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Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn Evening Star from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IN UIANUliKY-Hofure I lie. Vice, rii.nll... JOHN M. MORI ARTY, M. Physician and Surgeon-Residence it 00 Warren street, (house formerly occupied AUCTION SALES.

AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES. J- liam Gibbons, vs. Kara L. Miller and others Master's Sale. In pursuance of a decretal order of the Court of 07 u.

a. rueips, Brooklyn, I. Vin I) A VIOVK JOSEPH 1 1 EG EM AN. Auctions. The undersigned.

Irulu JOIIM POST, Auctioneer 10 Pulton street. uiianccry 01 1110 state or ew York, the following describ ed premises will bo sold by, or under the direction of the It favors, would reinrtrnll By IIEGEMAN DEAN, Ruceenort to Wm R. Dean SALES ROOM. 14 FULTON STREET. Ilank Note Table, Ctrrttttd daily by a competent Broker, for the Eve.

Star. 1 'si 1 lo 'P'nus ilore 88 Kulton suosonuer, one 01 tlio Masters of said Court, at public sue tion, on the first ds of Julv ntrt. at 1Q nvl.w oa 1 uuuat, June 13. 1 rjMANCERV SALE -At 13 o'clcxk at Ihe tale, roots, by o( Jollu Master, Loll numbers log, 100. no.

in. ii-i. in lu in in fin -sieiy oceopiea ny Mr. John II. Iless, cabinet SMler.

what he inlnwl. m. tk. NO TICE. The subscribers woul I respectfully solicit the patronage of persons desirous of disposing of their fur.

at the Mcchants Exchange in the city of New York, br NEW YORK CITY. tniHrOQ RuiliirM In all it. mr i t. niture the coming spring, either as Auctioneers or Apprais imiii. ikuiuiis, auctioneers Agency Exch.

fraud on a certain 01am entitled may of 400 lofs, betweeo Court and Smith Itreets. ju the Sixth Ward, ami tilnd In ilia nL. -J Mech. Banking Asso. Mcch.

Exchange All those certain six lots, pieces or parcoli of land, situate. ers, a easiness v. men tney nope 10 oe able to periorrn to the eidedly one of the best locations in Rrooklyn for the disposal 1 o'her kinds of menhsndise, to which be invites ouhlie mtvniinn k. iui American Exchange. broke Merchants' Bunk par na, Duin' cl7 'ouklyn, in the county of Bank of Commerce do Bahk of America.

do New York, which taken tomither am An I 'IU Ol .1 v.ings and htate of sansiaiuon 01 ineir employers. JOSEPH IIEGEMAN. JOHN J. DEAN. Tllt'HSD VV, June 10.

1 ti Clerk of Kings county. I Also six lots, numbers 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, iipoa certain mnp, entitled nup of 400 lott between Court and Smith streets. li maySOIdi Alo, two lots, Not 131 and 135, on map entitled nap of propei ly iu the best pait of Ihe 7th Ward Adelpbia it. Bank of New York do K.Miuui ii Miiiows, ix-ginnuig aia point on the northerly line of Pacific, or D'slrk-l a'lcct. one hundred mnA fiftu f.i esief ieiice in this business, together with his sedulous Htteq-tioo and seal for Ihe interest of his employers, will enlille liim to public patronage.

Liberal cash advances will be made on all consignments sent to the store, and all out door sales will meet with prompt attention. Amnlr iRi Butcher! Drover'a. Bank of U.S. in N. Merchants' Exchange.

Manhuttan b'k do Mechanics' it Traders North bank North liiverbauk par National bank pHAACKRY SLK-C. P. Suiila, eastward. from the esuterly corner of Ncvins street Hank of the 8. of N.

at llie Hxlrs Itoom, a lots, on a nap ol proortty ol Q. I Marlrnae, io the town ol FlHlliuh, knows as Km I. .1 unH 5. June td Chelsea bank ed. Solicitors, masters in chanceiy, sml all others engaged in the disposal of real estate, are invited to call.

uitnce running souineastcriy along I'acilio or District street, seventy-five feet tlicnco northeasterly and parallel with Nevins street, two hundred feet lo Atlantic street, as 00 tne noad from latniiiii 10 ins J.icmica 1 urnpikr jl Id City bank par ILt.SLA, June 1 si a clock. New Y. Banking do N. Am. CHANCERY SALE, at 12 oilock, at the relet order of John Llikeinan, Master in Chancery.

All that certain farm, mere or nan-ol ln.l ICr iEW lA' THE iH'CTIOiV Bl'SIAESS The undersisned also desires niihlie allniilinn it. id rnll. Chemical do Commercial bank pHANCERV SALE. At the Sxlet Room, Smith, Master, coosiiliof of a parcel of Und and lenentvnt thm. iaiu oui, sixty teei in width thence northwesterly running along Atlantic street, seventy.fivo feet thence southwest.

New York of par For. 4. Dom. Ex.Co.fra on, lyinx in the town of Klalhuth, on tbe road from Klsthutb and being in New Lolls, in Ihe town of Flatbn.h, in the County of on the southerly tide of the flrooklyn and Jamaica ing low scale of charges, which will be adhered lo in future, in accordance with the times, vis 1 11 Oul door sales of furniture, srnreriei or nlliep inpretiun. eny ana parallel with IN evins street, two hundred foot, to Pacific or Dintricl street, the place of beginning contain- do city (o ivaiooHU, neciiiiiing on tlie southeast corner ih-rr to BeUloid, commonly railed love Kond.

niay8 Ids rRIDAV, June 18, st 12 o'clock. dite, on which Auctioneers have heretofore charged per cent, hool lot so railed, and containing i4 ares and 16 perches. Lumber Asso. sale Loan Co do in! ioisoi una, eacu iweiuy-hve leet rront and roar, and nn each side, one hundred fect, with the riirlit of the CHANCERY SALE. At the Slei Room, Smith, Mailer.

coniUtinc of a certain Uim. Ivim in New l.ot. Clinton bank do CityT. 4 do Poet Nutee worthies Dry Dock bank i Del. Hudson Canal.

East River Bonking do Eighth Ward bank Exchange Bk. Hurker's br ke win amy it per cent. AW tales of real estate under foreelouirs of mutism, hr niiu hio, rii mm eeiiain other piece or parcel of land, silu lung sml being in New t. in the taid Iowa of Flathusn; ate miq czra 1 jti'iier ana wile, in. and lo the one lit in in the town of Flatbunh, on the nuia red from Brooklyn to 1 .1 1 direction of a Master in Chancery, or otherwise, either at his width of the said Pacific and Atlantic streets, in front of North America North Uiver Bk'g Co Pluunix bank par junmrs, nounaea on im wrn nr inQ now or late Of in hrirt store or elsewhere, two dollars for each lot, WZr" This was said premises being the same premises conveyed by Uuon r.

I. r. I of and by WyckofTi Lanes. ana jam ilea Kailroad, and or. Ihe toutlieily side ofthe Booklyn and Jamaica Turnpike Hoad, beginning at the southeast corner thereof by land of 1 funis J.

hihciKk. coiitaiuini 13 acres. thn vU formerly 10 a number or lots at I each. AW s.iles at the A'avv Yard, or any Chattel property, by di Seventh Ward bai.k do State Stock Secu'y. b'k.

vy. iM-cii 10 1110 saiu Ij. Miller, by deed recorded in the office of the Clerk of the countv of Kinirs. in Libor Nn. Also, the southerly lialiof a block of salt meadow, lying lo New Lots.

rection of a Sheriffor Marshall, one per rent. peichrj. .7 Stiiveysant Banking Co. Also, the easterly half of a Mock of freib and sail meadow. II.

J. TODD. 11 1. I Htnteof INew York par Reftrencti Hon. Oirden Hoffman.

Messrs. Glovor and do do IN 1 Franklin Bank Pulton Bank Greenwich Hudson River bank Lafayette bank oKinx in 01 long hh (soraiiru-i Also, the toot her I half of three other blocks of nalt meailnv. Tradesman's bank par M'Murray, Thomas Hull, New. York I Aleiandor 1. ir.

11 do ror particulars see Ms'ter'i advertifrmnit. may8 Ids And alio, all th it rerlam' piece Or parcel of salt meadow situate, lying and being at Alew Lott, io the town of Flatbuih aforesaid, ing between Ihe the second and third creekt to called, containing 1 1 acirt 3 lods and 'il iuelieu' And alio, all certain piece or of wood land, tltuV uated. lying and being in the laid town ol Flatbuih, known and diitinguished in certain man made hv Martin G. J.Jin. ucurja tiau, opooncr, r.sqrt., iirnoaiyn.

SA1 UKUji, June 1'Jth. Vi o'clock, at the sales room, immediate! after the mya ll Auctioneer and Valuator. BY R. J. TODD.

Auctioneer Storo 88 Fulton street. 44, of conveyances, page i-c. Mm, all those eight lots of land, silute in tho Sixth Ward of Brooklyn, aforesaid, which, taken together, are bounded as follows Begriming at a point in the southerly line of Atlantic strert, distant, easterly from tho intersce. tion of said southerly line and tho easterly line of Bond street, one hundred and twenty. five feet and runs thence southwar' ly parallel with said easterly line of Bond street, two hundred feet, lo tho northerly line of Pacific or Dis.

trict street thence cistwr.rdly along the same, one hun. dred feet thence northerly, parallel to said easterly linn A sale of the 71 lots, the two lots with the buildines there Tenth Ward bank 7 Union bank par IJ. S. Trust Banking Co. do Exchange Co fraud Wool Urovers' Washington bank do Globe Bank, N.

fraul son. as lot, uumhers e'even. twelve, thirteen. fnuKeen. flftMn.

leather Manufacturers', Lumber Association. Manhattan Exchange. do Marble Man. Co do on, on ine corner 01 noeium ana racinc streets, next to Allan-tic, and betweee Court anil Smith streets. TO LET.

A neat new Cottage House in Jay Tbe lots are each ZixlOO (set the bouse on Bocrum street. and sixteen, (.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 10,) containing 7 acrei. three quarters and pel dies. nd also, all that certain niece or ha reel nf wimt siliii street, between Johnson snd Myrtle street, over now occupied ss a Grocery store, is 24(48 feet, and produces looking the Sue garden ofthe liev. Mr Johnson.

-It is built in modern style, sud complete in every COUNTRY. uti a year: the buililinc ou the corner is with a small Atlantic bank. of Bond street, two hundred feet, to the said southerly lino par 1 Herkimer co. bank nuiidine attached to the ssine, now In possession ofthe owner. Hamilton of I he streets are traded and paved, and warranted clear of all ate, lying and being in Jamaica, in Ihe county of Queent and StHleof Wew York, the same being hulled, and bounded at followi, that is to say beginninr the northeasterly corner thereof, by woodland now or lale of Walter Nichols, containing 5 acres ami 8 rods or perches of land.

mayl3 Ids particular. The occupant is well s.ili.-fied with Ihe house and all matters relative thereto, but from peculiar circumstances wishes to leave. Rent low to a good tenant. Enquire of A. SPOOA'ER Fultou street.

Brooklyn, or of II. do Howard T. B. Co I Hisnsmenis. 1 me prieci.

um nan 01 tne purchase mouey may remain on bond and mortrare for 3 years on the oremises do Huds bank, flu'lson broke 01 Auannc mreei sna ineiice wcslaardly along tlie same, one hundred foe to the place of beginning. And also, all the right of the ssid Ezra L. Miller and wife, in, and lo tho one half in width of said streets in front of the said lotn being the same premises conveyed by Charles Hoyt Albany city bank do bank. Albany bank, Albany. Agricultural bank, Allegany co, bank Albion of A bio SPOOLER, at the City Bank, Wall street, JV.

Y. The owner is about leaving for i'ngland, and will dispose of it I Hudson River bk. WW 1 Kt, and other Public Sales will receive personal and prompt attention. 1 .1 Orders may be lell at the Sheriff's Office. Hall's rtiiildinrf.

oseuion given imuiediatcly. maj 2 1 If Ithaca bank do James bk. ja20 co very reasonanie terms. ttf ids SATURDAY Jiim 19. A 12 o'rlork, at tbe sales room No.

14 Fulton seveuly five verv desirable bulldinr lots, lyini near the South fer or Ht 2-10 I'earl street. New Yoik. For GIBRALTAR, MESSINA and PALERMO. The elegant very fast sailing coppered packet ship AT PRIVATE SALE. For salo low.

a verw ha unu wne, ana iiiisfcii h. rvevins to Itie said Hzra L. Mil. Icr, by deed recorded in the Clerk's office of Kings county, in Liber No. 45, of conveyances, page 4G5, Togeth er with all and singular, tho tenements, hereditaments and Attica of Attica 1 'Gaston, 4-0 tons burthen, Latham, master, has all her ry, in the (itli Ward of the City of Brooklyn, on Douglass, De-eraw, Sackett, Union, President and the south side of Smith Jellerson, county bank.

Le Roy Bank 01 Gen. do Kingston bank par Kinderho of do Lansingburgh bai.k do enrgo engaged, bikI will positively nil on the IO1I1 of June. Building Lot on Washington slrect, being 34 foot front by 114 feel deep. Applv at the Sales Room. $2000.

Any person having this amount to lend, me streets. Auburn Auburi B. of New burgh b'h. Bank of Poughkeepsie. par Bank of Troy it ja I his ship will remain hoiu 30 to 40 days at tlie uiwve ports, thus affordiug a hue opportunity to pats away the summer The streets are all paved except President street, and the hear of an opportunity for its good investment." sp3 Ids months.

Long laltirid bank par neighborhood has been improving lasler, within a few years, appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise 8per. tainmg. Dated New York. June Hi li. If41.

JONATHAN NATHAN, Master in Chancery. W. M. Piiiciurd, Solicitor. jun9 2awts For nassnse only, having very superior accommodations, Hrockport Jit than any other part of the city, Sale positive.

Maps can be AW OFFIC J. SPOO.ER has removed his law Lockport bank I Lock port T.Co 1 Lowville of Lowville 1 had in a few days, at the sales room, or of Morse Rolfe, No. Krooklyn banK par with stale rooms, and with every comfort that can he afforded, apply on board, or to SCOTT ft MOMRF.LL, 1 Front street. Terms 10 per cent and the Auctioneers' fees to jiuil td tin soul 11 street. be paid at the tune of sale, 40 per cent in lorty days; balance Haiiston Bank of Albany Bank of Albion Lyons of Lyons JJ otlice to o.

til Vusnau street, Aew York. He may be seen on professional business, at the otlice of Greenwood ft Duryea, 3 Front street, Brooklyn, rvery morning until ten o'clock. Any messages left with those gentlemeu, will reach "im. DiayZetf II F.MOVAL. Tlie Post (Iffiire will be removed on HVdn Ijewis county bank on bond und Mortgage, at It per cent.

may 10 Ids TUESDAY. June22d. 1 1. day morninz, June 9th, lioin its present loeulion to 951 ink of Commerce. PATENT LEVER.

WATCHES. The subscriber is in the receipt of Lever Watches and Movements, di reel from the finest makers in Liverpool, which he can r'HANCEKY SALE. At 12 o'clock, at the sales room, Cranhrrry street, one door from Pulton. Bank of Corninj; Bank of Ballston Four lots, known nn a map of property in the Sixth Junes 5ld F.O. A LL.

Pot Master. "IAYANTF.D- Ward ofthe city of Brooklyn, hy the numners 349, 350, 351, Two Boys from 14 to 15 years of age, to Apply to WM. BAII.AF. Livingston county bank. Lo ij bank 23a2o Madison county bank.

Monufac. Ulster Co 4 Mech. ti Farm- Albany, do i'o pay Merch N. Mcch. Trades.

fraud guarantee fur time and durability. Ho has them vary. ing from the Lepine size to vory heavy. learn the drug business. hue business.

and 352, together with one half the streets in front, to be used Bank of Lyons do Buffalo city bank do WELCH GAL'ZE FLANNELS W. A. MORGAN No III Fulton street have constantly on hand junea tf WM. WISE, Jr. 7 fuiton st.

Bank of Owego do UNETTE GLASSES. The subscriber has com as a highway. Also, tlione five lots of ground, on the same map, known ss numbers 3)4, 3bi, and 357, and lying on the northeast corner of Nevins and State streets. Also, those nine lots, known on a map of property of Samuel a good assortment of fieiinine Welch Gauze Flauucl, to which they would call Ihe attention of the public. jun8 tf 7 AM F.D--A plaee in a small family, by a middle aged woman, one lio chii cook, iron, sew, and be verv use- JJ pleted his assortment of Lunette Glasses so fully as Mer.

Farm. Iiliica 1 to obviate the necessity ol a delay ol more man a low min M. Farm's bank do J. (i arret son in the city of Brooklyn, by the numbers 282, 284, 23A, 23ti, 330, 340, 341 and 342: the first five lots lie on utes in fitting 1'atcnt Lever and tiopine watcnes with nne Kiiquire of Mrs. CON.VALLV.

lul 111 every tlalion jun-8 1't Uia8se. "in. lot, Wyckotr street between Smith and Hoi street, and the four at No. Concord street. corner 01 nanus ana ruuou sireei.


1 1 1 Fulton street, have just received a superior article of 9-8 Pillow Case Linen, to which they would call the attentiou of house-keepert also 5 4, 8 4 and 10 4 Bleached l.inen Sheetings, insj 8 tf VENETIAN CARPETING. 2 4. 5.8, 3-4, and 7-8 wide Vcnutia.i Stair Carpeting, this day received and forsaloby W. A. MORGAN Sc.

ap23 tf No. Ill Fulton street. FROM Auction, Italian Cravats at $1 worth easily Also, a small lot of very superior quality, at 103 Fultou junc2tf 79 Fulton st. Merch Exchange Mer. Farrtt.

nto. fraud Merch. Mech. 10 and upwards pi Mechanics' bank, Buf.30a33 on the northwest corner of Hoyt and John street. For particulars see Master's advertisements, signed Smith, Master.

TO TIIF. CITIZENS of BROOKLYN and KINGS CO. LKMONS, Oranges, Figs, Raisins, Cocoa Nuts A tuppK of these and other fruits, of the best desciiption, and a' the cheanest rates may be had at the Bakery and Fruit Store JuneA td ITl'RDAY. June 2G. Mercantile bank.

Schen OCULIST. of the subscriber corner of iVauau and Pearl s'reets. Dr.WBEEIER pll XCF.RY SALE. At o'clock at the tales room, un-der the direction of Smith. Master, a lot or parcel of Mi Mle district, Pough.

broke maj20tf R. S. SEABURY. Bank of Auburn Bank of Buffalo do Bank-ofNunda Bank of Chenango Jal Bank of Genesee do Bank of Geneva do Bank of Ithaca do Bank of Monroe do Bank of Orange co il Bank of Rochester Ho Bank of Western N. Bank of Rome Jal Bank of Schenectady.

do Bonk of Utica b'h do Bank of Whitehall do Bank of Orleans do Bank of Walorville 1 Bank of Central do Bank of Kinderhook par Bank of Lowville jil Bank of Waterford 1 Bank of Warsaw 1 Hank of America, Buf.23a25 Midlotown, Orange A the instance of several respectable gentlemen, residmls of Brook Is and illinmshurgh, Dr. WHEELER, of bank 4 JAS. HUBBARD. ground, on Court. Beigen and WyckofT streets for the boundaries, see Master's advertisement, signed Smith, Master, in this paper and Daily News.

junei td street. IIUSLINS Satin stripe, Cambric and Jaconelt Mus Montgomery co bank. ap5 tf 33 Greenwich street, New ork, has been induced to ad lins, for dresset. 1J. I dress the inhabitants of those places, thus publicly, in leferenee JA.3.

HUBBARD, 101 Fulton tt. niay26 tf Mer'ls Farm's do Millers bank of N.Y.. 6 do stock notes i OIL 25 barrels line summer tl ruined Oil, well worth the attention of Groce. 1. for sale hy SMITH A CORNELL," April 20 tf 142 Fulton ttreet.

AT PRIVATE SALE A pair of splendid Gilt Cbaude- liers, eighteen lights each, cut glass drops, ic. in the most excellent order. Enquire of IIEGEMAN DAN, Auctioneers, No 14 Fulloii street. nmyl7 tf AT PRIVATE SALE Several very desirable Houses and Lots in different parts of the city. Persons desirous of dispo PRINTED LAWNS 1 1 While and colored grounds, also mourning do, new and desirable patterns cheap as can he Mohawk Valley 1 to his extraordinary mode ol treating all tlieaes or Ihe hi even in cases that have been pronounced as utterly hopeless and incurable by other Oculists and Physicians; he has effectually eradicated fliseapes, and restored the organs to perfect health often nil hoot reporting to any opeiation, and by which have caused hut little inconvenience or pain.

Dr. bought in either city. JAS. Ill II11AKD, 10 1 Fulton tt. Monroe, Rochester New York State, Newburgh of Newburgh.

par 1' une lot or superior slripeu Swiss ciiiuiz muslin. inay26 tf sing of proiierty at I'nvate Sale, are informed that tbe Auc tioneers intend to devote particular attention to this part of the Whreler is enabled to give reference to many ofthe most dis Niagara, Buffalo broke VrRAPI'lNG PAPER-200 reams Wrapping Paper, for mrnness. Apply at the Sales Koom, fto. 14 rulton street. ap8 Ids tinguished families in INew York, and to several medical gentlemen of high repute, and therefore invite the most rigid tcrn- salehy SMITH COKNELI Binghanplon bank I5a20 Osweeo bank I 142 Fultou street.

ap27 tf do Fost notes. GRATES. HEGEMAN ft DEAN. No. Fulton street, will be conttanllc siipplisd wiiu tpltnd'td Parlor, Bare ineiit and Attic Grate, fioio one of the largest factories in the tiny as to his prnlexsinn-il standing and anility.

STRABISMUS, fCVininoiilv Crillefl Pnuintinff.) Ogdei sburgh bank do Onondaga do Ontario bank do do branch at Ulica do FROM AUCTION A package of superior English i llese making with the previous stock on hand, an assortment not city, and would he pleased to receive tlie calls ol master build ers and others in want 01 the tame. apzz tr JAS. HUBBARD. AND CONFIRMED CATARACTS ON THE EYE Salel and rff, dually removed (in a few minutes) with scarce equalled in this city. 103 Fulton street.

may II tf Buffal. bank, Buff. Bruckport. Crohpuit 1 Broome county bank Canal bank Canal bank, 1 Catakill bank par Com. bank of Com.

bank of Tr do MILITARY GARDEN NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON'. MR. J. DUFLON respectfully inform Ihe Ladica and Gentlemen of Brooklyn, its vicinity snd the public in general, that they have taken this exten. sive establishment, with its beautiful Garden', under their own management and direction, and with pleasure an nounce to their friends and the publio their determination of conducting it in a manner that will make it a formidable; rival to Niblo's.

The Garden has certainly Ihe advantage of accommodations its serpentine routes, delightful shrubs bery, shady trees, and pleasant arbors and will be brilliantly ligh'ed up every fair evening. Vanilla, Lemon and Fruit Cream, and all sorts of refreshments of superior quality, constantly nn hand. Music, Kockets and Fire Works, during the toawn. I Admission froe. my24 If LAKGR BREAD AND FASCV TEA CAKE BAKERY Ann CosrscTioNABV.

The subscriber would respectfully inform his hiends and the public generally, that he has mm- FOR SALE OR TOiJiET, tbe elegant three story brick with basement and sub-cellar flats roof and coped lot S3 by 100 ft, fini.hed to the attic maluMranv bannisters, mahor- Orleans county bank do Otsego county bank do Oneida county bank. ('0 Owego of Owego do Orange Co. Goshen Olean Bank i SPRING FASHIONS 1841. HATS. The Spring Pattern, D'Orsay model, for Gentlemen's Hats, is uow ready, for sale by JAM E9 PECK, 98 Fulton, corner of Henry street, Brooklyn, I.

apl ritf ly any inconvenience or pain to the patient, by WHEELER, OCULIST, 33 Greenwich A'ew York. JCP Aft other diseases of the EV cured without lurglcal operation. Terms to suit the circumstances of the Patient. N. B.

Office hours from 8 o'clock, A Al, until I after which out door patients are visited june8 3uiis any doors iu brsl siory who piateu mournings, maroie mauieii in first and second story and basement yard flagged and ornamentally laid out; inside shutters, green outside blinds to the whole front, aud Ihe first itory communicating with tbe back KINGS COUNTY SURROGATE'S OFFICfc'. The Office of the Surrogate is removed to No. 57 Fultou stieet, Brooklyn. inayi7 3mdftc A. SPOONER, Surrogate.

Phcenix bank, Buf. 20a23 Pine Plains bank Pittsburgh, of Platis. Poughkeepsie if Pough. par Powell bank, Ne burgh, do Patriot b'k. of Genesee.

piasia. Situate upon Court street, in the city of Brooklyn, at the head of Warren street, down which there is a permanent and unimpeded view of the East river, and on the rear, the prospect of Bedford, Gowanut, and the Flatbosb Heights presents a landscape of surpassing beauty. The neighborhood st once ONEY WANTED. Fifteen Hundred Dollars, are BROOKLYN SALT WATER WARM AND COLD BATHS, foot of Rrmsen between Fulton and South Ferries, uow open for the season, where Ladies and Gentlemen can have Salt Water H'aim Baths, at all boon fiom io the morning until 10 in the eveuing. Ladies will have the exclusive ue of the Swimming Bath on Tuesdavs and Fridays, until 6 P.

M. Gentlemen will be ad M-N nieuced the shove business at the corner of Nassau and Pearl streets, where he will furnish all those Who may favor him with anted on bond and mortgage of good Brooklyn proper- Address S. at the office of the Stir. may'J tr Railroad bank Rochester city Rochester, of Rochester Rome, of Rome ty- I do do Columbia, Hudson broke Corning bk of 1 do pay to bk. of America, par Central bak of Genesse.

I Commercial bank City ban'i Albany Jaj City Buffalo Central bk, Cherry do Central bank, Utica do Chenango bk, Norwich. do Chautaque county do Com. bank of do County bank do d'i Manufacturing Checks, JcfTers co. bank. Cayuga county bank do Chemung canal bank do Cataraugiis co.

bank.20a25 Com. bank their patronage, with frekh hread every morning and atternoou, not Inferior in siste or quality to any sold in the city. CAKE. -Cake of all kinds made ofthe best materials constantly on hand orders for fruit, plumb, pound. Sponge, anil other cakes, supplied at the shortcut notice.

Itusk, bunt and respectable and genteel, ilistance from the South ferry anoui 10, and from the Fulton ferry about 20 minutes walk. Terms reasonable to a good tenant, and iu case of sale, a large pro-oortioo of the purchase money may remain upon bond and PARASOLS. An elegant assortment now on hand, consisting of the lstett spring stilet of alinnst nny color, and at an Drice. HUBBARD, mitted at all other times. The Swimming bath is placed in Iront of the dock, wheie the water ouisiile the Bath it 30 feet deep.

The proprietc pledget himself that no altentico will he spared to maiuiaiii the the leputation these baths bave acquired. JuneTdtf EDWARD GRAY. Syracuse bank do Salt Co. checks Sacket'e Harbor Saratoga county Syracuse Salt Go's check may 1 1 tf 103 Fulton itieet. i T-MXL'R Choice brands of Ohio and Tenessee Flour alway on hand, and for sale very low at the Central Cheap Store corner of Concord and I'earl sti eet, by may20dtf EDW'D A.

WOOLLEY. on state bank St Lawrence bk, Ogdens Silver Lake b'k. of Gens. Silver Creek 1 tea hn.ruit fresh every allernooo at 5 o'clock. ROLLS.

Hot rolls every morning at 6 o'cloc k. CRACKERS. Soda, Boston, milk, butter and graham cracker', always on hand. jl" fRCIT, Candy and Confectionary. The subscriber will keep a constant supply of forrien and domestic fruit also Slua.t's Confeclionaiy.

ROBKRT PR A BURY. N. B. filores or families, in any part of the city, supplied wilh fresh hread from the wagon, every morning and afternoon. Families wishing to puiihase tickets will he furnished, with thirteen foi twelve i-liillings.

maySli If mortgage. Apply at No 49 Wall st. New York. m3l Im "cOAlT! COAL AT THE BROOKLYN COAL YARD, In Jay etnet between York and Prospect ttreet. "'HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lie in general, that has on hand.

Peach Orchard, Ravin Vein, and Lehigh Coals of the best quality, which he sells at reasonable prices. Joe7 lyd JOSHUA ROGERS. FOTS FOR SALE (several building lots in Court street A near Union street. Also several lott in Clinton st. neai Dutchess county par riOAP and CNDLES Grocers and families can be snppli J5 ed with Soap and Candles hy the box, si factory prices, at Seneca county bank.

Schenectady bank do llepoaite bank Danville bank I ABF.vfX'riFL'L Afl.Yt for Sale or Exchange, for properly in ihe southerly part of Brooklyn. subscriber be ing about to leave Ihe country, offers for tale that valuable farm on which he now resides, late the properly of Abraham Suydam, deceased, situate in the county of Somerset, A'ew Jersey, 00 the direct road from Piinreton to iSomerville, about I mile and a half from Harlinger. 4 from Millstone, buih flourishing Villages, where are cnurrhes and a ready market for all I .1 n. nna Pirllun r.n.l nlMM he Central heap Store, corner of Concord and rearl strertt, uiayYOdtf EDW'D A. WOOLLEY.

Delaware bank Delhi. do do Steuben county bank Salina book State ofN. Y. Statcn Island Exchange b'k of Geacsse. Ihe new Episcopal Church, now building.

This piece of ground I Oa 1 1 Exchange, I 'ouch Iraud 1 .1 I in Old anno r. faumi unit wnillrf a v.ra liit.til arwif CUMMfcft ARRA.NGEMENr.-Kail Koad Line neiween S'ew York, Hempstead and Babylon. The suhscriheii will run a Plage daily from Bah) Ion to the Branch Railroad at llempttead leaving Conk Tin's Hotel, Babylon, every morning within a short distance of llieiarm, nom wnicn ineie is oireci --i JC. ROWAN wholesale and retail dealers in Grain, Flour, Feed, Indian, Oil Meal and Rye Meal, io. 37 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

All orders punrlually attended to. JRSSA' C. THtMfAS I). HUDSON, may 17 lyd JAMES COLEM Jr. water rninmiinic.ition to A'- Yoik.

there are also several Tanners' bank. par Tompkins county Tonawanda, of public 1 lor a Douse anu gaiuru. pull Exchange lk, Roch 1 Erie Canal T. B. Co.

Erie county Al.EWNDF.K OGSBCRY. laud conveyances to A'ew Fork and Philadelphia, which per. Smith street near Fulton. june7 Iwd Troy i Troy form llieir tiips in about 3 hours to either place, the rate being trifling. The farm contains about 85 acres of the best quality (Sunday" excepted) at 4 o'clock, and arriving 111 Hempstead iu lime for the morning train of cars for New York.

Reluming, the Stage will leave the Hotel of R. Anderson, Hempstead, every hfternooo on llie arrival ol Ihe afternoon tram of cars from Brooklyn. WM. CL'KTIS ft Co. TUST PUBLISlir.0 and lor sale by THOMAS CARTER, do pay at Mech.

N. I i'o at Waterford i Eatex co. Keesville Farm's bank of Troy. do 10 II upwar Farm's bank, Amsler. Farm, M.

bk, Roch. sc Dro. bk, i i I do par FRAZIER WHITMORa TLY PLATE Sf SHEET OJV WORKERS, NO. 59 FULTON STERET. (thb old stand.) my5 if Troy city bank do Ulster county par ti.

B. ny this line will nave lime 10 kito -c, Hempstead, il they desire it. United bank Cullalo 2.n27 Union. Buffalo S0a8 Orders will he thankfully receiveo ann puDcimny 101 Fulton street, Bioollyn. Old Humphrey's Observations do do Addresses.

Helen ofthe Glen, by Robert Pollock. Settlers at Home. Who shall he greatest Family Secrets looking Glass for the Mind. Jubilee Memorial, of Rev. Wm.

Jay. Helen Fleetwood, hy Cbarlottle Elisabeth. II aw june) tf to. niayi-a 11 Utica. of Utica i FRAZ ER fr Will TMORE, Tin Plate and Sheet Iron W.

rkere. 59 Fulton street continue to manufacture Farm, bank, Farm, bank of Farm, bank of Ovi I Farm. Mech. Batavia. 1 I do pay Mcch.

N. par and make to order every article in their line business, in a do branch at anandagua I do of soil, suitably divided iutoplouiji and meadow, with a well ol excellent water at ihe door and a never failing stream running through it with a Saw Mill tlierenn. Said farm is pleai-antly located iu a good neighborhood, anil surpassed by very few in the State. The improvements consists of a laige two story frame dwelling, finished in the best manner, nearly new, with a barn, hovel and rarriage house, with other necessary outbuilding', and a full hearing apple orclnrd. with a great variety: of choice fruit tree! and shiuhhery, all in a thrifty stale.

IjisI year the whole premises having undergone a thorough repair, the dwelling re-painted, out buildings and fences whitewashed, it can be confidently recommended to any person wishing both a comfoitahle home and a valuable farm. The title will he clear and indisputable, and teimsof payment made easy to the purchaser. For fuithrr particulars enquire of Jhe iilwrihrr on the premises, or ol F. II laidlow. Broad New Yok.

or of William Ellsworth, land agent. Ab I Frout ttreet, Brooklyn. junel Zawdilawc tf JEFFEilSO.V GAUS TT. In Co. chkap.

atl't. Do on Trsdsm. Vernon of Vern'-n workmanlike manner, and on the most reasonable terms. They respectfully licit a continuance ofthe patronage of their frien-'s and the public generally. Jobbing promptly attended lo.

my 5 if 4 CARD TO THE MDIES-M K8. Mc LEi IV, Fashionable Dress Maker, (at Mr. Vsnderboert re II srsaw of lie new Farm'a M. bank of I Farmers' bank Seneca co 25 do state stock poet notes. Farm, bk, Penn I (This bank is paying its bills and cKxing.) Wash nc and Warren broke do Co.

Union BOYS' Cotton Hose snd Half Hose, Misses white, mixed and black Hose, for tale al low prices, a new sssoitment, denie, near the Ferry, No. C9 Fufloe street. Mrs. McLean flatters herself that all work intrusted to nercare, shall be done in the most appioved manner. Mrs.

Mclean hopes, by her slteution to buMOs, to merit tbe public patronage of tbe JA.MCS III HOARD'S. at Waterford Wsierf rj. AVatcrville of I W'kiervliet bank Fulton it. my I If Indies in geoeral. Char get reasonable.

Two young Indies wauled as apprentices Done need apply 1 1 Wayne county bank W'estchestcr co. bank. Farm Mech. Pough. Fort Plain bank Hudson River bank.

Gennesee Valley bank. Genesee county baok. Genesee bank. Batavia. without rerommeadalKHi.

snayiJ zawu West rn, N. Y.Uoch. 25a20 TVTETT FCARFS. SH.4H LS, 4tc CIasis Ccmsav Whitehall of 1 1 114 Broudwav. Aew Yiwk, have receat.y received aa i Mtestown of mitioei.t of hlrk and colored oett scarfs, black welt stiawlt.

black aud eol.cdinlt gloves, superior quality 5 geni k-snrw'i Pr OIL OF I.EJON. One esse 50td Pure Oil of Lemon suiUble for Baker' iee. Ju-t received, for vale very low by WM. BAILA7V, Apotheraiies Hall, may 1 3 tf corner Sands aud Fulton st. CIO-PARTNERSHIP AHWAKD 8.

ci.MITII having MKiated hiuill with WIN. I II COR.NKLUllie (irocrry und liquor huines will in future be conducted under Hie mine and hrwi of fc.WI I II (OK LI.L I wey trust thai hv atUolion lo bosiucis, lo aienl a shaie ol public iUiSKige. S. SMITH. April 2fi-lf W.U.CORNELL.

do Central bank, Attica, Geneva, at Geneva Green Catakill ke Highland bank Wi Iloughby Brooklyn Wilhamsburgh Yates county bank hlack and colored ulk gloves iica figured srails. wi7 11 VNEW DRY GOODS STORE 1 AUGUSTUS NTR EET hsving dmposed of Ins interest in the store No. 13li Fulton street, to iMcserw. Plant Av will on Monday next, (April 26th) open his New Store, No. 138 Fulton street, nexl to Messrs.

Ilant where he intends, al all limes, to have Goods so chrsp ss to warrant liberal patr.inagc. Apl 22 elf iJlilXTEl) LAWNS ar.d Pr.ntrd Muslins, while and cJnrcJ crnun siso mourning new an-i 1 IIH- ACM -i I Icwes. 3 do Fiench joeonett, low priced, 3 do hile ttrip'd MAINE NEW-HAMPSHIRE VERMONT MASSACHUSETTS RHODE-ISLAND. CONNECTICUT Biusliits. 3 do figured, tti" rtf sped and plain Rilnnnn, jwrt rervived by 4s COM PA Tf, suav'l if 'SU RriMdwsy.

A'ew Vtk. AGIT.RP.EOTVPING- The public aie iiilnrwvd that llir mbsctiW si-st An moms at tlie Than id' El pailtrns cheap as ran be hniizht in eioVr eiiv. 1 COM ME IL FACT. adoolinr the above mollo. as aiiolieahle lo Ci-stisV fsit- (1 S.RDEN fKr.OS.

Fresh IsarJrn mmi flower eecU myisc'l JAS. IJL l.l.ui, iui ru.ion rirxu Asneiiua and iwipNtrd, k.r..le -I 14 NEW-JERSEY hange. Vft (stciwel nnnr.i wnrre prrparrw 10 rsw ft CORNF.LU I tl Fulton street. rilITH Nansnoka. Imiuuon Canibrw, striie'l and pUnd oV Svnes.

tmm April rote pnrtraits hy tne ahnvf prwvS ssnss. PENNSYLVANIA 3J. 34 5 IHLBARD. nee Konms oim l'sw 9AM twitil M. prices.

pnwFl mnll If al ll.TS.-W A MORC.VM ft No. Ill tnyS ctf yt 01 an ainos ncany. jf Fallow ilessrl, wowtd ealt Ihr allewtwwi of bouse keepers. LivtrR fl r1 The new and tMsrb a enl Portable Oven. Ihe onder-icued manofarlurers of tbe srli-rle, leel arwired thai they claim wot ls swisr for IL Every good louwiH, a ho is suppse-d with one of the Ovca will indeed br resdy to s.y tse jart it sbowld A great saving, both of bstigur and fuel, is effected by woO4-inglneo-s-ofvasOeeo.

It bewHwiir-lly the swasiructed, asoU eefWOMral sad todwct Uvea ever offered (nr public patronage, la Bf ao-d is iLe sarin cits of Ovras- la additiaa to the eboee, th sunscrirn offer tor sale Tir Oein, st pr'e v.y 2 frrxa dsdlats. a gracta) ad well erkcled sssoitBw-M ri I ws kecrm; tic hv, propee-lesMy Isv. FRAZIER ft WI II thesr awswtlswrsrt of Mttsetsor I rvtkrb (iuslta, wkKk wave just VI F. AC IO.R h- f'e lrtimnry nt hit qoali (h Iki, a place Ml one o4 the Cow. mow SrwooH nm hcew iniiiwd a aie otVted lot sate low.

asayl tf Ixing l.lawl. nr miiituIis apply tneiwiireoi lite u. 1. SUi.swat Ilt4I is. MARYLAND 34S DISTRICT OF COL'IMEIA 4a5 VIRGINIA 3ai TENNESSEE 0li CANADA From iaIO LOWER CANADA.

osmi sUd Back redeemed at fiO Wall wlreet, at It per cent, other Canada moot from to 10. 7 sT Towanda. Bank nf u. now naVcrutd Philedelpfiia. rnmr'icntly 11 5 per ruit diw uiiat Redcfmtd at Am -rcri, a bltwi ceot DOMLSIIC liaIIERY--Of ewv denrtptim, and te dei f-hiiU.

Dtswecs, H-M llo--, sic. ftc-ioa- rssi Ht.HMied.sll iwsfclie are swvhed to evawnv she same at Use Hoee of Ik tuwri rhev, wkslre they will be iWsed swdev mt a Hs ssad r.p Her. 1 1 1 Follow aeeet. If rrerwete bawd street. fKI.L.t IIIC5E rLA1- "'n srtened -iHSrl fMIIH tORMXU Hi ftfW-J.

Mly kaad, at 1XSLI II A CS TO LET I mm rirs 01 1'' rrm la.nip Siser.i of land. Mlcatrd lu th 9lh Hate! If til I niton sunt. P.cv4lya t.n nm Avenue r. la call sadcSHSinc "or ft" af wrn aw. KM a.ll.Mt"S 1 .11 f.MI.-lMlT-s'iS"',Vf ed f.h Mok UcraMf, mi llie rftv r4 the Hr.

tt AI-" Kates and hc'sw, lo hr. eod ss rrscf gm.ii. d'rd 1 Sin1- Apr I if! -fit near.

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