to be found either 111 Brooklyn or New-York, con-taiine: of HOSE OF AI KINDS, QUALITIES AND SI ZF', plain and laucy, GLOVES in ooual variety.

LADIES. MISSES AM) CHILDREN'S SUM 1Erl UN Kit GARMENTS. KOUTH'Sand BOVS' IIOsE ad HALF HOSE, plain and foncy. GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, POCKET-HDKS CRAVAIS, -c. A imod anso, Uaenl ol rcadymiule shirts.

Ladiea mid Gent lemons' Riding Gloves. N. Ii. I'Ioufo to empiire of those likely to know where the best and cheapest aMnrtiuent ol the above foods are lo be found, before purchasing eUcwhero. inv'28 tl l-leeccd Silk, aOSTERY AND GLOVES, of all sines, imported eipressly for family uie, by J.

C. COTTRELL, (ecl3 if I'll l'ullon st, Brooklyn. Under sli.rts and Drawers I'O fit all persons, oe sold a I great bargains). 4- order to close our stoca. C.

COTTRELL, 222 Fulton st, f6 Stawt opposite Til'ary St. ill aw Cotton lloslerv. T'OR WINTER wear, of all siiea, inanufacturcc' by the subscriber, J. C. COTTRELL, 222 Fulton Itrooklvn.

declSif Gentlemen's Gloves, ffOSIERY, Shirtu, at prices much less than II stores in general, at 'COTTRELL'? el9 If 222 nion st Woolen Hosiery, "CLOVES. Ac. selline off very cheap to mak rixiiii foi springstock, at COT I'RELL'rf Cbcia lloperv Store, Hi ultoo Hlary BI. 16 3i.nw Woolen Under Shirts AND DRAWERS, in great variety, and cheap st COTTRELL'S "Cheap Hosiery Stern," 222 Fulton, opposite Tillary Brooklyn. nVcl? If Knit Wool SOCKS, Iri 4d a pair.

Wool Shins at 6s, and al aoods sold entlilly as low by J. C. COTTRELL, Hosiery lfnjiorlcr aud Retailor, declt II 222 Pulton Hnnklyn. pliyr Wool Cialtcis, OODS, li'ias, Comforters, and Socks, fur chil dreu wear, ut UUl lKKl.b'V ler 18 if Fulton opposile 'l illsry. New Publications.

Hooks. to, full bound ussia. Price, or sale if A.m. 11.LI bit, st rultuu street. ap5 tf liav Map of Itiiioklyn as It Is, CJHOWING tho words, tho proposed enna from Gowanusta Wallabotit Boy, the fire ilia.

r-icts, being he lutest edition published, is tost received and tor r.ale at the MAtt omce, either on cords or in book form, at tne low price of tircniy tire rente. lelb tl New Hooks. THE Hunk S' Almanac. The Rangers! or, The Tory's Daoliter. Ruso Doitelasi or, Tiie An- toki of a Minister's Daurjhler.

The Cum uiis.ioner 1 by u. K.Jnmes. a.12-il Forsalebv A.M. WILDE3. uniili'l Webster." rPHE works of Dfniel Webster, with a 1 oiemoir of h' public life, by Edward Eveieti.

in 6 vols, octavo. For sule by if A. M. WILDER. Bl Polion Airs.

Ami MnnrU, TWO Discourses preached al Ann's Church, 4. hro'ikl) i on dundanept. 1 lili, and on t-a pi. 2UI, 151, on the occasion of tfie death Ann Sands By Rev. Henjahin C.

Ct'TLi D. Rector. Published bv reipii-t. tm by A. M.

WILDER, if tl Fulton st. New Hiks. 1 ELEVEN Wcks in Kumiw, an! whnt miy'be 14 seen in tlntt tune, by James Freeman Clarke. 1 he Days of Bruce A Stoiy from attndi History, by Aiilar. For sale A.

M. IWMlEK, No. El Pulton street. jel (f A New Hook lor l.oiie; Islanders. 'fHB Annals of ewtown, In Uueena (Jounty, i.

urk, containing its lltsiory fiotn its first seitler-icnl, tofettuu wilh aaany iatereatinjr facia eon- tlie adjacent towns. a paTicular account ol numerous Lcnt-lsland no spread ovwtliis andvarioue ollur Stales of the Union, by tin- a Kicker, Jr. For sale by A. M. WILDER, Bl Fulton st.

Ijel6lf I WUlkUouso Ilulldlugi, 283 Fulton street, DSTWIBN TlLLARY AND JoHKSCHf RHOOKLYN. THE Undersigned solicit yoiir atten'ion to the opening uf their New Suire of Hawma, which have been cinstriicteil cipecielly lor Photographic and are filled up wiin degree .11 tamo ami ndnttiiiliortniiiiBunYonriated tolhe beautiful Art. An regards quaHty of work, we ate ndt of those who wld ling Weir own lo the anneied leetiiiioniiils horn five of the first American Hiawi leal i-oriraii ramiers men qualifiod iu avert reBpoct lo tit the beat Judge, aud who would not givu cnmineniUiion to those in the Wotld of Art who are not deserving. p.nm CHARLES C. Ex Vice FMoidcnt of tin iiuional Academy of umgn.

nnHiFL Habbiboni Dear Sir, Vou have requested met to fjiva my omnion of vour Uaiiucrreoiypes. 1 Mink It ia scarce ly accessary, aaali per.ons of lailo whouiuy I -ok up-on them must at once perceive that there ean be no thing finer in thedrway, and tlrey having taken the at uie groat esniumon, rr that tliey are eupenor to everything of the amd iu turono. 1 Very truly, Vcura, CHAKLKS Co INGHAM. Fsott CHARLES t. ELLIOTT, N.

Al NewVoftK, Aptil 24ili. Mb. G. Habbiro i i Doar Sir, Having frequently compared the beat specimens of Daguerreotypes, I csnnot resist the deuce lo express my opinion, that thoae produced by yourself combine in the greatest degree all the exnel-lenities oflhe Ail, in clearneaa, tone and Bdori i'io, in the artUtio of poaiupns, acce'saories, lliey atand pio-einincni iu this country, and, "of eourae," irr eny oilior. Wishiifg you enilre succaira, 1 remain, Yours ItnW, C.

L. ELLIOTT. THE OPERATING ROOM tt iifty feet long, thirty leot and frescoed in a qilijt.subfiueil lint, tohich ia of greal importance to the producing 'of a first rale Ilaguej-fcolype, as thereiy wo have no refected lights todcsiroylha quality, roundneiaand suenjilh ol shadows, also preserves tlie natural sharpness of ilic eyes as but one light will be ibserved on die Iris, instead of half a dozen as in the eOe in most Daguerreotypes, irom me iaci oi iiami white THETTiHT, Under which the sellers uro placed to hnvo their Portraits taken, is riie largeaLIn iha world, and contains over two hundred and f.jlu square feet of the bet English while plate glut, facia about Noi angle cf thirty-five degrees the best poaiiion lor a liglil lo prevent abrupt shadows under the ejes, cllin, and has a tendency of producing miniatures of tuch softness and roundness of Heth that they must become at once the lavoriie style of pic turce wilh all persooi ol refinul and aitialic taste. LADIES' DKKSSING-ROOM ts contiguous to tho Operating Room Is fifteen fcet auuare. and filled up in llie mosl chaste and beautiful myle wilh salmon -color and marble top furniture Toilet ulaya Kepi in oruer.anu oi iue unnuiitjr THE CHILDREN Have evory atlent-ou paid to their wants, as will ha fminl in iha aoarlinenla a seriea oT (Joaino.ainic Views, baby junipers, and the largest kaleidosope 'er invenled, for their amusement.

RNDAGKMENTS Pettnr bn mads the day irovious by ihose who do not wish delay by taking rotation. GROUPS Of ladies and gentlemen, at large as fifty Iri num tn ben wilh ihe aieausl lucilny. lor trails. MloWunsV' VaintingSi Etigravinga copied, Gentlemen's Private Reo-dencec, Public Dulldings, Cotlages, and Monumenle, taken either in Phutcgraph, Oil or iVuler Colurod Painting. GALLERY OPEN FREE from 8, P.

M. 1 lm Z.lp till 9 Seminaries. Instrnctlrm Olveli In OH Tuliitlng, BUtlKIRLH, lit Kulion aireei, near Clinton. In the aoltness, transparency, and perfect harmony of its ortuct, lids style is peculiarly "in tne Bimpucny-oi iiu ciliy with which a kuowleilgc oftliM elegant art may be imparted, it dilferB from the usuut moue thua be-ir. nurtif.lllnrltf adaotedto the aiuaiciu'.

Terms Twenty-tivo dollars per Huarter ol Twelve weokB two LesBorrsa weeK. for the convenience of trioie Ladirt ortSentlemek whir wish to get up a few Paintings at do Mltory hours, Mr. Hurlield will take them in a course ol lot one, furnishing inateriala. Portraits painted in Oil at moderate chargea either In lite or cabinet size. Leona In GRETA LSV19, and likewise ia a new and rnp mode of Drawing and Sketching by the Broad Pkoil, porquartcr, "-( OretaLvia Twelve dollars BreadPencil-rFiTe dollars.

One halfofthesn ascription to lit paidin advance. d7 tf Young; Laities School, TVO. 90 ORANUB i'RKET, cornar of Hnry, 1 Brooklyn, L. I. Tlie' StJMVIEK Term will cdmmenceon Moday, 19ih, 185...

nils iseiuinary win imvo uie i tunny of Way, its fouiieertth year. Ii hasUeun well sustain ed Iroui its coiiimenceuient. Every facility is given lor a thorough education. A lew boarding pupila are received jrrto the family oflhe Principal, to whom special alientii'ii is devoted. Circulars staling teruis.and CAlier particulars, oti- I tained at the Institution.

i SARAH M. DEJtAIiBST, PrincipaL ap3 tf Musical Instruction ou the I'lano forte. I1 SUHL.UI upil ol Franz' cenlly arrived from Germany, will give Icisons ii the. riaijororie, alter ine aystem qi tins great (-er-inaa Pro'cssur; The.uiothod of instrucltou he adopt-wiMenable llie pupils to iflikegrcaiBjpficitncy in this arljn a short time, and give ease At elegance thai crnot be surpassed. Tlie best ol texiuioniais given.

I' Address A. J. Spooner, loi Adams Brook lyn Mr. Thomas J. Crowen York, or FUAN2 SUHIX)TTEH, Ylti tl 399 4th si, N.

V. Collegiate arid Commercial Instltuto, warren stbkkt, near clikt'os. THE PALL TERM of this School willcnmmenc on Mondat, September 1st, 1851. For Circa lira containing general plan, test monials aim references, apply at the school i i at IS War J. tl.

BATES, A. gW-tf Principal. Bi otlce Ifl-HEIIEBY GIVbrt, that application will Be made to His Eirellency, llie Governor of the Su! Aow-York, ou SATURDAY; the 7th day of A a-mit now next, for unconililional pardon of Vil- iaijB.Siinptoji,cooviend at aCourtol Uyer and ler-ii ler, held in and for Kiiiks Cuumy, on the l7ih day Hay, 1817, of burgL.ry in the first degree, anj fenced to the Slate Prison, where he is now cou-oed on the 20th day of said May. jy2 lawiwl Hurlal or the Dead. I'MDiRiiBSaDGeneral Furnishing Un; dertaker'jleepa eunsUnily nn hand every thti-g nccea.

8Ty for the tfin dead; Havina; ben in iro-e thr.n twwty-five ears, in New York and Brooklyn, he feels comje nt to discharge alt the of his profession. lie invites the attention of those persons upon whom dersandt are mada for the burial of their dead, wher eapendittiroe for sickness have consumed al', or nrar ly mni, end it is aot ia their powet lo prwii'e for the resoectabl iuleiraecl of those ear and eSsrsolh-m. Ha aasairea such that Ibef shall ba famished with all tMrs arcessary 'die nt Itvorable terne, and at large disrent on the usual cnargee, thereby reftetir in a neaau-e the burden tixf feel vihea it ia ttaceaury tepruv'di tr, the tmM of a rla live or triead. N. BfRRiLI, Montague Place, (oner Court sural.

IWkUa, Jan. IboI. anS djkell DOCTOR 8AMUEL2BOYI), CWT Of WIllowKhhy and Uuffifld itrwU J. Of KNGLEttERT I.OTT Auctioneer. Brooklyn Fullon brookhn Freeman Bu iLling.i.

tr" E. LOTT will (jive his persnnalattontion the sale of Slocks, Real Fiirnilure, dec, die, at the ee Room, and out door sales irene tally. PRIVATE SALE. Several Brown Sto le fiont Houses between Smith and Bond streets, finished in the most approved stle, vill Mi hla mantles, ornaiueulil torniaea, slidina dcirs. die.

Terra liberal. Also, three 2 story and allie brick houses situated In Willow Place, finished in the beat manner numbers 31 and 33. Terms liberal. Onb first eU brown shine House, basement and sub cellar lot 25 by 133 feet. The house buili by duyj work, containing 12 rooms, with bath rooni, (ras kitchen rsnije, die, and piazza endured with Klusa, ailuala on Fust 1'Uco, secoud door eaal of Court street, Brooklyn.

Terms modorMe. (Jns half of tha pnrclinao money can roiium on bend and innriKage. Also, one 3 story brick house, known as No. Ill Dutiold street. On 3 sioiy frame home, known as No.

59 Johnson street, situaliou very pleasant, ai.d most desirable property, havEBAL fiame houses in Livingston atrcet, Brooklyn. Prio moderate, About lour hundred vacant lota of land in the Eijr'iih Ward of the city of BrookKn. Many of these lots front upon streets and avrnuea that are opined, graded and pared, in a locality that is teing coniinus'lj improved, which at once renders them desirable to all whose means aro limited, and who may require clump and pleasant situations fur residences or otherwise. About ihreo hundred vacant lota desirably located in the 9h Ward of the city of Brooklyn. Vacant Lots, and houaa and lole, pleasnnily situated upon most ol the pruwipil nr.

eta of Brooklyn. For piiliculars, inquire al the ilio.klyn Exchange, 201 Fulion Brooklyn Sicainboats, Railroads, of ON THS LONG-ISLAND RAIL-ROAD. Fiiom Apbil to Octobeb 1, 1832. la-? trains ooino east. No.

1 Freight friu Brooklyn ut 7 o'clock, A. Meeis No. 6 Pass, train from Jamaica, at doid, ol 7.22 A. M. Meets No.

4 Knrminiidalo Pars, train, al Jdiimicii, nt 8.15 A. M. Meat's No. 1 F.xpiets tiain from Grecnpori, ot Branch, al 9 20 A. M.

is parsed by No. 2 Mail train from Brooklyn, ot Parnn'ogdale, at 10 10 A. M. Mens No. 2 Freight Imin from' Greenport, al Sutlolk station, al 12 M.

Meets No. 3 Mad train from Grecnporl, at Manor atniinn, at' 2 o'clock, P. M. rives ot Grecnmrt at 4 30 P. M.

No. 2 -Mail tri'in from Brooklyn at 9 o'clock, A. M. Meets FermimnlaL lrtn .1 1 Hv villi Ml at 0j A. M.

Mreia No 1 Express from Greenport, at Jamaica, at 9.45 A. M. Pasea No. 1 Freiel.t, at Fanningdale, at 10 40 A. M.

No. 2 Fivhrht in Cireenoorl. l.nb.hnrt nt 1 1 'in a li ai jo. 31011 Irom Greerinort, at Maiiilork s.stien, at iri.e. ot ixieenpori, al f.tjf, No.

3 Leaves lurJamaira at 11 o'clock, M.and arrives al 11 5 A M. As soon as the Hempstead brunch ii reluid, this trrn wi I be run to where it will arrive nt 12 40 P. M. ii ri'8" I'f's train from Brooklyn, at 4 P. M.

Meets Mo. 2 Freight Irom Grenprt, near Flai-buih, oiossuiiiiil Ailaiuictreei.ul 4.15 P. M. MerU No. 3 id from Greennrn.

at Jamaica, at 4.43 M. Arrives at it 11 1 8 30 P. M. No. 5 train leaves flruoklyn at 6 clack, anu arriviBat ut 8.10 M.

No 0 Lo.ves Erockl; lor J.11 aica 7 P. Arr ve n' 7.3.') ir and arrive there at 8.40 M. TAI.NS OOINO WEST. i No. I Express Pass, tram leaves Greenport at 6 0 clock, A.

M. Meets No. 1 Freight fiom llrixik'lyn, atllianch, at 9.20 A. M. Meets No.

2 Mail from Brooklyn, at Jamaica, at 9.45 A. and arrives al linailtlvn ot 0 A. M. No. 2 PnLdit I'rOm Greenport at 7 o'clock, A.

M. Meets No. 2 Mail from Brooklyn, al Lakeland, i 11.30 A. M. Meets Ni.

1 UiiKjklvn, at Suffolk station, at 12 M. Meeti No. 4 from hrooklyn, near Klatbush, erossinj iu Ailauiic atreet at 4 15 P. M. and arrives at 4.30 f.

M. No. 3 Mail train lenves Greenpoit at M. Mens No. 2 Mjil Irom Mut Ituek at Lid P.

M. Mecu tNo. 1 Brook.) y. Mllur Station, 01 2 o'clock. V.

M. Meets o. 4 Exn ess from Brooklyn, al Jamaica, at 4.15 P. 3 I. Anivesal 6.i0 P.

M. No. 4 Pro ii Farmiiigdale at 7 o'clock, A M. Meets No. I FroiKhl from Hns.klyn, at si 8.15 A.

Meeis No. 2 end of tunnel, at 9.0j A. M. and arrives al 9.10 A. M.

No. 5 l'a. train from Jamaica, 6.00 JL Arrivcsst 6.55 A. M. Iu May, I'jig leave, ail al A.

M. No. Piisk. train liom Janmii 0, 1 45 Jf, Arrivosoi. Brooklyn al 2.10 P.

M. 1 As soon as tlto llcmpsloiid branch isrclaiil, this irain will siarl from Hempstead al 1 o'clock, P. M. u- BIGGINS, Superintendent. UXlTTt8IO.S TO iIOIIOKUX.

FAff liEDU'JKD TO 4 CKXTS This, I ho favorite of Slimmer resorts, no oilers lo vinlon greuler inducements than eyrr. The Ferries lm been Impioved, and the luciloies lor crovii increased. Tne- benuiiiiil wnlka idi 3g the Riverside.thal lead In ihe Elysian Fields, aie. in excellent mlrr. Fekrv Boats leavs roa Hosokes as toilows: From Barclay stroti, every quarter uf au hour du-nun llie day.

From Canal hour during the lay. Froui Christophor i freet. every Im'f hour, at tha even hours, olid inter h.h In A Night Botti run i. i Barclay sireel every half uuui inijii(uuui iuo muni. CAT lAHIMi NEW LINE OF OMN'ILUSSES.

s- lj.ijni THE Cinania of and i. iuJL. New-Yolk, aie respecilu'ly iolerm-e i lo a Hevnolos it I.SKtN h.vo eslulilmh-ed a and elegant Imeol Omnibuses, starling Irom llie loot ,1 Cltliunne street, New-York, Heit lo the Ferrv ste, and running as follows, six: op Catharine atiretn Bowery, up B-iweiy to Hroome streel, in'er- secline; Unite ai Hull Broome lo Bllld-wuy, liloadway hj'i 1114 street, (d.jwn Spring lo Greeny icn Hrei through lirrenwim lo Foorti enih slreet, down KiiuUenlo atriel lo Tenth avenuo, up T1111I1 svenuclo llie Depot of ihe Uiidi.011 Itiver It ji lioad Company, I'liirij-Piri-t sin et. Til 00 O.i ni-busses posets all the un dcrn improvements, and are suppli mli careful, genil.iin;. di iven, Kor lor iber jsirt.ti.lars, s- a circulate.

aj2'j if c-ic I'Ait i ii st 11001 ft v''''' A.Mi l'riva'e I'anies, ean pns'Ute liim -K 1 Ktagiss to aero nmoitate Ironi twelve to .11, leisuus. lor oa api licaiioii at the Ea st Brouilyn Siaae OiVe, or to the Cuierinisndsnt al ihe Fullou Ferry. IIL'STKl) KENDALL. une 6th. l52-if WILLIAM BACKUS, A IU 'II IT KIT, Jainirrv Court, II Mall Nft YofU STATK MltEET, rinsT tioon XAtr ar sratrr, I.KtiUkLiN.

I13 lr WIllUBi J. Harner, mMlKBIM'EH AND HM.rL TTAt removed Iniii Columbia to 2 lliptisttii II awr Pultun, Bnviklyii. Music and I'erx'Oja i lioundio priii-rn 1 1' ua aed r.if t4. I) ni. lks iicdasJ ou.

M.v 0. II WATSON'S SITERIOK TOIUCCO IF yi will oe T'Ar use th' in -nt'let I audio KM the best, 'v- "WAIiUN's Ubafk Fima t'cT. It ssiil dooUt ihe pur- I aad line.1 I is easrk.i, ami a pr I by all nn i uJiee. aitio I'" I lul 'ttl such avirn il is e.r.a to superceils lie us m( tl.e isssny sat. tlur, nf nm a-.

and iwv leal h.ih.f ieti wr.d i Noa. I Iti, I h- sr.d ill) Cclusalu st bo-sta I JAMES COLE, Auctioneer. Ijict Vrrn Street, etrntr of hvnt Streil tllWOKl.YX. CTJAMES COLE williiive hispersonnl atten. Ion to sales of llmittHold K'umiture, nml mil dool a'rsnnerally! also to sales of Heal fCiatthe El lianje, New Vork WEDNESDAY, JI LV II, At 12 o'clock, at the Mer.hsnt's Kxchanje, Thiriy-livo valuablo loi in the Word Bro.

Property' side Clason avenue. 6 lo.s, on llie vie't side ot Uuincey street, Quincey rtreol, 6 lots, sou'h side, 9 feel cast ol Clason avenue, Greene avtiueCO lots, 95 feet north of Clason avenue. Vun Buien propertj 2 loti south. 100 feet west ol Chison avenue. I.nfavelle avenue 4 lots on the south siJo, 100 (t.

weft of Chison avenue. Clason nvenoe 2 plots of ground on the wcid lido, betwrei LaloyeUe and DeKilb avenuej, containing about 6 lots each. Ttirtn-ial so'e. For full partici.lars, as to lii'e, Charlei J. l.only, E.q.,61 Fullon street, Brooklyn.

Map eon be had a' the office oflhe Auctions 43 Fullon ttreet, Brok yn, or No. 9 Wall New-Voik. MONDAY, JULY IH, At 12 o'chtk, at the MeJchsnt's Fxconge, flrooklyn Property nn Feabsall Ebtai J(. Tre-eintlory sule 7 lots of ground, 0 lots on southeast comer of Dean ntul Poarsall slreet, enrli loi 20 hy 91 feci. 2 lots on Pi arnull street, in rear tf the above, each lot 21 by 100 feet.

Terms 50 per cent may remain on bond and mongine. Mips to bo had nt the otfoe of Ihe Auctioneer, 41 Fulton strict, Brooklyn, or No. 9 Wall street, New York. Also, Pouih llrooil) Property on Second Place, corner of (Joint slreoi. Five three slory Irowno stone from houses, wills basements and under collars.

The houses aie built iu ihe modern style, a-ith fine nurlilo mantles and live grates in each house, wilh pes for eai, conn yards and iron railinire in from. Houses 20 by 40 icel Lots 20 by 103 feet. All the brick walls of the above huufes aro 12 inches thick. Terms at sale. Maps can he hail nt the nlliro of ihe Auction, er, 43 Fulton s.reel Brooklyn, and No.

9 Wall sireet New York. TIIIIItSMAV Jilt I-, At 12 o'clock, al ihe Merchant's Exchanirs. Iluild Lois at WooJville, Lonj; Island Two lots, 25 by 100 feet each, on. Bigdow Place, dear Grrit'lon iLvonvn. F.ijiit lots, 23 liy 100 feet each, on Bigelsw Place, int-lii linij ihe corner of Grafton avenue.

Fo ir lots, 25 by 100 feet eai ou Broadway, including llie corner ol Hopkiuton avenue, Ton lota, 20 by ILtO feet each, on Wyckoff avenue, between Norih and Janie. slreet. The aliove prnpf rly is siluated at Woo.lvi!le Centre, town of Jiiiur Uueenv cnuuiy, N. on both fides of tho Lour Islnnil Knil Road and Plank Road, distant 8J miles from either the Suulh or Fuilou Ferries. I'erins 10 per rent, and the Auctioneer's fee on the day ol sale balance on the Zd of August, when wurranieo denda il ho given.

Tide perfect. Restrictions unit nui.anrcs. Fur maps and further particulars, apply to the Auciioncs.B1 oiTico, 43 Fullou slreet, Brooklyn, or ol o. 9 Wall street, New York. MONDAY, JULY 19, At 12 o'clock, at the M.

iilunl's Exchange, Iliouk-lyn. Tho new ihrre slory brick House end lot rf ground or iha suulh si'le of State sttoet, between Ncvins nml I'owem slrcrs, bciau llie 7i'i hnusn from tho corner of ivins 1 iio llouno Is built in iha modern style, with sliding di is ui first mr, beiwecn par-lurs and tea-room; 6 unrble niamles, grates, porcelain nobs wilh gold foliage, sob-cillars under tho whole house. Iloiie 25 feet 5 inclus by 40 feel. Lot 25 fort 5 inches by 90 feet. Terms $oIOO can rennin ou.hond and mortgage for live years from Ut of May, le5J.

IIUMIJEIIT Ai-l-tionkkhs. SALES IIOOMS 172 and 174 Fulton st. (Museum Buiidine) corner of Orui' ie si. II. fit K.

will givo their personal attention to Sales ol Household luiiiiiture (at privmo, snlences or in spacious and convenient Nalei Ri.ouis,) llry Good.s. UrocLTinj, and out-door Sales Keneralty, N. B. adviuicns made on uli descriptions ol propel ly cons cne 1 lor sole. FlilDAY MORNING, JULY 10, At 10 o'clock, Nkw and Secomp-IUsd FfrmTta By cats-loyue, in the Soh Boom, io assortment ol rxcel- iiiu euy innilo I'm nitorej lobe sold wrhout reseivc lo meet uilvaucenn I clo- invoices, inclodioK spring and cmo sent mahogany, wa'Tlnl and innple chairs, leie-a-teirs, Immgr, ami couch loarl.ta top, lemre and siJo and iniihonnv, quenelle, and Indies' wnrk tables, (osy, arm, und 'ndies' sewing bink-i ases, eta-BoriM, lum-rimis F.

such, (jotliic, an I oiler bn I-IimiIs, in miihoeeuy end walnut, rnarMe and ma-botany dress ng and pla'n bureaus and wurdrohv, lowel racks, toilet sen, pure curled hs'r ur, I Fnamklibu Cottaob Fubxitobb. 1 sni'e, 10 p'ecf heicli ju inailile and besulilolly ilecoratcif. Watoiies, Jewelry, Ac Also, by nrlno nfi chat I moi taip', a qoaniiiy of jewelry, innisi ing of silver lever and verge. Wdiclies, jenril casus, -p, ciacles, -old Mis, I' iger rinj-s, ear ii bi-nncbcs, and a iinmity uro. 2iiialch ii ur iu a'looinij, sliiiwtr b.iili, bedftti Is, chairs, ttc.

AT I'll IV ATE SALE, Poka BEnnTKAiis, ol'the newest and best construe-lioo Ihun liEO.l tauh, hii uiiiim ntly atrant.rtd liir ll-e, loliiinif up sod very otable lil up W1.I1 tarbon, Ihe best anli-raJiatoc. ue iiMroved Parloh WUH lor chtldrci l.N a EtLUb ClIAMUKB. P'tlllNlTUBK, tTl lllitt pore fill I lllliltri'M- e.i, 1 aiilinses and leniliers ou baud und made loonier, all al nted low rrices. II. J.

TODD, AixiioNLEit. Isiirpt 6'(ic; 'Vo'jf, S'J t'ultvn and 8i poj'lar st uinlof-iii (iulv tfraicful fir Mit (nvr ilnt-ini ihsltt. -0 yurf, nnt Unuk-r (jfrvnes to ihe public A uf iniM'T lif llie ialo "I Knrniiur, llmi K-tuiP. (ii t'eii, ir iny knxJ of Mcrfi Itr-tikln, or ny (i rl of l-n ami Ii -uiiincrl hm fiff ilml the rul ie -t'd iu linn ii ntii rfrii' Hi -ctou ftiit't mkiii, I'Hiif eri-nrf aitei.ii 'U ml zeil lulr. uf tin nibn-r, ukhN tic eii ii e( cihIi Iviutt-s, titd hit ueij il tunu r-Junic, wiM, imum hict ju'1ic Ftjtp, $3,0 In coiumhftiva aaJ Urge in rr i'ii jj, YaUtition atitn MX (iOUU AT ArcTtuN.

C'T ami fcl'iiAKViiayn, ftrnmnifn lT '2. nri 7 id he cmnnufil Im until til i at 21 A 'if ii lar.a ntn. i foni 9ml n'iif Jry 'i- for i "jnl of who il may nn'fiti. A i'HIV'ATK MAI.K, iici-i 'jitxri, mt ilt- ujili Oik ib rtm i of UuVrMO'i Knrnittirr, I i Uury, ('il in 'i ju in irh a tiV mo ne ihr ft'f nirt Loire rl(l AT rilVATK Feiimn-lerii snj brielt 3 uaarni-nl I vob r'Hsr, Kiih 10 n.f re, Ii, it iij, hv il.ys' ik, lot" 'i leel in-due ''it itet ilf't. W.

tietwrea .10, fio-ished Willi Jis IoIn-s. r. fi4. 1 r--1" 1 eaeti, Mn-I'id'o iwo j.irlors, snd trek mli i-i lowest price, rscti, aod a pirt o( the poi-'is-e runey m. nna'" f-r ouieU i isf years.

Applflo Iha Aueiiou'er, bJ Kultoo S'recl. 1'j-s ll Mik I TOST, on 5tiuli uh4N4, i i'1' be-J l-u(' So '1 JiiSfS Itel. 1'. BjOK, a will, aun. i tind'r Will me un t.s c- roL r-v Sid at t'i 'ha siir.e.

and will le.u-a ri I ov narc cxotihsg. ALFRED MUNROS No 411 nriiKdrrav, rfsrW Tor, (R'TW'IS Hoh'ABO- AXV- GA5D STKlr,) nAVF, for sale a very r.deiuive assortment of best tpialify UAfty tL't and FraKtesr-ino C.oone, lo.v pricsj. Citizens and strangers areinvil-'d 'o enii.ine. Super Plarli CJ ih Dless an.f Frock tilr aid eo'. rei Clitli liusincta Coats, Super Mark and e-1, md sds milled ClothJCoals.

Super bl ck and -red Cavhinrl'e Coats, fupor Waek arnf colored Drap IF.le Coats. Siijier inen and t'oois. Super Pongee I CiisSi eta. Blaek and Colored ('axs'incr Pauls. Illaek and Col 'red Dran I'anrysnd Dri.l Punts.

India Niiiikeen Paid' vks ri. blaefc Mini Si'ls anj Sotrfi, whire and Cuu'V Clishluere, Ar, HOYS AM) CHILDlK.Ys CLOTHI.NO, alat-cry iltiscripiiun, A Linen and Mualin Whirls, Mc'ins'eDilSilk Shirss, riloves, llnlfTlose, Siiendurs, Liura Cambric aa'l Silll rrloel'. OAE Pliltt: r'otl t.OODf. NO DSVTATION. Al.KUl.i) MLNKOF.

A Ho. 411 Broadway. March 1 nudo CLOTHING STV1.K KOK lrt.J'J. OLoniINO DKi'OT, xo. K)(X I'tilt ni strct.

prepared to osier a prcat variety 1 of He-'dy Mule Clo.hmg, at lise very lowest New Voik piici'i. Area, Cl.ihin! made order in trm style, of iha best quality i eounlly rmsleiaie prioes. Funnels ami itheis resiiliiijt in the souniry iH find every linne; utay fe.piire io llie Clothtna; way, either Cor coililou or utherwise, Bt'tlte maaS ani'f-laciory rates. AlpiA ait ns.ontrtret ,4" (cr Boya, ooneist if ir i.l I- ri and bark C.ats, KouihI Jcekeir, Pants, Vests, 4 3. A full nxsnriipent of Garniei Overalls, llick-ury Shirts, ll.siierv i fact every aniele per-taiuui toiliu Cloriiii ra Trade, nicy alwayi ba found al the o.i)o estubl'sh ru.

100 Fulton sir eel, IVoiklyn. J. P. Fnmhn, ata-I know to Ihe p-ophi ol lluviily'ii ami Islr.ud, is esxajj-ed al the on iloi-'uotut, nn.1 would ba hap lo see Ins Irietiils, iu a rofessional way. (.15 O'liuxkVs (LOllUMi AT RETAIL.

The would Invite the alleniian the public io his superior stock or READY MADE CLOTHING, Which he will sell as low ao any oilier hoase in tk a trade. I Olisistintf of slino'l ry variety of FROCK, DllYJtS, aosl SACK COATS, TAN7S mill VESTS, SHIRTS, COr.LARS, CRAVxVrs, UiNUL' an 1 DRAWERS, In the vary best ennnsr, and aJcii An iniecti.m would every perion lhasjl ia the cheapo sad be-l I'oek ui nivrket. Ul'03JI BLANKETS Constantly on l.aud, -r sale very low. II1CNKY L. rOTETt, (Lata Foster,) N.

3T COURTI.AMDT STB RET, mhai tim3lp NEW-YOHK. A Grcsil Kftlnrlloii in Trlew AT rim (TT.P.BR TFD AKtilr AND CHEAPEST Carpet 11 I a Ii II Ii l. THK I rXITKD S'PATFB, So llowt-ry, HIRAM ANUKKSON'S liKSi Sala'at Kooni, UDI M.K KKTAIIh Sai es 10i, No. 1, CONTAINS the at, UuiuSst m-sl and Cheap-I sss'iiimeiit of I iis'iiu and Fhxf (1,1 t'lelln lo lie Ii I III die sjiv, Irum TWO AND SIXPFNCE l.i One Dollar Ilia s.piaie yard, of en to oigbl wide. Hc.i, Noi 'I Contains the iim-t auiiiul and varialc-l asurf sui ol r'jillih and Ainenoau Uiior Ingram al immniiivled low Five shdl lo ex slidliuKa sud supi ara per aa atiUaitgaal figures i'iuii; s.

le. lioi'M, .1, Ii fully sioektd wnli en 11n11v.1ll.1J waodiiirot. of Fiiiii'h einl Aon ii, -it Iwnoital '1 'm e-plv Ca St. intf, of nwaod u.sns, auu'at lured -pie-sly l-. llie i iiu.i", ai la luclin ol ii er re t.

Iroui rtinnii pi cos, lis 6 7s, asid Bs sr ynnl, and ilpwar-S, I. SAI.r.a K. i Contains one linn 1 lit' i Vieees of Fine Intra C.i pcilliK, lie prn at Is 6d, tl 3., it 6-t, sod iura siiillini, rsa vao Hai.i; It.uM, No. 5, iy a gitr.1 vi.i. ly oi r.onluh Dfe.

IWsi one io laur iwi'ie, Ir au 1. UI psi jard aud. ap- so elraiM intiui linoiil of RiiJS, MUM, 4. a very t.ii.-a. Airs R'rOM, 6, Is fully a'-eked w.ih ry vii.iy of st vrs sad lla'l Cw" at I.

i. ii CJ, 4,.3 auu tsporyard. I Sai oi lloail 7, Are the P.n.'i.t l'o--iry l- ira-n Carpet nrhihit, at atll.a Wo ld's Fair, brmcrly s-dd at 9i poryar, now sellirKf a' ii illllLISOS A 'in a ix ru tASl). llOOM NO An a. Tiiile and Pian Win low M-a let tie ia $10 i ho pairrT'hle Oil il, lirnl e.i,.l Carpeiuur, Hrusoela P'ated sod Nr Parlaj Dour Mat', He, all at 'A per cent, he ttim at sny tli city "Nr-KR CJ iiowj-n-; T.

New Voik Feb 11. I i'1 "VhK "fit "XTI RE. A PaaravT r'KV Kit AMI ACatK VM) H'er li Ail dens, sort ft Waokaaoo tiuwral i 1hi Medatii ve turely (e-opei i-t, and ean, ia au nasai-ner, 1 I in N-viruma of Tba l'r i.ri.-i.'r i. woi-kuoon.

and iha japertwu of km lono' l-s. be-' sa'yawl b-itly discussed and fid wprtvue tir a sovereisin priueilw krver and A Tue iromeliato tierinaneat carta ail. I llii Miifare und ii's'jle) all pulTii', I. ih-reMo unfed. oJ will elu-ply aials lint tli -Iicuie is inio.lible.

sillier a aura ar ks. under in tha fjiusl si.aal swampa or sections i he ronnisy. It i ao.oird lo all sjesand ron.iii'i'i"ii, 't ba iaakea wiihoail repaid io weaiher or ni" Set curii-d foc-'-ui. Cai.tio. Die 'I itore is prepat, a.

KIAVARD Hl.fcF.CkhH., h-o nanie is liii his wrolen surnaior- is ih. lahel thoboiita. IsKAKKAl. DKP'T M. WHHO.DAr, KW-TuKk.

Aar.vTi MS KsooKI.VN ANU laLASO-J. i at so I viou'sjua Uses A arner. corner ul,Mi and TJ'a- s.reais U. n' d'-n sireot 1 Harriaaa, i Prl lr' HI vivufaven ae lr. eornor of Stit ai IWuia mwi "Ut Iltretoo, I ri Wat, t.

O. C.urek, Fosl II. la.lll.oat l. t-ave a-J J- J. Ja.nnc.t W.

I Ma.k-, A. C. I. Soortana law i w. oiaiiBH, Flu.uie.l and aivu-i.

t- wsl'APFH AKKIt at iha Otsaj tea Brut-ho a hii'- JOHN K. OAKLEY, Auctiohem. ny OtKl.KY WKlnllT, OJire filerhanir'i Exthanzt, 299 f'ti'ton i t'Uv lljilA liromhn. Will pivH their personal attention to. the sale of Koul t-'uto at Auelion, at the M.rrhsnta hicl.snge, lilt ir enpneious fale Hoom, or in any section of Ijntf also lo the ol' Furniture, Dry Goods, Groceries, Merchandise, at piivule resi ieneea or at Iheir ale Kooui.

Keal lCstale of every description at Pih-Me Sule. ioixla reeeivrd on sio sgo and per coasignmaiil. Houses lo lei and Ranis collected. WF.DNKSDAY, lh. At 10 o'clock A.

at No. 31 Butler street, Br.Hiklvn, II uiseli. Id and Kitchen Furniture of small family, con.ii.iiu(f nl ihe usual aifornnent. Also, a mah- g-any case Pinnn Forte. No posi(mementnf sale.

FhTVATF. Foo tery'Heiieb'e 'i story, hnsemenl atid attic brown none feont bouses, pleisnn'lv iruaieil nn Dean Mieet, in Ihe most ili.iisbl? nf the Teiuh Waul, finished in superiors vie, wilh inn Ids mantles, orm-nientiil c-rnices, pas fintuves, bsih. e'e, 'I wo 2 st -ry, allie and basement Iu i-'k front houses. i I 1 un i. million surei, nenr rs-ienrm street.

A I -lock of" dPinnd, very desirably Incared in the Seventh Waid, beiwoen Lalhyeiio und DeKalb avenues, and Clinton and Bedford avenues. Telins A IUiik Chaucs ma p'tamsts. -31 seres tf Woodland in ihw Word of tl.e City ot Brock, lyn. Tonus cosy A Bahuain. 2 I 4 acesoflaml nn Beren street, between Clason and Franklin avenues, In the Ninth Ward.

Terms aeciminloddiine. A not'T 200 in iho 1'inih Ward, Ur sale cheap ami money loanid In iilil. A BtiH ol uroiiini, bi itveen Butler an! Bailie sts and Vjinlr.liri and one ol ths moil Ut-siislilo locitiiuua in Biouklyn. Teuus very scjoin-mod tcANT, I its ami heaves soil lore for rale in a ptirts ol llie cii.v, on further panic ulurH, apply as above. Estate for Sale, Vnluahlo rruiiTty fur Sale.

T1IF nropmty nl the ilhwoslerly corner Crfinberrv and llenrv stre-jls. ai.d known Nos. Bl, ft), P5 mid 7 Cmiilmry slreet, boin loci nun icons on tun: err sireet, and KJU feel an i iu iiienes on Henry street- -vill be sold en iii.h-ly terms. A i.ire yirt the purchase money can ic'iiuui ou boil aud mo and an additional amount will be louiiu', if desired, to improve the property. For inieu'ars, apply lo i.urr, bilt, U'h-S tl No.

3 Front siieet, Brooklyn. Ilnuscs In fnutll Mioohlyii To 1-rtor Hell. MTI1K His Nsw Tlir'es Story Brick Build-. inns, corner of Hovt ail huilnr iim.i. will baieiiied or sold losr.

Apt-lv lo A I tJ. llAl.I., No. 10 Park, Kust "O.h sireet, betwt i 3d and 4lh avenuds. Now-Vnik, at A. M.

To Let. A AKGF. Biseinent Room under the Sicr Oilu and near iltow street. Ihe room is abovo JU by oil ih. it lisht.

Anulv to WM. II. 15J Wn.lrnion -3 If or al the Star Office, To 1I. A I.AKCi; Hall, on Fulton a'rrel, iir Mi" co. uf tJiansre slreet.

(lent lin.l i J0 Cj-'d in annum. Apply to W. 11 CARV, fehl3il k-3W ashirij-tun slf Biouklyn, I Vur Mulp. "'OH 7 valuable Iruihliny I.oti,!u the vicin ly of Ailanlic B.i:n, sd-atu a tha iiorthe.ster'y corner of Van Brunt and riirliiiun streets. This i-t, iii-'-i vaiusl-'e rorili-r lor business in this iotd improving ne-hhoilioiKl.

Ii 1IMI I'celfi; Id ou Van Uronl sne-t, ai 115 feel on I'ariili, street both streets r-pi'il m-il und pnvrd Knunrcuf C. SMI I'll, No. T7 Fiili-ui Bijoklvn. I. Dec.

if To Rout. The two upper irs In t''e Inihlin No Frentl-strnel. An ly st the oll eonf ih. Loin Island liitiursiiee Coinpa-iy, 1 I ront-slreel. February II Tu let nl' fur fill p.

VA Til fi Ihrre einrv l.rlek lousa, Co- Xii. I nee- pi, Bus.klyn e-i i-in, int'Jli Aiplyal No. Columbia slreet. To it, 1 UK irblc nio-es now IwinK built on Fullou nr-r the surlier ur rfassnu i il av Win luihli'l ia llie bent ruifnm-r, wilh palfiu iton slintii Two stores can be pill if-ihsr if waulid. 'tpfiy V.

II. CAKV, mill tf I fit streel, emm en in, ClfiMlll FCIUl'di'll I.l. (fr.MB Hone, Cnineo Coiier mid Seul in Bronze, Io. 7'f IV street, tieir II ofldwnv, York. 5i.Si(io-,r I'.

C. i -d i-i rteruic arcursie Per nil. i-i Mnui.e, in '-e. 1. 1 vie sn and i henna.

iS i ean I donein one. fain. 1)1 1'il POM P. MONTAIlr'F. RFMFN I KTKK.KIS MOMK'K K.

desiroow of hutld I. ir ih-ir own occupa' on will liud si mo of Mio mo. I dciatde lota on the altove's lor on hvirdde. ti-ms. The allele nuirmlit ol oioiiev 'V reo on lli'irlk-aea ifde.ii-r-l.

plj at i rlrtel, Xew-Voik. j-1 i I A'l 111 'hist I 'a tot of T', IW piirvtnnre ot Drier of J1 C. fll, F.ri., rl 10" 't( llis NO is i i-t, sun', lm to law, In all i.av c.ii i iAy Fusion luleotthe t'i'V ol d-r i Ih.tlltsy re, In ri l.ilol thu sou ii lli'. i-Hichers there In s't'iscr 1 hon-as If i It -n at I6 i.s.ii sir, in a City nf en or 3'-. il.w -d I ueit.

Daled, If 2. Hasaii Hami- to In Auininistrators. il 1 Ixibml ft- II Ii iw-ivi, itM( i)ihra of till i i si cffiil f'yic, Ht't Mtill td'l 0 (he if i ui nn lueiiaun-lanco oil vii tie tultJ ieiurt (I pi Ti. 11, Alo a It K' cui. iinud Cnrtiagta on band tN IK HCUM fR, lo, 7 Myrilff itfini, Vrm kUv, nrar Cay IX Jl.ulu-l JaIAH aM KKtMikl.YN PUNK HOAD Jamaica, Joljr fniU' Aunml Klitiwi u-r Ihi timh tlin Cw I i th mnt Hclin, ul hi-lil iu ti twu Hi'i'iv A HlNTi's, in th' ilii.liXfi ot iu.

tea, JI.J.Nl'.kY, Auku.I 3id It Poi! will bo ori. I r. I M. KK'H irlD hht -11, acretsr ifi Jul ntlri'. TS lier'l'" frd nn to tin.

lo all persona I. r'l --i i t. MTSyaia, lai ei lie oi ad, they sr in il.f nn uie vooc iters Herpes, In th. itvinier, at hs i -h t. of (Jravea- ii.t.ur tw! -re the dv Aog isi orat.

I Fiotuiry I SAJllr.l. S. TRY Fit. IswiijMi Kiaeuiir oil re 1 hereby fivesi, aecordin lo l.w, to all person o.i It. tale of th.

'wa tsr-veosxi-l, ril.ev aro required to eJh I'll lUe uie, wi '0 V-. if thereof, 'o tfae lo -ritw-r, at tm ieul-ie, l-wniM Gtaves i-fi ey ,1 June neit. Isswaiber I'M. CilI'L 'a. NTRkf i t.aiit--r.

of an iutcnsc cold 'nitrlit. The inhabitants opened their hnsr-, barus and ehnrches, and made ihcm comfotlahle until nionu.ii:, when they proceeded to Port SlOEfin, opposite Navy Islutui, iu the Niujmia River, three miles above lie Fulls: and during that and the following day brought off the Patriot army, which had up its rendezvous on the island consisting mostly of Amer ican citizens, headed by Uen. Vun iieiissnlenr taking their aims from and dispersine them in stjuada of six or c'glit as they were brought On his return to Black Rock, he found two Canadian, armed ecbooneu lying at anchor, for the purpose, ns lie was informed, of molesting and detaining the steamboat Barcelona whic'i had pone doffn the river, as the Canadians supposed, or the purpose of taking arms and aiuu-nition from Nuvy Island the Lake, where another rendezvous was in contemplation, lien. Scott despatched a messenger to Colonel Kirby ol the Canadian Army, being the highest iu command at that poiut, with that tho Barcelona was private property, navigating the river for whom it may concern, and that she had nothing to do with the Nuvy Islandeu The messenger received for auswer, I don't command, ana tiiereioro cannot be answei uble for what may oe none, no men sent I lie same me sage on board each of the schooners, and received for an swer, We have received our orders and shall obey them. Gen.

Scott immediately placed sev- erul companies of artillery th lighted matches. ball and earliidw, in a position commaiidinir the schooners, and there with his suile, consisting of other dist'iignishcd characters, repaired to the of a lai'iro stone maiisiou. frontinir the liver, and directly opposite where the veisels were lying. A couple ol spy glasses winch were kept for observatim upon the liver and lake, aud other soenery, were handed him. The old Battle Grounds of the war of 1812 lay in sight; Scutf, while awaiting the return of the 6teamers, entered into some of the incidents of these buttles, among which was the falling of a Major scattering flesh and blood over his (Hcptt's) clothes, as tile cannon ball struck liim.

At this mmneiit the Barcelona made her appearance nn-t'er moderate steam, accomp uiied by a Revenue Cutter, also from tho Lake, with fi.igs dying. Intense and breathleei silence ensued, until the steamer hud passed the schooners, wheii Scotl broke it, by a most hearty exeluinution of joy adding, "Inmso much of a peace man thut 1 thank my God that they did not molest her," Thus eniled the fearful apprehension of another war with England. jV. Y. Daily lime).

Deaths on Board the SteamsiiipS. S. Lewis' A letter from Han Juan del Sud, Nic, dated June 14, eays: "The steamerS. S. Lewis lin? just arrived.

As near as 1 can learn, twenty-fie men, passengers who lelt New York with me on board the Northern Light, have died of disease contracted oti this Isthmus, while they liave been det.iincd here. Tho following were the persons whom I knew James Wuldrun, of Auburn, Juhu V. Hotchkiss, Fuirhaven, lioseville Derbyshire, Lenox, JIas. Cusper Carroff, Boston; John Frederick Nezt, Alexander Islanaiiiiics, St. Loais Peter SlcCarty, New York Charles If.

Everett, Bridgeport, Conn. Kilburn Knox, East Granville; Eii B. Ilulbert, Chicago, 111. I think twenty live is under tho number. I am certain that this number have died." Gex.

Bradt and Gen, Scott. A few days before the fatal accident occurred which deprived the United States service of one of its brightest and most valued ornaments, and Detroit of an endeared and cherished citizen, Gen. Htou Bra-dy, while he was Inking his usuul morning walk, was escorted by a gentleman of this city, who was about to start lor Washington, and who, iu-forrning Gen. Bkadt of the fact, asked him if ha iuld do him any service at the Scat of Govern ment, "les, replied the veteran, "call on Gen. WiNKtiiLD Suorr, give him-my kind regard, and tell him from me that having lived to see him win every field on which he has foUL'ht.

I hone yet to live lo see him win Ihe great Presidential ueiu oi tne Luion in ISi'Z. Detroit Adverti ser. (From the Tribiine.) CATTLE MARKET. July 13th, For Beeves, at ills Washington Drovo Yard, corner ol 1'ourlli avenue and llnityKnuiih street, unit a'. Chamberlain's Hudson Uiver Bull's Head, foot Robinson tt'ivet.

For Cows Sheep and Lainhs, at Brownieg'fe, in feixtii street, ntar Third avenue, aud also at Chamberlain's. At Washington Dbovk Yao. OtTerd, 2,200 Beevei, (all Souiliein and Western.) Tho worm weather tends lo deuresi the market a little. Sulfa of good re ailing qualities ai from 7 lo, fl 3-4c per lb, 40U left over unsijld. Market closes du.l.

At IIrowhino's. Ofloiel. 70 Cows ondCalna. Sales from to $32,50 a 815. All sold, t-hren and Lambs 7,000 olftred.

Sales af from SI. ,5 in 2.T5 to l.5. for the former, ard 41.50 lo 2.t,Q till, for iha At Chamberlain's Hudson Rlr Ilull' Olfnred, S5U Heevewj sales at from 6c to 8c. Cows 4n i'a'ves off ulferei) sales at tiem t.O a 4o. Sheep and Limbs ollered, 'i l.uO i.iO unfold.

Pales of Sheep at horn 50 a 81,01. LllUOS ro.d at frnin tl 75 71 i I i MARRIliD, In this city, on tha 3d taint ItM tJ Alriham C. Ilepew, New York, Auijusta Lovolaiid.of Philadelphia. In tbiieity, oh the ai. Henry M.

Gee Mia. Kliia JE both oi Brooklyn-. In Ibis cny, on the 7th by Rcr. Henry rot, Cipt Joc-pli Pond, of nrn Cm- cncui, umia mary r.naocili llall, of At GreenporV Long-Island, Samuel P. Salsta to dint tfUtll ADR ACK'TIKI.

In hn Brae! to Mi Ham ah Whitemore llwen llajan to Miss Ann Miner. DIED, In thicUy, Ihe llib rn-tint, Eihal'na Wright wife of, aged fk). In this citw, on the I2ib toil fu'U, ie'nn d.oih-ter of Hearjr and Sophia Siear, aged 1 year and 1 months. In Uiiarity, on tha lC.h insian. Harriet, wife of Maurice Werner, agarf 4.

In line city, en the 12ih instant, Cullen R. Grai din, apod 28. In New-Yor aired 42 Charlrs Sollwalat, acoi I Joan Uirr. 35 Ge-e Suclilay Mol'ltli, aoi of Kev. Mopli 1 1., I Ann hli-a, wife ol Daniel U.

llr. a WEEKLY REPORT Teeth ii Citv and County nf York, from tha jV) d.y of July, in the 'l0 cf lulv, 'S'Cs- Mia, 5f Woasn, i 131 Girls, To-al-JB. 3 I.e.-, CONVENIENT frf Ar iau-r At- i( rhl l' fcaluon, No. 315 Fv.toi STrr Um City Hall.) APIA'N JOHN HECHTEr, iep-rtiuly uufes to his fiends and iha put that h' mil op- bis. Riilh.iil ahon al in ali.s named (dare on Ssii.rdiv.

Ihe lOtli ioal hr ihe lovers of he acirace 'an frj aatple ee ft k.t their ei-ercie. :i.Mphia li': Hear cf hla oj n.aafiriure, tpj every variety Wines, l.icpwa, vc. of uv-4 inuaiia'loo, will iais be b.od, aad of ualuy. Iiiueats proided al a woaeaia' nmke, mih f.dse roeoiK. ll-LWi ttf 'S Cspttm a lofpjys ovtr kmf a Keliun, Aiehita a the toner of Orange and Fulloa I'rraK.

Apply to W. H. CARV, 1 53 Wsib r( Inn a re, cr the l-u i-i vg. 1 12 tl 1 if BROOKLT.

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